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Stage 7 Vocab

fabula mirabilis misit discessit poculum hausit ex urbe nox. story marvelous, strange sent departed, left wine-cup drained from the city night. Stage 7 Vocab. luna plena lucebat silva centurionem conspexit dixit deposuit. moon full was shining woods, forest

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Stage 7 Vocab

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  1. fabula mirabilis misit discessit poculum hausit ex urbe nox story marvelous, strange sent departed, left wine-cup drained from the city night Stage 7 Vocab

  2. luna plena lucebat silva centurionem conspexit dixit deposuit moon full was shining woods, forest centurion caught sight of said took off Stage 7 Vocab

  3. evanuit lupus apparuit ululavit caute inspexit lapidea rem intellexit ille versipellis vanished wolf appeared howled cautiously looked at, examined made of stone understood the truth that werewolf Stage 7 Vocab

  4. hospites plauserunt tacebant aliam Hercle! mortuus primus gladiatorem prope amphitheatrum secundus Guests Applauded Were silent Another By Hercules! Dead First Gladiator Near the amphitheater second Stage 7 Vocab

  5. terruit gladium vibrabat in arena insanus homo eum traxit notissimus vivit umbra Frightened Sword Was brandishing, was waving In the arena Insane, crazy Man Him Dragged Very well-known Is alive ghost Stage 7 Vocab

  6. explicavit vale timide procedebant nullae stellae in caelo desertae feles ruerunt de vita desperabant solliciti Explained Good-bye Nervously Were advancing, were proceeding No stars In the sky Deserted Cat Rushed Were despairing of their lives Worried, anxious Stage 7 Vocab

  7. animal ferox postridie venit venationem aper in Monte Vesuvio latet viderunt numquam Animal Fierce, ferocious The next day Came Hunt Boar On Mount Vesuvius Lies hidden Have seen never Stage 7 Vocab

  8. ceperunt venator fortissimus fortasse vivus num Quintus…timet? venabulum longum cepit processerunt (Have) captured, caught Hunter Very brave Perhaps Live, living Surely Quintus is not afraid? Hunting spear Long Took Proceeded, advanced Stage 7 Vocab

  9. impetum emisit percussit terram decidit fortiter processit suum transfixit heri pessimam Attack, charge Threw, hurled Hit, struck Ground Fell down Bravely Stepped forward His Pierced, stabbed Yesterday Very bad Stage 7 Vocab

  10. coxit pulcherrima fecit stili in loco proprio vidit crines optime componis stolam diligenter curas Cooked Very beautiful Has done Pens In the right place Saw Hair Very well Arrange (long) dress Carefully Take care of Stage 7 Vocab

  11. poeta recitabat. A poet was reciting. Pompeiani vinum bibebant. The Pompeians were drinking wine. Clemens clamorem audivit. Clemens heard the uproar. iuvenes ad tabernam festinaverunt. The young men hurried to an inn. Stage 7 GrammarIn Stage Six you were introduced to the present past and imperfect past

  12. Look at the following example: • mercator Caecilium visitabat. mercator villam intravit. • A merchant was visiting Caecilius. The merchant entered the house.

  13. In Stage 7 you will learn a shorter way of translating the same sentences.

  14. Look at the same sentence • mercator Caecilium visitabat. villam intravit. • A merchant was visiting Caecilius. He entered the house.

  15. Example #1 • amici cum Caecilium cenabant. amici coquum laudaverunt. • Friends were dining with Caecilius. The friends praised the cook. • amici cum Caecilium cenabant. coquum laudaverunt. • Friends were dining with Caecilius. They praised the cook.

  16. Example #2 ancilla in atrio laborabat. ancilla dominum salutavit. The slave-girl was working in the atrium. The slave girl greeted the master. ancilla in atrio laborabat. dominum salutavit. The slave-girl was working in the atruim. She greeted the master.

  17. Stage 7 Grammar Note that Latin does not have to include a separate word for he, she, or they. Intravit can mean he entered or she entered. It depends on the context and the preceding sentence.

  18. Practice #1 • Grumio in culinam laborabat. Grumio cenam parabat.

  19. Answer #1 • Grumio in culina laborabat. cenam parabat. • Grumio was working in the kitchen. He was preparing dinner.

  20. Practice #2 • actores in theatro clamabant. actores fabulam agebant.

  21. Answer #2 • actores in theatro clamabant. fabulam agebant. • The actors were shouting in the theatre. They were acting in a play.

  22. Practice #3 • Metella non erat in villa. Metella in horto ambulabat.

  23. Answer #3 • Metella non erat in villa. in horto ambulabat. • Metella was not in the house. She was walking in the gardern.

  24. PRACTICE #4-5 • liberti in taberna bibebant. Grumionem salutaverunt. • iuvenis poculum hausit. vinum laudavit.

  25. Answer #4-5 The freedmen were drinking in the inn. They greeted Grumio. The young man drained the wine cup. He praised the wine

  26. Grammar Part Two Stage 7 • In stage 6, you met examples of the perfect tense. They looked like this: senex ad tabernam ambulavit. The old man walked to the inn. amici in urbe dormiverunt. The friends slept in the city.

  27. Present apparet dicit discedit Perfect SingularPlural apparuitapparuerunt s/he appeared they appeared dixitdixerunt s/he said they said discessitdiscesserunt s/he left they left In this stage you have been introduced to other forms of the PERFECT TENSE

  28. In this stage you have been introduced to other forms of the PERFECT TENSE Present facit capit venit Perfect SingularPlural fecitfecerunt s/he made they made cepit ceperunt s/he took they took venit venerunt s/he came they came

  29. I send I sent I run I ran I give I gave I come I came I read I read Compare this with the way some words behave in English

  30. Cambridge Website • http://www.cambridgescp.com/page.php?p=clc^oa_book1^intro

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