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International round table “The Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. What is Next?”

Jean Monnet activities within the Erasmus+ Programme by Joanna Pesch-Konopka and Myriam Rancon Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). International round table “The Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. What is Next?” Kiev, 2 December 2013. Outline of presentation.

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International round table “The Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. What is Next?”

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  1. Jean Monnet activitieswithin the Erasmus+ Programmeby Joanna Pesch-Konopka and Myriam RanconEducation, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) International round table “The Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. What is Next?” Kiev, 2 December 2013

  2. Outline of presentation • Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency – role and programmes under its mandate • The Erasmus+ Programme • The Jean Monnet Activities • How to apply? • Jean Monnet projects in Ukraine – statistics

  3. Policy Programme implementation European Commission Directorates B & C Policy and Programmes • Political and budgetarypriority-setting;annual work programmes • Programme evaluationand information • Impact analysis • Management of certainprogramme strands • Management of decentralised actions via National Agencies • Drawing up guidelinesfor funding opportunities • Evaluating applications,selecting projects andsigning grant agreements • Financial management • Contacts with beneficiaries • Monitoring projects and on-site visits • Clustering & dissemination • Centre for programme management • ~400 staff • Based in Brussels • Managed by EC officials

  4. EACEA mandate Education and Training *2013 budget figures Eurydice € 137,7 million Erasmus Mundus € 318,1 million Intra-ACP academic mobility scheme € 26,7 million Lifelong Learning Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Transversal, Jean Monnet

  5. EACEA mandateEducation and Training Tempus € 2,4 million € 152,4 million Bilateral CooperationAgreements in the fieldof Higher Education (USA-CA-ICI)

  6. EACEA mandate Youth in Action € 62,9 million € 37,9 million Europe for Citizens Media € 120,7 million € 25,6 million Culture 

  7. EACEA mandate 2014-2020 Creative Europe EU Aid Volunteers Europe for Citizens Erasmus+

  8. Erasmus+ (2014-2020) The new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport: • A single integrated programme • Substantial simplifications • A substantial budget increase

  9. Erasmus+: challenges to be addressed • Growing requirement for high skill jobs • Unemployment among young people • Europa 2020 targets: • Raising higher education attainmentfrom 32% to 40% • Reducing the number of early school leavers from 14% to less than 10%

  10. Interna-tional HigherEducationprogrammes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink,bilateral programmes Lifelong Learning Programme: Grundtvig Erasmus Leonardo Comenius Youth in Action Erasmus+: architecture Current Programmes One integrated Programme Erasmus+ 1. Learningmobility ofindividuals 2. Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices 3. Supportfor policyreform • SpecificActions: • Jean Monnet • Sport

  11. Jean Monnet Activities • A funding programme of the European Union devoted to teaching, research and reflection on European Union studies • Launched in 1989 and named after Jean Monnet (1888-1979), one of the ‘architects’ of the European Union • To encourage the introduction of European integration studies in universities through start-up subsidies

  12. A worldwide network (1989 – 2012) 76 countries throughout the world more than 800 universities offer Jean Monnet courses as part of their curricula 4,000 projects in the field of European integration studies more than 1,700 professors 265,000 students every year

  13. Objectives • promoting excellence in teaching and research in EU studies • equipping students and young professionals with knowledge of EU subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives and enhance their civic skills • fostering the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers • promoting innovation in teaching and research(e.g. cross-sectoral and/or multi-disciplinary studies, open education, networking with other institutions) • improving the quality of professional training on EU subjects(with modules that deal with EU subjects more in-depth or extend to new subjects)

  14. NEW focus in Erasmus+: • diversification and mainstreaming of EU-related subjects throughout the curricula • a more balanced geographical scope • participation of a new generation of young academics

  15. Subject area European Union studies comprise the study of Europe in its entirety with particular emphasis on the European integration process in both its internal and external aspects. The discipline also covers the role of the EU in a globalised world and in promoting an active European citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures. Comparative studies will only be considered where they relate to the different integration processes throughout the world.

  16. Subject area - EU and Comparative Regionalism Studies - EU Communication and Information Studies - EU Economic Studies - EU Historical Studies - EU Intercultural Dialogue Studies - EU Interdisciplinary Studies - EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies - EU Legal Studies - EU Political and Administrative Studies

  17. Subject area • Sociology • Philosophy • Religion • Geography • Literature • Art • Sciences • Environmental Studies • Global Studies • etc. Other subject areas may also be associated with this field of study when they include an element of teaching, research or reflection on the EU and contribute, in general, to the Europeanisation of the curricula:

  18. Types of actions • Three different types of action: • Teaching and research in the field of EU studies • 2. Policy debate and exchanges with the academic world • 3. Support to institutions or associations

  19. Teaching and research in the field of EU studies Modules Chairs Centres of Excellence Aims to support: 40h teaching programme (max grant: 30,000 €) 90h teaching posts (max grant: 50,000 €) focal points of competence & knowledge (max grant: 100,000 €) Main activities: • teaching in European integration studies embodied in an official curriculum • conduct, monitor and supervise research on EU subjects • organise and coordinate human and documentary resources related to European Union studies Expected output/impact: • more than a thousand of Modules and Chairs and 100 Centres of Excellence by the year 2020 • reach out to more than 2.000.000 students and professional

  20. Policy debate and exchanges with the academic world Networks Projects Aims to support: enhance cooperation and promote results on high level research (max grant:300,000€) exploredifferent methodologies, promote discussion & reflection (max grant:60,000 €) Main activities: • foster the exchange of knowledge and expertise with a view to mutually enhancing good practices, • enhance cooperation and create a knowledge exchange platform with public actors and the Commission services on highly relevant EU subjects, • development of academic content and tools for specific target groups, • joint development of content and co-teaching Expected output/impact: Some 500 Project and more than 20 networks producing new methodologies and tools

  21. Support to institutions or associations Institutions Associations Aims to support: enhance teacher and training activities on EU subject areas (no max grant) contribute to the study of the EU integration process (max grant: 50,000€) Main activities: For Institutions: • collect, elaborate analyse and disseminate European Union facts and knowledge • organise Master level courses on European Union issues or professional advanced training For Associations: • organise and carry out statutory activities of associations dealing with European Union studies • publicize European Union facts among a wider public enhancing active citizenship Expected output/impact: Some 100 Associations and 10 Institutions will be able to contribute to the EU image

  22. How to apply? One call for proposals per year Call expected to be published in December 2013 • Electronic submission form (eForm) Deadline end of March 2014 (to be confirmed) • Start of the projects in autumn 2014

  23. Applications in 2013 by country (% of all applications submitted – total 595)

  24. Jean Monnet projects in Ukraine Success rate in 2013: 18% (20% on average for all countries)

  25. Disciplines (projects selected 2008-2013)

  26. Types of projects in Ukraine (selected 2008-2013) Total: 24 projects

  27. Geographical distribution of Jean Monnet projects in Ukraine

  28. Directory of projects http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/jeanmonnet/directory/ Do you wish to know who holds a Jean Monnet Chairor runs a Jean Monnet project in your country?

  29. More information on Jean Monnet activities: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/jean_monnet/jean_monnet_en.php Please send an e-mail to joanna-maria.pesch-konopka@ec.europa.eu or to the Jean Monnet Programme team at: EACEA-AJM@ec.europa.eu More information on Erasmus+: http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus-plus/index_en.htm

  30. Thank you for your attention

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