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Autoraid Company

Autoraid Company. is a car spare parts supplier and an authorised distributor of the world s famous brand names. NESTE OIL ( Finland ) lubricants AMALIE (USA) lubricants M-Filter ( Finland ) cars ’ filters TOKICO ( Japan ) and TOKICO (USA) shock absorbers

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Autoraid Company

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  1. Autoraid Company • is a carspare parts supplier and an authorised distributor of the worlds famous brand names.

  2. NESTE OIL(Finland) lubricants AMALIE (USA) lubricants M-Filter (Finland) cars’filters TOKICO (Japan) andTOKICO (USA) shock absorbers OPTIMAL (Germany) shock absorbers Optimal, Kramme(Germany), NSK (Japan) bearings GMB (Japan) waterpumps, suspensionpartsandbearings BILSTEIN (Germany) suspensionparts SUPLEX (Germany) coilsprings NGK (Japan) sparkplugs, glowplugsandHV-cables Dayco (USA) tootheddrivebeltsandfront-endaccessorybelts CORTECO (Germany) oilseals Philips (Germany) carlamps NARVA (Germany) carlamps VIC, Sakura (Japan) filters FastyK(Italy) cabin filters ART (Taiwan) wiperblades Uni-Fit (USA)multipurposecvjointboots Lubegard (USA) professionallubricantsandadditives Brecav (Italy) fuses JNBK (Japan) brakepads MECARM (Italy) clutch BRECAV ( Italy) ……………………. Moreover, AutoraidCompanyoffersthefollowingservicemachines: Meclube (Italy) oilchangingequipment, MotorVac (USA) professionalserviceequipmentforworkshopandawide rangeofbusinessconsultingservices.

  3. The special fact isthat Autoraidwasgrantedbyexclusivetitletosaletheproductsofthe followingcompaniesinRussianmarket • AmalieOil (Lubricants USA) • InternationalLubricantsInc. (Additives USA) • M-Filter ( Filters Finland) • Art (Auto parts Taiwan) • BRECAV (Electric automotive parts Italia)

  4. AutoraidCompanyisthecompany, whichdealsdirectlywithforeignsuppliers, sowecanguaranteeonthehighestqualityandthelowestpricetoall thecustomers. OurcompanyownsanAutocentre whichconsistsofaworkshopandsparepartsstore, havingwidespread domesticretailnetwork. Autoraiddealer’sareaextendsfromKaliningradCitytoKhabarovsk Cityandmuchfurther. SomeofourcustomersarelocatedinthenearestboardofKazakhstanandRussia.

  5. InMay 2007, abranchofAutoraidCompanywasopenedinMoscow. Thefirstthreeyearsshowedtheappropriatenessandtimelinessofthegivenstrategy. HighlyexperiencedmanagementteamfromourheadofficeinNovosibirskstartedpowerfulandintensiveactivitiesbeinginherentinourcompanyandthishasalreadyresultedinindisputablesuccess.In September 2009, a branch of Autoraid Company was opened in Barnaul (Altay Region). In August 2010, a branch of Autoraid Company was opened in Krasnoyarsk City. In October 2010, a branch of Autoraid Company was opened in Omsk City. TheMoscowbranch and the Barnaul branchworkinaccordancewiththerequirementsand standardsofAutoraidCompanyanditisinasingleinformationspace. Also we have own sales representatives in Sankt-Petersburg, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Tomsk, Astana(Kazakhstan). They develop relationships with new customers directly.

  6. The map of Autoraid Opened branches Planned branches

  7. 95% of our customers work with our company using Autoraid On-Line System. This system shows actual availability of all our products range on our warehouse. It contains the cross-references, the prices especially for every customer in depending on status of customer. The system receives the orders, it process ones and it forms invoices and packing information automatically. Our customers receive the ready orders in theirs cities without unnecessaryactions. This system is own progress of Autoraid IT-department.

  8. Owingtoanthirteen-yearoperationalexperience "Autoraid Company" hasgreateropportunitiesofmarketingsupportofbrandsforterritoriesofRussia. Ouradvantages: • understandingofthemarket • effectivepromotiontools • useofinnovations

  9. Understanding of themarket • Thecontinuousmarketinformationreceivedfrom 1800 directwholesaleclients • Useofanalyticalmaterials • Workwiththeultimate consumerthroughownretailshopandowncar-carecenter

  10. Effective tools of promotion • Active participation in the largest Russian and regional automobile exhibitions, such asInterauto, MIMS, Autosib…

  11. Effective tools of promotion • The outdoor advertising and attributes (billboard advertising, lightboxes, overalls…)

  12. Effective tools of promotion • Sponsorshipofautomobilesportsprojectsandactions

  13. Effective tools of promotion • Advertising, technical clauses in regional and All-Russia automobile magazines

  14. Effective tools of promotion • Extensive support of brands with information booklets, multimedia-disks and electronic catalogues

  15. Effective tools of promotion • Powerful use of the Internet both in advertising, and communications

  16. Use of innovations • The company aspires to use the newest technologies in the organization of work and automation of working processes. The company has its own department of IT-development. Offices and warehouses of the company are supplied by the advanced technics. Competition "The GOLD MEDAL ofthe SIBERIAN FAIR". Nomination - moderntechnologiesinacarbusiness.

  17. Thanks for attention!

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