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FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.). Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith. FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.). Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith. Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46).

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  1. FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith

  2. FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  3. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  4. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  5. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  6. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  7. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  8. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  9. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  10. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  11. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  12. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  13. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  14. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  15. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46)

  16. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48)

  17. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48)

  18. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Mongol invasions devastate Muslim world (FC.48) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48)

  19. Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Mongol invasions devastate Muslim world (FC.48) Invasions by Eur. Crusaders (FC.67) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48)

  20. Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions Arabs become resistant to new & foreign ideas Arab science stagnates Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Mongol invasions devastate Muslim world (FC.48) Invasions by Eur. Crusaders (FC.67) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48)

  21. Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Arabs become resistant to new & foreign ideas Arab science stagnates Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Arab science passed on to W. Eur. via Muslim Spain Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Mongol invasions devastate Muslim world (FC.48) Invasions by Eur. Crusaders (FC.67) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48)

  22. Medicine: •Advanced w/o microscope •Suturing w/animal gut •Mercury ointments for eye & skin diseases Peak of Muslim science, civiliz., & empire (c.1000 C.E.) Arab science passed on to W. Eur. via Muslim Spain Physics & optics: • Calculated earth’s size •Proved light goes fr. object to eye •Formulae for specific & absolute weights Arabs take Greek math & science & do their own original work Arabs become resistant to new & foreign ideas Arab science stagnates Get copies of Greek works through conquests, raids, or negotiations w/Byz’s Excellent translators since new converts must read Koran in the orig. Arabic Arabs willing & able to provide accurate versions of ancient texts thanks to: Extensive funding through religious foundations (waqfs) & caliph’s “House of Wisdom” Math: • Fused Indian place value digits w/Grk math Algebra & trigonometry w/sine, cosine, & cotangent functions FC.47 ARAB SCIENCE AND ITS LEGACY (c.750-1000 C.E.) Islamic belief there is no conflict between reason & faith Contact with Byz. & Persian civiliz’s (FC.46) Arabs soft & open to attack (FC.48) Mongol invasions devastate Muslim world (FC.48) Invasions by Eur. Crusaders (FC.67) Invasions by Seljuk Turks (FC.48) Basis for birth of modern science in Europe during Enlightenment(FC.97)

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