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Frank Selten, Xueli Wang Wilco Hazeleger, Rein Haarsma, Henk van den Brink,Pier Siebesma,

ECEARTH. Experiments and sensitivity runs. Frank Selten, Xueli Wang Wilco Hazeleger, Rein Haarsma, Henk van den Brink,Pier Siebesma, Geert Lenderink, Peter van Velthoven, Alwin Haklander, Camiel Severijns. 10-year integrations at ECMWF. Hindcasts with observed SSTs. Climatological SSTs

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Frank Selten, Xueli Wang Wilco Hazeleger, Rein Haarsma, Henk van den Brink,Pier Siebesma,

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  1. ECEARTH Experiments and sensitivity runs Frank Selten, Xueli Wang Wilco Hazeleger, Rein Haarsma, Henk van den Brink,Pier Siebesma, Geert Lenderink, Peter van Velthoven, Alwin Haklander, Camiel Severijns

  2. 10-year integrations at ECMWF • Hindcasts with observed SSTs. • Climatological SSTs - present climate - future climate (with future CO2 concentr.) • Sensitivity experiments: - Cloud parameterizations - Land model parameterizations

  3. Computational costs10 year run CY31R1 T95L40 = 5.500 SBU • Budget of EC-Earth group at KNMI: 1.200.000: 218 runs • Additional budgets by means of special projects

  4. PrepIFS

  5. XCdp

  6. Too warm Mediterranean summer temperatures. This is known from RACMO limited area model which is forced by ERA-40 boundaries and has the same physics as IFS model. T2m temperatures in this area are sensitive to vegetation stress

  7. new Soil physics vegetation stress Soil moisture standard

  8. Effect of vegetation stress function in RACMO Standard – New T2m 12 UTC August 1981

  9. Sensitivity for cloud parameters • No lateral entrainment of thermals in dry convective boundary layer • Increased top entrainment for stratocumulus CMIP project

  10. Effect of no lateral entrainment on precipitation

  11. SSTs of future climate are computed from AR4 simulations (selected set). SRES-A1 scenario 2080-2089. SSTs of control run are computed from ERA-40 data set

  12. Summary Model has significant statistical errors Sensitivity runs to investigate origins of model errors. Results of RACMO are used to design these experiments. First GHG experiments are performed

  13. Oceaan model: OPA Huidige ocean-only configuratie: Resolutie: 1/4 graad tripolar grid met 46 lagen. Forcering: DFS3 (4 uurlijkse ERA40 T, q en wind, dagelijkse neerwaarste straling uit CORE, neerslag DRAKKAR set 3) Duur (1958 t/m 2001): 2 maanden op 88 CPUs van SGI Altix 3500 + 2 CPUs voor genereren van hoge resolutie forcering files en conversie van de output naar NetCDF. Optionele koppeling met PISCES NPZD biogeochemie model Hindcast data 1958-2001 beschikbaar voor gebruikers Vanaf mei 2007 grove resolutie OPA gekoppeld aan ECMWF-IFS atmosfeer. (System 4)

  14. Samengevat • Model kent behoorlijke systematische fouten • Additionele specifieke simulaties en diagnostiek: - verandering bodemdikte/stress-functie - vertikale menging PBL minder - te laag warmtetransport door golven in stratosfeer • Discussie via wiki pagina’s: ecearth.knmi.nl

  15. Naast ‘tuning’ onderzoek • Onderzoek naar wolken feedback in IFS in het kader van CFMIP: ‘cloud feedback intercomparison project’ • Onderzoek naar impact stochastische parameterisaties van niet-opgeloste schalen

  16. Integrated Forecast System • Suite of different models • Coupled using OASIS Experiments until now: IFS atmospheric model Tessel land model Prescribed SSTs Prescribed atmospheric chemical composition Inclusion of ocean mixed layer model with Q-flux Fully coupled with OPA ocean model Future experiments:

  17. Today: System 3 Atmosphere: IFS Atmosphere: IFS Atmosphere: IFS OASIS2 OASIS4 Land: IFS H-tessel Ocean: HOPE Sea-ice Ocean: OPA OASIS4 Vegetation Ocean: OPA Chemistry: TM5

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