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ePOOLICE. e ARLING P URSUIT AGAINST O RGANIZED CRIME USING ENVIR O NMENTAL SCANNING THE L AW AND I NTELLIGEN CE SYSTEMS. www.epoolice.eu. e arly P ursuit against O rganized crime using envir O nmental scanning, the L aw and Intelligen CE systems.

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  2. www.epoolice.eu early Pursuit against Organized crime using envirOnmental scanning, the Law and IntelligenCEsystems SECURITY RESEARCH CALL 5 (FP7-SEC-2012-1) Activity: 10.6 Security and society Area: 10.6.3 Foresight, scenarios and security as an evolving concept Topic SEC-2012.6.3-1 Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organized crime threats (Capability Project)
  3. ePOOLICEObjectives To conduct research into technologically, actor-driven systems and tools which support environmental scanning to enable the rapid identification and qualification of new Organized Crime threats. To scan the environment to feed new and emerging threats into the serious and organized crime threat assessment processes. To identify a combination of technological resources and human actors that serves to improve the process of detecting and selecting new OC threats that warrant EU level analysisand EU-wideresponses.
  4. Indicators Different types of Indicators significant enough to detect cells that can end in new Organized Crime threat. The focus is in the early warning. There should be a study about these indicators and their prioritisation. 140 120 110 80 60 40 20 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  5. Improving … … the process of detecting and selecting new Organized Crime threats at EU level, … the effectiveness of the end-users (LEAs, criminologicalinstitutes and privatebusinesses), … the strategic decision makers to counterbalance detected upcoming threats before they materialize, … the understanding of the technologies and trends, leading to the strategic planning into security issues of all stakeholders. Towarrant EU levelanalysisand EU-wide responses.
  6. Consortium Coordinator Scientific-technicalManager More partners
  7. Work PackageStructure
  8. Management Structure
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