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Internet Inquiry: Exploring 2 online tools to support inquiry and multimodal immersion

Internet Inquiry: Exploring 2 online tools to support inquiry and multimodal immersion. Bridget Dalton Vanderbilt University bridget.dalton@vanderbilt.edu. The need. The Internet and new ICTS are moving at warp speed Multimodal text pervades communication spaces outside of school

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Internet Inquiry: Exploring 2 online tools to support inquiry and multimodal immersion

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  1. Internet Inquiry: Exploring 2 online tools to support inquiry and multimodal immersion Bridget Dalton Vanderbilt University bridget.dalton@vanderbilt.edu

  2. The need • The Internet and new ICTS are moving at warp speed • Multimodal text pervades communication spaces outside of school • Information, inquiry, social networking key to future • Big gap between in and out of school literacies • Some teachers are designing for Internet learning; others rely on students to teach themselves • We know many teachers would like support • Scaffolded tools for teachers represent one option for proving support to teachers AND to students

  3. Conceptual framework • New Literacies . Literacy, culture, deixis and transformation (Lankshear & Knobel, 2003; Leu et al., 2004) • MultiliteraciesTeachers and learners asa consumers and designers of information; nonlinguistic aspect of text (Cope &Kalantzis, 2000; Kress, 2003; New London Group, 1996) • Reading comprehension, strategic learning in print/digital, written/multimodal (Dalton & Proctor, 2008; Coiro, 2003; Palincsar & Brown, 1982) • Teachers’ Technology Integration –Teacher knowledge of content, pedagogy, technology, and the various intersections (TPCK) Koehler & Mishra, 2008; teacher’s voices on Internet integration and technology(Karchmer, 2001; Stolle, 2008)  • Universal Design for Learning –Providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression for learners (Dalton & Proctor, 2007; Rose & Meyer, 2002)

  4. 2 online (free) inquiry tools

  5. Tool 2: Image Detective http://www.edc.org/CCT/PMA/image_detective/index.html

  6. Pose a question

  7. Gather clues

  8. Get background info

  9. Draw conclusion

  10. Compare conclusion

  11. Strategy Tutor: open source web tool to support Internet reading & inquiry (CAST) Note –open this app in FireFox – not IE http://cst.cast.org/cst/auth-login

  12. Note to new literacies institute group • This is a free tool • http://cst.cast.org/cst/auth-login • Set up your teacher account • Then, you may set up class and student accounts • You can use lessons or create your own. Your students can also create their own projects, developing their questions, searching, writing in their own worklog, and learning. • Wonderful contact person at CAST: Kristin Robinson email krobinson@cast.org

  13. …and for teachers

  14. Research questions • How do teachers design Internet-based learning experiences with an online authoring tool and companion student learning site? • What kinds of online learning experiences do they construct? • How do they use media for representation? Expression? • How do they scaffold student learning? • What role does an authoring tool play in supporting technology ,literacy, and content integration?

  15. 3 design themes and goal orientations • developing savvy online viewers and readers • multimodal immersion to enhance curriculum • providing access to primary documents

  16. 3 major design approaches

  17. Multimodal Immersion to Enhance CurriculumExtending the classroom walls to develop content knowledge and strategic learning Learner-oriented websites with embedded links and pedagogical support (hypertext vocabulary and quiz) CONTENT-DRIVEN Use of varied media including animation, text, artwork, and simulation DOMESTIC ABUSE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Content Area: Interdisciplinary Grade: 9-10 Goal: “Gain knowledge of the Industrial Revolution” Student Products: ST responses, worksheet & “poetry imagery map” to turn in to class

  18. Multimodal Immersion to Enhance CurriculumExtending the classroom walls to develop knowledge LITERATURE-DRIVEN Content: Reading/Language Arts Grade: 7-9 Student Product: Strategy Tutor responses

  19. Multimodal Immersion to Enhance CurriculumLiterature-Driven Example As some of you may know, Poe had an interesting life! His parents died when he was very young, and he was adopted by the wealthy Allen family. Be sure to look at the following years of Poe's life: 1809, 1811, 1825, 1827, 1831, 1834, 1836, 1847, and 1849.

  20. Multimodal Immersion to Enhance CurriculumLiterature-Driven Example Directions: Watch the visual and listen to the song. After you watch and listen: 1.) PREDICT what you think will happen in the story 2.) VISUALIZE where you think this story takes place

  21. Multimodal Immersion to Enhance CurriculumLiterature-Driven Example Directions: *CLARIFY words that are difficult. *PREDICT how the narrator will get revenge against Fortunato. *JOURNAL about why the narrator is so upset with Fortunato. Is he justified in his anger? Teacher’s blog with excerpt from story

  22. Providing Access to Primary DocumentsTraditional practices in new spaces Primary historical documents Lesson asks for students to “write a letter to the editor of the newspaper supporting points made by The Federalist Paper” in ST THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, 10, 51 & 59 Content Area: Social Studies Grade: 10-12 Goal: “Learn about the events, climate and influences of the period…techniques authors used to convince citizens” Student Product: ST response & letter to the editor

  23. Developing Savvy Online Readers and ViewersExpanding literacy to focus on web evaluation and media literacy In addition to these websites, students also find Domestic Abuse websites on their own to evaluate Websites serve as place to learn about evaluating websites and apply new knowledge Mixture of photo essay, graphics, and text DOMESTIC ABUSE Content Area: Reading/Language Arts Grade: 7-9 Goal: “learn about the different types of domestic abuse…evaluate the effectiveness of domestic abuse websites” Student Product: ST response

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