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Europe Looks Outward 800 - 1300

We see more and farther than they...because we are elevated and supported by their great stature. - John of Salisbury d. 1180. Europe Looks Outward 800 - 1300. The Saga of Eric the Red. “Greenland”? Ca. 985 Leif Ericson “Vinland”. Medieval Climate Optimum. - ca. 850 - 1300

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Europe Looks Outward 800 - 1300

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  1. We see more and farther than they...because we are elevated and supported by their great stature. - John of Salisbury d. 1180 Europe Looks Outward800 - 1300

  2. The Saga of Eric the Red • “Greenland”? • Ca. 985 • Leif Ericson “Vinland”

  3. Medieval Climate Optimum • - ca. 850 - 1300 • Carolingian Renaissance • Serfdom declines in Western Europe- “yeomen”

  4. I. Emergence of the Nation-State

  5. A. France • Fall of Charlemagne’s • Capetian Dynasty987 – 1328 - Hugh Capet Vikings!

  6. B. England • Norman Conquest 1066- Anglo-Saxons- William the Conqueror • Medieval cash cow- shire reeves Magna Carta 1215

  7. II. Medieval life • Rage for order…. • Pressure to build stronger states vs. Nobility Church • The Crusades: Clash of Civilizations

  8. Genghis Khan1162-1227 • Marco Polo’s travels1271-1291

  9. A. City life • Urban Italy - part of Byzantine Empire • Urban social orders - merchants, craftsmen - “class,” not hereditary obligations 3. Alternative to feudal orders- tweaking of theology

  10. B. Aristotelianism (New Logic) • Resurgent dialectic Gerbert of Aurillac Pope Sylvester IIempiricism and faith - transubstantiation substance v. attribute

  11. 2. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 • - Summa 1265 • - dialectical / rational proof of God • - “universal” • Reason supports universal truth

  12. C. Scholasticism • Towns replacing monasteries- universitas 2. Peter Abelard- education, logic key to understanding - academic star Peter & Heloise

  13. II. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

  14. A. The Plantagenets • Henry of Anjou (II)r. 1154-1189Angevin Empire 2. Legal reform- Norman Conquest - feudalism weakened - “circuit” courts

  15. 3. Eleanor of Aquitaine1124-1202- dowry and power- Crusader- married 2 kings- mother of 2 kings • Troubadours • “courtly love” • Cult of Chivalry

  16. B. Rambunctious nobility • Running out of fiefs- primogeniture 2. Peace of God / Truce of God - Chivalry

  17. “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Thomas Becketd. 1170

  18. C. Church v. state • Otto the Great r. 936-973Holy Roman Empire 2. Problem of inheritance- investiture

  19. 3. Cluny & the Cluniacs910 - Gregory VII 1073-1085“Gregorian Revolution” 4. Investiture Controversy 1075

  20. III. The Crusades1095-1274

  21. A. Christian Jihad • Urban II- Speech at Clermont 1095 Deus volt!“God wills it” Cluny

  22. 2. First Crusade 1095-99- Peter the Hermit “People’s Crusade” • - Crusader Kingdoms

  23. B. Third Crusade 1189-1192 • Saladin 1138-1193- unified Muslims • King’s CrusadeRichard Coeur de LionFrederick BarbarossaPhilip Augustus

  24. C. Consequences • Church & state • Moral authority- 1212 “Children’s Crusade” • Byzantine fall- 1204 sack of Constantinople

  25. Things to come - reacquainted Western Europeans with Eastern goods, classical learning - “stalemate” allows for trade, pilgrimages - Euro rivalries

  26. The Angevin Empire V. Medieval Achievementand Failure

  27. C. Medieval politics in flux • Loss of Normandy- vassal v. nation-state • Magna Carta1215- John I “Lackland”- Habeas corpus

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