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Critical Thinking Solution via LAMS to Support Research Paper Writing

Critical Thinking Solution via LAMS to Support Research Paper Writing. K. Hirankerd 1 and J. Na-Songkha 2 Division of Education Technology, Chulalongkorn University. Background:.

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Critical Thinking Solution via LAMS to Support Research Paper Writing

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  1. Critical Thinking Solution via LAMS to Support Research Paper Writing K. Hirankerd1 and J. Na-Songkha2 Division of Education Technology, Chulalongkorn University

  2. Background: • Conference or journal publishing paper is particular of condition for graduate student. The goals of research and development are provide to Graduate students for critical thinking skill and Publishing quality research paper in time.

  3. Factor for Good research paper writing • Critical Thinking • Good Knowledge • Good Idea • Good Practice

  4. Critical Thinking Technique • Six thinking Hats: • the tool for group discussion and individual thinking by Edward de Bono • the thinking hat tool provides a means for groups to think together more effectively, and a means to plan thinking processes in a detailed and cohesive way.

  5. Concept for good research paper The area of intersection of the three circles.

  6. Digest research paper

  7. LAMS for Critical Thinking Solution • The System divided into 2 paths on LAMS and OJS. LAMS use for practicing and learning to critical thinking for research writing. Learning via LAMS for researcher to know about develops critical thinking steps.

  8. Pre and Post Test: This system has a pretest and a posttest with Cornell critical thinking test level-z.The Cornell critical thinking test is a famous test set for measuring level of critical thinking in person, level-z test was designed for adult person in college or university.

  9. Cornell critical thinking test level-z

  10. Component of the system Researchers have to register to the system with basic information about field of research topic for example title, variable, keyword and describe about own research.

  11. Critical Thinking Support Sequence Critical Thinking Support sequences are icons inside LAMS for each function. :CT Survey:CT Learning:Thinking Exchange:CT Practice:

  12. Research Writing Support Research Writing Support units have both in LAMS for adjusting technique or variable or perspective and OJS for adjusting language (Grammar and wording).: • LAMS • OJS

  13. LAMS: • Online learning and practicing for Critical thinking. Each researcher has to login to the system to be peer each other.

  14. OJS: • Researcher send own draft of research paper in process of OJS for checking Grammar and wording only from expert.

  15. OJS Process: • Author • Editor • Manager

  16. Future Work: • This system is working with test set of researcher. The test set is set of Ph.D. candidate students. All of researcher is developing research paper in education technology area; expert group is education technology expert also. All of sequence will be finished about 4 weeks (from the first activity to the last activity).

  17. Thank you. Question ,Please.

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