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Public Health Case Reporting - CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Review May 4th Week – Viral, Parasitic and Non-Infectious Dise

Public Health Case Reporting - CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Review May 4th Week – Viral, Parasitic and Non-Infectious Diseases. CRSWg, LMCoP, VMCoP May 27 th , 2010. Archive of - 1 st ,2 nd and 3rd Meeting Lab Vocabulary Review .

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Public Health Case Reporting - CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Review May 4th Week – Viral, Parasitic and Non-Infectious Dise

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  1. Public Health Case Reporting - CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary Review May 4th Week – Viral, Parasitic and Non-Infectious Diseases CRSWg, LMCoP, VMCoP May 27th, 2010

  2. Archive of - 1st ,2nd and 3rd Meeting Lab Vocabulary Review Hyperlink: http://www.phconnect.org/profiles/blogs/call-for-volunteers-review

  3. Scope for 4th Week of CSTE TIG - Lab Vocabulary Review

  4. Spreadsheet Overview Note: Includes only the 2nd Week Bacterial Diseases Lab Vocabulary

  5. CSTE Position Statement • CSTE Position Statement not published in the CSTE website for the following conditions: • St.Louis Encephalitis Virus • Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus CSTE position statement did not have its accompanying CSTE TIG. • Post the above mentioned CSTE position statements in www.phconnect.org • Need more detailed review of the following CSTE TIG: • Acute Pesticide Poisoning • Cancer

  6. Cyclosporiasis • “Cyclospora organisms or DNA in intestinal fluid/aspirate or intestinal biopsy specimens” • Test Results (SNOMED) – Non-specific as well as specific. • Need to add the following in non-condition specific nominal results value set - “Protozoa, Protozoal spore, Trophozoite, etc.. • l

  7. Giardiasis • “Giardia trophozoites in stool, duodenal fluid or small bowel biopsy “ • Two SNOMED results for a single lab test (LOINC). Need to be formatted and map them appropriately.

  8. Malaria • No LOINC or SNOMED mapping in CSTE TIG Riki: RELMA codes: 41447-4; 41448-2; 41449-0; 47085-6 all are ord in BLD and 47260-5 (nom)

  9. Malaria * Need to validate the SNOMED as well as LOINC concepts for its status and find the superseded concept.

  10. Malaria • Could include the Plasmodium hierarchy for more specificity • May need to filter the hierarchy and include only the agents that causes Malaria such as Pl. Vivax, Pl. Malariae, Pl. Ovale, Pl. Falciparum

  11. Small Pox • CSTE Criteria mapped to the same LOINC and SNOMED codes. • CSTE criteria has detailed information about specimen which may need to obtained outside LOINC code such as SPM segment, specimen source. • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification of variola DNA in a clinical specimen • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification of variola DNA in an isolate from a clinical specimen

  12. Small Pox

  13. Varicella • Combination tests • HSV & VZV “HSV+VZV DNA XXX PCR” • A significant rise in serum varicella immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody level by any standard serologic assay • Specimen 1 & 2 • Panel has been included in CSTE TIG which may not be in OBX-3

  14. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) • Reconcile the CSTE TIG lab criteria with CSTE position statement • Proteinuria • Platelet count • Need to create a value set with a list of viral agents that was specified in CSTE position statement for VHF: • Junin virus • Machupo virus • Sabia virus • Lassa virus • Guanarito virus • ebolavirus • marburgvirus • Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus

  15. West Nile Virus • Stable (less than or equal to a two-fold change) but elevated titer of WNV virus-specific serum antibodies • No LOINC / SNOMED code, but may repeat the LOINC and SNOMED code from the criteria “Four-fold or greater change in WNV -specific serum antibody titer “ • Riki: • - would be a complex method type - might need more than 1 LOINC, if decision is made after report, oterwise need to get IMP code

  16. Waterborne Disease • No Lab Criteria in CSTE position statement as well as in CSTE TIG. • No NND Codes

  17. Neuroinvasive & Non-Neuroinvasive diseases • CSTE position statements does not differentiate between Neuroinvasive and Non-neuroinvasive disease but case notification NND codes differentiate between these too. • West Nile Virus • Western Equine Encephalitis Virus • St.Louis Encephalitis Virus • ? Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus

  18. Western Equine Encephalitis Virus • “Demonstration of WEEV- specific nucleic acid by PCR in a clinical specimen“ • LOINC codes have been requested. • Riki: use LOINC: 54036-9?

  19. Yellow Fever • cross-reactions to other flaviviruses • Negative results • Need to check the Flavivirus Hierrarchy in SNOMED / LOINC browsers and include those tests in the CSTE TIG.

  20. Yellow Fever • ?? Any tests for Yellow Fever antigens

  21. Yellow Fever • Antibody Titers with specific values and different methods

  22. Lead Poisoning Different CSTE criteria with specific Qn values, but same LOINC tests.

  23. Silicosis Imaging & Pathology tests

  24. Acute Pesticide - related illness and Injury Riki: SNOMED Herbicide Value Sets - Why not include all pesticide children under concept 59545008^Pesticide (substance) in the possible results? This list should be reviewed for completeness by SME.

  25. Cancer (1)

  26. Cancer (2)

  27. LIMSi Feedback- Cindy

  28. Common Core Data Elements for Case Reporting and Laboratory Result Reporting • First iteration of common core data element list appears in CSTE position statement 09-SI-01 “Common Core Data Elements for Case Reporting and Laboratory Result Reporting” • Actions: provide a process for updating/maintaining common core data set • CRSWg has undergone a review to update the initial list • Consolidated case reporting and laboratory result reporting data elements • Addressed feedback from CSTE • Scope for the common core data set: • Initial case report from a provider to public health (case reporting) • Data elements can be applied across all nationally notifiable conditions

  29. Additional Data Elements Considered for Inclusion in Common Core • Quantitative/Qualitative • Abnormal flags • Paired serology result

  30. Paired Serology Result (1) Review the e-mail thread

  31. Paired Serology Result (2)

  32. Recommendation Letter to CSTE about CSTE TIG Lab Vocabulary • Include Changes that needs to be made in CSTE position Statements • Mention the issues that are related to lab domain which would be addressed by the lab community of practice and SDO (LOINC, SNOMED). • CSTE lab Criteria Interpretation issues • Maintenance of the CSTE lab Criteria • ?? Unique identifier for the lab criteria • Centralized repository of data elements – Maintained by CSTE

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