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WALT: to describe what people are wearing

¿ Qué lleva ?. LUNES EL 28 DE MAYO. What is he wearing?. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2

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WALT: to describe what people are wearing

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  1. ¿Quélleva? LUNES EL 28 DE MAYO What is he wearing? WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 YOU ARE IN A CLOTHES SHOP IN SPAIN. HOW MUCH ARE YOU SPENDING? What is the TOTAL? €12 €9 + = € 21 (VEINTIUNO EUROS) €10 € 106 (ciento y seis EUROS) = € 20 (VEINTE EUROS) ? Exchange Rate Info: 1€ = ₤0.80 €15 €40 €10 = + + € 65 (SESENTA Y CINCO EUROS) YOU WOULD SEND… ₤ 84.80

  2. STARTER:Listen & decide whether each sound is matched up correctly to the picture If you think it is wrong, write the correct word for the item WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN YOUR BOOK! 5. 1. 6. 2. 3. 7. 4. 8.

  3. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 Copy this new vocabulary into your book…and write the English. The pink lines should help you with the English! Porejemplo: Un vestidoelegante = A smart dress

  4. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 Do the same for these two celebrities UN TRAJE = A SUIT UNA CORBATA = A TIE UNA CAMISA NEGRA = A BLACK SHIRT UNA GORRA = A CAP UNA SUDADERA = A HOODY UNOS PANTALONES ANCHOS = LOOSE FITTED TROUSERS


  6. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 Look back at the pictures – who do the descriptions match up to. Write your answers in your book. Now COPY and TRANSALTE your 2 favourite descriptions into your books! Lleva un trajegris y unacorbata. Llevaunacamisanegra. Lleva un vestidoelegante y zapatos de tacón alto. Llevaunagorra, unasudadera y unospantalonesanchos. Lleva un top de lycra y unafaldacorta y ajustada. Tambiénlleva un abrigoestampado de leopardo. Lleva = he/she wears

  7. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 Write a description for each of these outfits Porejemplo: a) Lleva un vestidorosa y elegante con zapatos de tacón alto que me gustan mucho porque son bonitos y me gusta el colorrosa LEVEL 3A  >>ENGLISH: a) She wears a smart pink dress with high heeled shoes which I like a lot, because they are pretty and I like the colour pink

  8. WALT: to describe what people are wearing WILF: a list of what clothes a person is wearing LEVEL 1 a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 ¿Quéllevatucelebridadfavorita? y ¿Quépiensas de suropa? What is your favourite celebrity wearing? And what do you think of their clothes? YOUR TASK: • Find a picture of your favourite MALE and FEMALE celebrity • Describe what they are wearing IN SPANISH – use as much detail as possible • (colour, describing words) • Use LINK WORDS to join your phrases • Add OPINIONS & REASONS to get the top level! LEVEL 3A phrases  Me gusta(n) No me gusta(n) Odio Me encanta(n) Detesto También Con Pero Sin embargo

  9. ¿Quéva a llevar? What is he going to wear? WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 YOU ARE IN A CLOTHES SHOP IN SPAIN. HOW MUCH ARE YOU SPENDING? What is the TOTAL? €10 €9 + = €10 X 2 = Exchange Rate Info: 1€ = ₤0.80 €15 €40 €5 = + + YOU WOULD SEND…

  10. STARTER:Write a description of what each of these people are wearing Look at your vocabulary from last lesson to help you write as much as possible El rey Juan Carlos (The King of Spain) Penelope Cruz - actriz Penelope Cruz - actress

  11. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 Match up these phrases and COPY them carefully into your books – both Spanish & English HELP! Para ir a… to go to… To go the park… To go to the wedding… To go to the beach… To go to the party… To go to Moscow in January… To go to a football match… Para ir a la playa… Para ir a Moscú en enero… Para ir al partido de fútbol… Para ir a la boda… Para ir a la fiesta… Para ir al parque… REMEMBER! LOOKING UP FOR NEW WORDS USING WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM IS PART OF A LEVEL 4!

  12. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 Copy this table into your book Important vocabulary: LEVEL 4 

  13. TASK: Choose an appropriate outfit from the above list to finish the sentences 1-6 Porejemplo: Para ir a la playa …voy a llevarunospantalonescortos , unacamiseta y unagorra(To go to the beach I am going to wear some shorts, a T-shirt and a cap) …voy a llevarunospantalonesnegros y un top blanco y ajustado …voy a llevar mi camiseta del Real Madrid Para ir a la playa… Para ir a Moscú en enero… Para ir al partido de fútbol… Para ir a la boda… Para ir a la fiesta… Para ir al parque… …voy a llevar un traje y unacorbata …voy a llevar un abrigo, un gorro y unasbotas …voy a llevarunospantalonescortos, unacamiesta y unagorra …voy a llevarunasudadera con capuchaporquehacefrío REMEMBER TO USE YOUR NOTES IN YOUR BOOK & WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM TO HELP YOU! Copy the sentences into your book…and write the English.

  14. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 In each picture below, replace the letters (a, b) for an appropriate word that you have learnt in your lessons this week. The words you might use could be colours or items of clothes REMEMBER TO USE YOUR NOTES IN YOUR BOOK & WWW.WORDREFERENCE.COM TO HELP YOU! Example: Write the full & completed sentences into your books

  15. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 In each picture below, replace the letters (a, b) for an appropriate word that you have learnt in your lessons this week. The words you might use could be colours or items of clothes lana = wool gafas de sol = sunglasses Write the full & completed sentences into your books

  16. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 YOUR TASK: • Do the same for 2 more situations of your choice • Find a suitable image of your choice • (someone going to a wedding / a football match) • Write a description similar to the ones you have just read • Describe what they are wearing IN SPANISH – use as much detail as possible • (colour, describing words) • Use LINK WORDS to join your phrases • Add OPINIONS & REASONS to get the top level! LEVEL 3A phrases  Me gusta(n) No me gusta(n) Odio Me encanta(n) Detesto También Con Pero Sin embargo REMEMBER TO USE… Voy a llevar = LEVEL 4 

  17. WALT: to describe what people are going to wear WILF: a description of what someone is wearing, using link words LEVEL 2 a description of what someone is wearing, & your opinion of it LEVEL 3 a description of what you are GOING TO wear LEVEL 4 http://www.zimflex.co.uk/Spanish/Games/Spanishkeystage3gameshome.html Practice the new vocabulary with some games on zimflex

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