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Interactive Reading

Interactive Reading. Chunking, Summary, & Annotation. Reading Strategies. Chunking Summarization Annotation Hint: They all work together!!!!. Chunking. The process of breaking the text up in smaller more manageable pieces. Allows for greater summarization

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Interactive Reading

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  1. Interactive Reading Chunking, Summary, & Annotation

  2. Reading Strategies • Chunking • Summarization • Annotation Hint: They all work together!!!!

  3. Chunking • The process of breaking the text up in smaller more manageable pieces. • Allows for greater summarization • Allows for logical recall points • Allows us to set independent purposes for why we read

  4. Chunking Process • Read through the selection first knowing that you will be reading it a 2nd or 3rd time • Basic Chunking Strategies • Beginning –Middle- End (Narrattive) • Beginning- Action 1, 2, 3, 4, End (Narrative) • Introduction- Body- Conclusion (Expository/Persuasive) • Introduction- Point 1, 2, 3, - Conclusion (Expos/Pers) It can be as little as breaking it down paragraph by paragraph

  5. So we’ve chunked now what? • Annotate • Summarize

  6. How to Annotate There is no one right way to annotate. As you get used to the idea, you will develop your own way to interact with whatever you read. Here are some hints to help you get started:

  7. Interact with the text; talk back to it. • You learn more from a conversation than you do from a lecture. • This is the text-to-self connection.

  8. Use question marks, exclamation marks, smiley faces, stars, and other icons. - ? !    • You might even color your favorite sections. • Draw pictures or use graphic organizers to help you sort material.    • Sometimes when you talk to a book, you might want to do more than use a symbol; you might want to really “talk” to the book.  • Feel free to make comments, agree or disagree. Relate what you are reading to personal experiences, other books, and even songs.    • Make what you’re reading a personal experience.

  9. Learn what the book teaches. • This is the text-to-world connection. • Focus on the writing

  10. Underline, circle, or highlight key words and phrases. • Put your own summaries in the margin. • Leave a trail in the book that makes it easier to follow when you study the material again by writing subject matter headings in the margins. • [Bracket or highlight sections you think are important. ] • Define every Word you don’t know

  11. Pick up the author’s style. • This is the reading-to-writing connection. • How does he say it?

  12. Start by thinking about the tone of the piece. Ask yourself, “What did the writer do to help me understand the tone?” Jot your answer in the margin. • Look for patterns. What stands out to you? Circle or underline parts of speech with different colored pens, pencils, or crayons. • Circle or underline rhetorical devices with different colored writing instruments or surround them with different geometric shapes. • Comment on sentence length, sound devices, figurative language—anything you can think of!

  13. We’ve Chunked, We’ve Talked • It’s all over save the Summary

  14. Summarization • Summary is taking a broad view of a topic and putting it into your own words. • Answer the key questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? • Should be shorter in length than the original. • Summaries don’t have to be boring • Possible Strategies (5WH, TweetMe, News 2 Me)

  15. 5WH • Who • What • Where • When • Why • How

  16. Tweet Me • Twitter is a form of social media that requires users to share their thoughts in 140 characters (Including spaces and punctuation) or less. • You can create a searchable file by using the hashtag symbol(#) • Create an interactive lesson using twitter to summarize text

  17. News 2 Me • News articles are required to be concise • Have your students write a news report using the article as a source • Jigsaw different articles collate into class newspaper

  18. Once more into the breach, dear friends Take these strategies and make them yours! Find a way to incorporate them in your classes! Make them work with what you already do!

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