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Needs Assessment Overview

Needs Assessment Overview. HIV Care Services Contractors Meeting August, 12, 2009. Shelley Taylor-Donahue, MPH HIV Services Planner Virginia Department of Health (804) 864-8013 Shelley.taylor-donahue@vdh.virginia.gov. Objectives.

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Needs Assessment Overview

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  1. Needs Assessment Overview HIV Care Services Contractors Meeting August, 12, 2009 Shelley Taylor-Donahue, MPH HIV Services Planner Virginia Department of Health (804) 864-8013 Shelley.taylor-donahue@vdh.virginia.gov

  2. Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to answer the following questions about needs assessment (NA) activities: • What is NA? • Who participates in NA activities? • Why are NA activities important? • How to develop effective NA tools?

  3. Definition of Needs Assessment • A process of collecting information about the needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) (both receiving care and those not in care), identifying current resources available to meet those needs and determining what gaps in care exist. Source: Needs Assessment – Self Assessment Module. Ryan White CARE Act Title I HIV Health Services Planning Councils and Title II HIV Care Consortia/Planning Bodies Manuals. HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA).

  4. Who Participates in NA? • Consortia – members, lead agencies, providers, consumers, key stakeholders • Planning Councils – PC staff, providers, consumers • States – health department staff, statewide planning bodies (CPG) , providers, consumers EVERYBODY!!

  5. Some Ways to Collect NA Information • NA Committees, Workgroups, Advisory Boards • Focus Groups • Public Hearings • Data Analysis (service, epidemiology, etc) • Surveys • Key Informant Interviews

  6. What Do You Want to Know First? • What results are we currently achieving? • How do we prioritize and justify our needs? • How will we know if we are successful? • How will stakeholders determine if we are successful? Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Kaufman, R. (2000) Mega Planning: Practical tools for organizational success. London: Sage Publications.

  7. Some Questions that NA Answers • What current processes are effectively delivering required results? • What should we change in order to achieve more of the results we want? • How is not achieving required results costing us? Rossett, A. (1987). Training Needs Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Kaufman, R. (2000) Mega Planning: Practical tools for organizational success. London: Sage Publications.

  8. Implementing Needs Assessment Surveys • Establish a working committee • Determine which needs will be assessed • Identify the stakeholders • Select questions for the survey • Identify the respondents

  9. Implementing Needs Assessment Surveys (cont’d) • Collect the data • Analyze the data • Report the results • Identify/implement strategies to resolve needs

  10. Problem identification Problem analysis & Solution identification Problem resolution Six-step Problem Solving Process 6.0 Revise as Required 2.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 Identify (or Verify) Problem (from Needs) Determine Solution Requirements and Alternatives Determine Effectiveness and Efficiency Implement Select Solution(s) * Needs are defined as gaps between current and required/desired results Watkins, R. and Leigh, D. (2001). Performance Improvement: More Than Just Bettering the Here-and-Now. Performance Improvement. Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 10-15.

  11. BrainstormingNA Activity • How do we develop/determine the questions we ask? • What do we do with the information we get from our NA activities? • Why do we REALLY do NA?

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