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Journal of the Day

Journal of the Day. Why is it important to know who is in your country? (8 sent). Population & Urbanization. Chapter 16. Demography. Ch. 16.1 P. 530-535 Learning Objective: Learn the three processes of population: fertility, mortality, migration. Demography.

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Journal of the Day

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  1. Journal of the Day • Why is it important to know who is in your country? (8 sent)

  2. Population & Urbanization Chapter 16

  3. Demography Ch. 16.1 P. 530-535 Learning Objective: Learn the three processes of population: fertility, mortality, migration

  4. Demography • Definition: The scientific study of population • Why do people study populations? • It affects the social structure, especially in crowded areas • Look for patterns in order to predict behavior • Plan ahead for the future based on population shifts

  5. Population • Definition: group of people living in a specific geographic place at a specific time • Factors of population: • Number of people (size) • Distribution (where & how are they located) • Composition (groups) • Ages in population (age structure)

  6. Three Population Processes • Changes in population occur due to: • Fertility (births) • Mortality (deaths) • Migration

  7. Fertility (births) • Definition: number of children born each year • Measured by crude birthrate: (approximate) number of live births per 1,000 people • Fertility rate: births per 1,000 women age 15-44 • Total fertility rate: avg. kids born in a woman’s life • Fecundity: highest number of kids a woman can have in a lifetime (~15)

  8. Fertility

  9. Birthrate

  10. Mortality (deaths) • Life Span: longest age humans can survive • Life Expectancy: average age a person of a certain population can expect to live to • Measured by crude death rate: approximate number of deaths per 1,000 members • Infant mortality rate: deaths of children under the age of 1 • Important because children are first to suffer from poor health conditions

  11. Global Life Expectancy

  12. Infant Mortality Death Rates

  13. Why are fertility & mortality rates important for sociology? • Gives general idea of the health of a population • Availability of food & health care • Distribution of disease • Easily illustrates certain social factors • Age at marriage • Economic development • Education status • Attitudes towards reproduction and contraception

  14. Migration • Def: movement of people from one area to another • Emigrate: to LEAVE a country/place • Immigrate : to COME TO a country/place • You emigrate FROM one country and immigrate TO another country • Net migration: people entering – people leaving • Net migration for Bahrain: +22, 081 (2012)

  15. Opening Discussion What’s going on in the world?

  16. Early Human Migration

  17. Global Air Traffic

  18. What are reasons people immigrate to new, and often times, strange locations? • What effect does migration have on the receiving nation? • What are the benefits and side effects of a: • Closed immigration policy • Open immigration policy

  19. Migration Assignment • Find a CURRENT (in the last month) news article discussing HUMAN migration patterns. • Print the article • Write a 15 sentence summary • Which area/country are they discussing? • Why are people leaving? • Where are they going to?

  20. Journal • If the population goes unchecked (continues to grow), what problems would societies, and the world, face? (8 sentences)

  21. World Population Ch. 16.2 P. 536-546 Learning Objective: Understand population pressure and changes on a global scale

  22. Population Growth • Current population: 7.2 billion people • Year AD 1: ~250 million people • AD 1650: 500 million (doubled) • AD 1800: 1 billion • AD 1930: 2 billion • Doubling time: time needed for a population to double; typically takes fewer years to double as the population gets bigger • http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

  23. Global Population Change

  24. Reasons for Growth • More population to increase the population • Better nutrition and access to food • Better medical care • More education • Engineered plants, animals, and buildings to withstand natural events

  25. Problems with Growth • Thomas Malthus (1798): • Population will outpace food supply • Poor have larger families and any additional income would incur more births • Overcame assumption with ability to grow more food (utilizing scientific discoveries and changing previous habits

  26. Demographic Transition Model

  27. Dem. Tran. Model 2

  28. Population Growth Rates

  29. Controlling the Population • Government decisions to halt population increase in their countries • How? • Family planning services (birth control, education) • Sterilization programs • Disincentives (being punished or not receiving rights/privileges for not following rules) • Fines

  30. China’s One Child Policy • Rural families allowed to have 2 children if first is a female or disabled • Ethnic minorities exempt • Only child parents allowed to have 2 kids • Originally started in 1970s as a 2-child policy to reduce the strain on public services • Fines vary as it is a formula based on individual income

  31. How do government decisions in your personal life affect the larger society? • Do they (gov’t) have the right to interfere with personal privacy?

  32. Population Pyramids • Purpose: shows the age and sex of a population • Helpful to show dependents (<15 & >64)

  33. What problems arise when there is a “graying” of the population (lots of older people)? • What problems are there when there are a lot of young dependents? • What services will be needed to support old and young dependents?

  34. Journal • What are pros and cons of living in a city? (8 sent.)

  35. The Urban Transition Ch. 16.3 P. 548-554 Learning Objective: Why do cities develop and what problems arise?

  36. Push & Pull • Push factors: • Why people leave a place • Pull factors: • Why people move to a new location

  37. Why Cities Develop • Consider where cities spring up • Why did New York, Boston, London, Paris, Baghdad, Cairo, Istanbul become such large and important cities?

  38. Overurbanization • Too many people come to the city • Unable to supply people with jobs or housing • Services become overwhelmed

  39. Central City Problems • Wealthy people able to move away from inner city to SUBURBS • Businesses and jobs follow the people out to suburbs • Leaves decrepit buildings • Minorities and low income people cannot escape central city • No money to support those who need it most

  40. City and Soc • Industrial Revolution saw people move from agricultural/rural areas to urban areas (cities) • Sociology created by understanding challenges that present itself when various people share a common space

  41. Urban Ecology Ch. 16.4 p. 556-560 Learning Objective: The effect of city design

  42. Urban Ecology • Relationships between people and their city environment • 4 theories of city growth • Concentric zone • Sector • Multiple nuclei • Peripheral

  43. Concentric Zone Theory • Growth starts in the central city and circular areas grow out from there • “Bull’s Eye Model” or “Burgess Model” • “Heart” of city is CBD (central business district) • Made up of major gov’t/private buildings and most important businesses • Highly influenced by those with money (able to buy land and use it for whatever their purposes are) • Example: Chicago

  44. Concentric Zones • Zone in Transition: Lots of change occurring • Invasion of the CBD into the next zone • Residents leave as more businesses move in • Zone doesn’t always become incorporated into CBD • Workingmen’s Homes: “Blue collar” jobs • Residential Zone: Middle and Upper Middle Class living (“White collar” professions) • Commuter’s Zone: Upper class living

  45. Sector Theory • Emphasizes transportation routeswhich come from CBD to different zones • Growth of urban activities expand along roads, rivers, and railways • Does NOT take into account the automobile which makes trade easier • Example: Seattle, San Francisco

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