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Less Traveled

Taking the Road. Less Traveled . II. AWARENESS. Definition of Nontraditional Occupation?.

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Less Traveled

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  1. Taking the Road Less Traveled II

  2. AWARENESS Definition of Nontraditional Occupation? Occupations or careers may be nontraditional based on a history of gender stereotyping, segregation and discrimination in the workforce. For the purposes of this resource the term “nontraditional” is used to refer to the gender underrepresented in an occupation. Any occupation in which women or men comprise 25% or less of its total employment is considered nontraditional.

  3. AWARENESS Why Nontraditional? 43% In 2007, 43% of female-headed households with children under the age of eighteen lived in poverty compared with 8.5% for children in married-couple families.

  4. AWARENESS Why Nontraditional? • For women, the need for better wages is imperative given the high poverty data regarding women and their families. • Workforce and economic development is critical as the need for workers across the nation exceeds the supply of trained workers available. • For individuals, a nontraditional occupation could be a better career fit when considering job skills, personal interests and lifestyle.

  5. Why Nontraditional? • Average wages for the top 20 leading occupations for women and men. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Household Data Annual Averages, Table 39 Median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by detailed occupation and sex. Available at www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat39.pdf Women $33,176 Annually Men $41,496 Annually • Women’s earnings were 80% of men’s Source: Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau. Available at www.dol.gov/wb/factsheets/Qf-laborforce-07.htm

  6. http://www.acinet.org/acinet/select_occupation.asp?next=occ_rephttp://www.acinet.org/acinet/select_occupation.asp?next=occ_rep http://www.acinet.org/acinet/select_occupation.asp?next=occ_rep http://www.acinet.org/acinet/select_occupation.asp?next=occ_rep AWARENESS Why Nontraditional? • Pay gap is largely a result of women working in traditional jobs which pay less than male dominated jobs. Non-traditional careers for women and men: http://www.quintcareers.com/non-traditional_careers.html Salaries: http://www.acinet.org/acinet/select_occupation.asp?next=occ_rep

  7. AWARENESS Common Roadblocks for Both Males and Females • Social/cultural • Socialization to traditional gender roles • Lack of support from family, friends, and classmates or coworkers • Lack of self-confidence • Lack of gender role models

  8. AWARENESS Common Roadblocks for Both Males and Females • Education and Training • Limited information about nontraditional options • Gender is usually directed to traditional classes • Isolation and sexual harassment in classrooms • Lack of instructor support • Lack of support services such as transportation to class

  9. AWARENESS Common Roadblocks for Both Males and Females • On the Job • Discrimination in hiring, firing, promotion, layoffs • Lack of facilities to accommodate gender • Isolation and sexual harassment in the workplace • Lack of union support in some trade areas • Lack of support services such as transportation to class or child care

  10. AWARENESS Other Roadblocks for Males • Social/cultural • Perception that men aren’t caring • Perception that men who choose a nontraditional career aren’t masculine • May be less opportunity for advancement • Salary Many nontraditional occupations for men have low salaries.

  11. AWARENESS Other Roadblocks for Females • Social/cultural Many women have limited experience with tools and mechanical operations, so they are hesitant to enroll in a course where they feel unprepared or behind their peers. • Education and Training • Lack of prerequisite classes in math and science • Lack of support services for child care

  12. AWARENESS Solutions to Overcome Roadblocks • Social/cultural Work to educate and raise awareness as to the benefits of entering a nontraditional career. • Invite, involve, and educate parents. • Conduct elementary and middle school programs. • Provide role models and mentors.

  13. AWARENESS Solutions to Overcome Roadblocks • Education and Training Work to ensure that all students are able to make a choice of careers based upon their skills and abilities and not their gender. • Provide access to and support for academic proficiency especially in math and science. • Implement and model gender-fair institutional strategies. • Conduct professional development with teachers at all levels.

  14. AWARENESS Solutions to Overcome Roadblocks • Education and Training (cont.) • Review career guidance materials and practices for gender bias and nontraditional exposure and support. • Evaluate all school materials for gender bias and positive nontraditional images. • Conduct pre-technical training programs. • Conduct nontraditional student support groups and peer counseling.

  15. AWARENESS Solutions to Overcome Roadblocks • On the job Be a part of the solution that provides a safe and harassment free environment for all workers regardless of their gender. • Increase competence in diversity and sexual harassment prevention. • Provide nontraditional role models, mentors, and job shadowing. • Provide a continuum of support services. • Invite, involve, and educate business. • Collaborate with community-based organizations.

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