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The Alpha Culture

The Alpha Culture. This simulation has been modified from the original version. Prepared by: Jennifer Robertson, Valencia College, 2014. Overview. Choose a leader to wear the blue wristband . Leaders and people in high positions are highly regarded in your culture.

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The Alpha Culture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheAlpha Culture Thissimulation has beenmodifiedfromthe original version. Prepared by: Jennifer Robertson, Valencia College, 2014

  2. Overview Choose a leader towearthebluewristband. Leaders and people in high positions are highlyregarded in yourculture. Youputgreatemphasisongroupmembership. Thebenefit of thegrouptakesprecedentoverthebenefit of anyone individual. Relationships are extremelyimportant. Itisimperativethatyou do notsayor do somethingthatwouldmakeanotherAlphanfeelbador lose face. Thereissomegenderbias in your culture. Menhave more flexibilitythanwomenwhenit comes tocommunicatingorgettingthings done withtheexception of the leader ifsheisfemale.

  3. Greetings AlwaysgreetotherAlphansusingtheAlphangreeting – bothpeoplegrabtheleftarmjustbelowtheelbow (forearm) toshake. Duringthearmshake, say “Howisyourfamily?”. NEVER greet a non-Alphan (a visitor) withtheleftarm. Always use therightarm and do notshakeit. Ifsomeoneshakesyourleftarm, itmeansthatthey are angrywithyou. Women can onlyinitiate a greetingwithanotherwoman, butmen can initiategreetingswithbothgenders. Itis a biginsultto break this rule.

  4. Small Talk Stand veryclosetoeachother and use a lot of bodylanguagewhentalking. Touchtheperson’selboworshoulder. IfanAlphandoesnot do this, itmeansthattheydon’tlikeyou. Alphansvalue personal contact and intimacywitheveryone. Youlove and honor seniorAlphans. Whenyouare in a group, youlovetotalkaboutyourfamily. Youalwaysallowaseniorpersonto lead theconversation. Ifyouare in a conversation and a new personentersthegroup, he orshemust stand there and waitto be invitedintothegroupbyanAlphan. You are veryfriendlytothosewhofollowyour rules.

  5. Trading Youlovetocollect and trade“clips” whichisyourform of currency. Aftermakingsmalltalk, requesttotrade “clips.” Youwanttogetas many “clips” as possible. Youtrade “clips” bysimplyaskinganotherAlphantotrade. AlphanswillalwaystradewithanotherAlphaniftheyhavewhatsomeonewants. Alphanslovetoadornthemselveswith “clips” and theylovetotalkabouthowmany “clips” theyhave. Alphansonlytrade “clips” withvisitorsif he orshegreetsthemproperly. Otherwise, theAlphanwill ignore thevisitor and walkaway. Ba Fá, Ba in theAlphanlanguagemeans “yourfather has no goats.” Thisis a hugeinsult. Alphanswillnotspeaktoanyonewhosaysthistothem.

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