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Miasms. Reaction Patterns in Chronic Disease. www.facultyofhomeopathy.org. The Psoric State - Struggle. Struggle Life is a constant struggle Hopeful struggle, or the hopeless struggle Struggle to survive, to recover, to maintain his position

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  1. Miasms Reaction Patterns in Chronic Disease www.facultyofhomeopathy.org

  2. The Psoric State - Struggle • Struggle • Life is a constant struggle • Hopeful struggle, or the hopeless struggle • Struggle to survive, to recover, to maintain his position • There is anxiety, and doubt about ability, but failure does not mean death or the end of the world

  3. Psora • Anxiety: can be episodic or constant/severe • Fears: many and various, even phobic states • Timidity and lack of self confidence • Restless and Irresolute • Tired out, worn out, ground down by it all • Weakness and slow convalescence • “Life is shit and then you die”

  4. Psoric Generals • Tired, lack of energy, exhausted • Burning pains • <: movement, morning, cold + dry weather • Desire warm food and drinks, averse fish • Skin: Itch < heat, dry skin • Periodicity and recurrent complaints • Slow convalescence • Psor, Sulph, Calc carb, Lyc, Cupr

  5. Sycosis - Duality • The feeling is of a fixed irremediable weakness deep inside the self. • It is something inside the self which has to be hidden and concealed from others • Duality - discrepancy between what is hidden inside and what is presented to the world

  6. Sycosis • Secretive, suspicious, opportunistic, deceit • Guilt, self reproach • Overcompensation • Fixed, rigidity, ritualistic, superstitious, clairvoyance • Extremes of emotion

  7. Sycosis - Generals • Surge of energy evening and night • << damp weather, cold applications/weather • Excessive reactions: warts, keloid scars, benign tumours, profuse jelly discharges • Onions: desire, aversion or << • Desire rich food • Med, Thuja, Nat-s, Sil, Puls, Lac-c

  8. Syphilitic Miasm - Hopeless • Hopeless despair • “Futile day in a futile year in a futile life” • Beyond salvage • Unable to manage, unable to cover up • Desire death • Suicidal depression

  9. Syphilitic Miasm - The Defense • Haughty and Dictatorial • Asocial or Psycopath • Desperation with violent, sudden, dramatic attempts to change • Leads to destruction, degeneration, collapse, catatonia, paralysis, suicide

  10. Syphilitic Generals • Deeply destructive and relentlessly progressive physical pathology • <<: night, sunset to sunrise, change of weather, sweat (sweat does not relieve) • Bone pains, linear pains • Desire cold food and averse meat • Syph, Aur, Merc, Plumb, Hep

  11. Tubercular Miasm - Oppression • The feeling is of intense oppression • Desire for change/escape • The reaction is intense, hectic activity to break free of the oppression

  12. Tubercular Miasm • Romantic (the tubercular heroine of romantic fiction and opera) • Never satisfied • Desire to escape • Desire to travel • Can be irritable, selfish, easily offended, sly and malicious

  13. Tubercular Generals • Oppression of breathing • Restlessness till exhausted • Periodicity • Emaciation despite good appetite • Desire cold milk, averse meat • <<: night, sea, cold and damp • Tub, Dros, Phos, Calc-p, Spiders.

  14. The Cancer Miasm • Feeling is of weakness, incapacity within • The need to perform exceedingly well and live up to very high expectations • Reaction is an extreme effort stretching themselves beyond the limits of endurance • A long continuous struggle with no end • Survival depends on it. Failure means death

  15. The Cancer Miasm • Sensitive, sympathetic and compassionate • Romantic idealism • Restless, adventurous, desire to travel • Fastidious, perfectionist, desire for control • Responsibility, duty, guilt • Suffer in silence, resentment, martyr • Sexual desire high or suppressed

  16. Cancer Generals • Surge of energy evening and night • Surge of energy during thunderstorms • Sea: < or >. < extremes of temperature • Desires chocolate, averse fat • Acne and warts. Thick discharges • Carc, Staph, Con, Ars, Ign, Nit-ac

  17. The Leprosy Miasm • Intense oppression and intense desire for change, with little or no hope of recovery • Intense feeling of isolation • Forsaken and abandoned forever • The outcast: despised and shunned - by society, friends and even family • Despair. Suicidal disposition by drowning • Leprominium, Hura, Secale, Aloe, Curare.

  18. The Acute Miasm • Sudden intense threat, great danger to life • Instinctive reaction to escape • Panic, shock, stunned, immobile, helpless • Once the danger has passed one is safe • Panic attacks. Mania. Extreme fevers. • Outcome is death or complete recovery. • Acon, Bell, Stram, Verat, Hydrog, Lith-c

  19. The Malaria MiasmBetween Acute+Sycosis • Feeling of being obstructed and hindered • Stuck and powerless in a dependant position • Unfortunate, lamenting, brooding • Fantasies of future plans but does little • Feeling of being attacked from time to time • Paroxysms of acute fears • China, Nat-m, Spig, Coloc, Caps

  20. The Typhoid MiasmBetween Acute and Psora • The feeling is that the situation is critical and threatens life, yet if handled properly will end in complete recovery • Tremendous effort concentrated over a time(period of weeks) • To reach a position of safety and comfort • Severe threat + panic, intense struggle + optimism • Nux-v, Gels, Ph-ac, Rhus-t, Bry, Bapt, Pyrog, Carb-v

  21. The Ringworm MiasmBetween Psora and Sycosis • Situation is difficult and beyond easy reach • Alternate between struggle and resignation • Success is possible • Failure means staying as I am • Repeated efforts tend not to be sustained • Position gained is lost as they slip back • Ringworm nosode, Calc-s, Calc-sil, Mag-s

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