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Input Evaluation the origins of the intervention

A thorough evaluation of the origins and potential fit of a magic bullet educational program for your school. Consider factors such as research/theoretical base, credibility of developers, past experience, cultural sensitivity, and meeting the needs of your school population.

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Input Evaluation the origins of the intervention

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  1. Input Evaluation the origins of the intervention

  2. Where do magic bullets come from? • What factors do you consider when judging new educational programs and their potential fit for your school?

  3. Where do magic bullets come from? • Research / theoretical base • Credibility of the developers • Past experience of like schools with the magic bullet • Cultural sensitivity / match to school population • Does the magic bullet meet the need?

  4. CIPPI Model • Context • Input • Process • Product • Impact • The goal is to make INFORMED judgments about Program merit or value.

  5. The Nature of Evaluation Tasks • The goal is to make INFORMED judgments about Program merit or value. • Making judgments requires a thorough understanding of the treatment itself. • Assumptions, conditions, claims

  6. Input Evaluation • The central task in an Input evaluation is to develop an understanding of the Program’s service delivery plan, from the origins of the intervention to the plans for implementation.

  7. Evaluation Strategies • Key Informant Interviews • Background Research • Measurable Objectives Worksheets • Logic Model

  8. Initial Questions • Where did the treatment come from? • Why does the Program think it will meet the needs of the target population?

  9. Origins of the Treatment • What is the existing evidence to support the effectiveness of the Program? • Has the Program considered alternative models for delivering the services it provides?

  10. Program Quality Standards • Does the Program have a plan for quality improvement? • What Program Quality Standards, specific to the field in which the Program operates, are available to the program?

  11. Program Quality Standards • Which Programs would be considered the model programs in the field? • Have the personnel of the Program visited or consulted with these model programs?

  12. Program Quality Standards • Does the Program have an Advisory Board, or other source of ongoing input from stakeholders?

  13. Implementation Plans • Does the Program have a plan for implementation of the services they will be providing?

  14. Implementation Plans • Does the plan contain phases of implementation? • Are there specific checkpoints, milestones, benchmarks, or indicators that signify the end of one phase and the beginning of another?

  15. Measurable Objectives • Complete the Measurable Objectives Worksheet with the Program for each of its goals. The worksheet is designed to facilitate a rich discussion with Program staff about how to operationally define each Program outcome in the context of the specific Program objectives.

  16. Measurable Objectives

  17. Other Considerations • Does the Program have a plan to seek additional sources of funding in the future? If so, what kinds of evaluation and effectiveness evidence do these funding sources value?

  18. Conclusion • Evaluate the entire service delivery plan for the Program. • Based on all of the information you have gained from the Input Evaluation Phase, does the Program have a reasonable chance to DELIVER the proposed services to the target population?

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