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For more classes visit<br>www.snaptutorial.com<br><br>PHL 320 Assignment Week 1 Apply: Creating an Argument<br> <br>Complete the u201cCreating an Argumentu201d homework assignment in Connectu00ae.<br> <br>

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  1. PHL 320 Assignment Week 1 Apply Creating an Argument (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PHL 320 Assignment Week 1 Apply: Creating an Argument Complete the “Creating an Argument” homework assignment in Connect®. For each statement, select the conclusion statement that would turn these statements into arguments. Note: You have only 1 attempt available to complete this assignment. Grades must be transferred manually to eCampus by your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date.

  2. Tipsarevic is unlikely to win the U.S. Open this year. Multiple Choice He will be a strong competitor, though. Smith is also unlikely to win the U.S. Open this year. He has a nagging leg injury, plus he doesn’t have the drive he once had.

  3. He did not win the U.S. Open last year either. John Montgomery has been the Eastern Baseball League’s best closer this season. Unfortunately, when a closer gets shelled, as Montgomery did last night, it takes him a while to recover. Multiple Choice

  4. There are other pitchers on his team who could be closers. In fact, his team may want to think about trading him. Nobody will say he is the best closer after that performance. He may never recover.

  5. There is trouble in the Middle East, there is a recession at home, and all economic indicators are trending downward. Multiple Choice It would be nice to see economic indicators trending upward instead.

  6. Most news media agree that this is the case. There are similar conditions in other regions throughout the world. It seems likely, then, that the only way the stock market can go is down.

  7. “It may be true that people, not guns, kill people. Multiple Choice There are many reasons why people kill people.” But people with guns kill more people than people without guns. As long as the number of lethal weapons in the hands of the American people continues to grow, so will the murder rate.”

  8. It may also be true that people hate one another.” There are a lot of people who own guns.”

  9. As a long-time customer, you’re already taking advantage of our money management expertise and variety of investment choices. Multiple Choice We have spent years building this expertise and developing a variety of investment choices. That’s a good reason for consolidating your other eligible assets into an IRA with us. We always like to offer our long-time customers additional options.

  10. Many other customers also take advantage of our expertise and variety. Yes, I charge a little more than other dentists.

  11. Multiple Choice But I feel I give better service. So my billing practices are justified. But I don’t charge as much as I could. You should see what my dentist charges me, though. And I offer services that other dentists don’t always offer.

  12. Pornography often depicts women as servants or slaves or as otherwise inferior to men.

  13. Multiple Choice Pornography is much more prevalent than it used to be thanks to the Internet. In light of that, it seems reasonable to expect to find more women than men who are upset by pornography. Most pornography is created by men. Pornography depicts women in other ways, as well.

  14. Fears that chemicals in teething rings and soft plastic toys may cause cancer may be justified. Multiple Choice

  15. Chemicals have been used in such items for years. Cancer is one of the biggest health concerns society faces. There are many other things that also cause cancer. Last Assignment Week, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a report confirming that low amounts of DEHP, known to cause liver cancer in lab animals, may be absorbed from certain infant products.

  16. The Carrie Diaries isn’t very good. Multiple Choice It’s just a repackage of Sex and the City.

  17. I don’t know what the author was thinking when they wrote it. It is one of many bad books I’ve read lately. I Check (New Syllabus)ed it out of the library because I thought it would be good.

  18. Carl would like to help out, but he won’t be in town. Multiple Choice He might not have been much help anyway.

  19. We’ll have to find someone else who owns a truck. He should be back in town the following Assignment Week. He is going to visit his grandmother, who is ill. ********************************************************** PHL 320 Assignment Week 1 Practice Knowledge Check (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PHL 320 Assignment Week 1 Practice Knowledge Check (New Syllabus)

  20. Complete the “Assignment Week 1 Knowledge Check (New Syllabus)” in Connect®. Note: You have unlimited attempts available to complete this practice assignment. The highest scored attempt will be recorded. These assignments have earlier due dates, so plan accordingly. Grades must be transferred manually to eCampusby your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date. “I think there should be a speed limit for the ‘spandex’ bicycle racers that feel the need to run those of us that don’t ride or walk as fast off the road and into the bushes in Bidwell Park. The park is for everyone’s pleasure and enjoyment, and more often than not it is spoiled by those few who feel they are superior to the rest of us. Approximately eight out of ten times when my family and I have ridden our bikes through the park at least one of us has just about been plowed over by one of those egotistical speeders.”—From a letter to the editor

  21. Which of the following best states the primary issue discussed in the passage? Multiple Choice whether there should be a speed limit for bicycle racers whether bicycle racers are egotistical

  22. whether the park is for everyone’s pleasure whether outings to the park are frequently spoiled by bicycle racers

  23. “Sheila’s clarinet is French. It’s a Leblanc, and all Leblanc instruments are made in France.” This argument is best considered Multiple Choice inductive

  24. deductive.

  25. The inclination that people may have to assume that their attitudes and those held by people around them are shared by society at large is known as Multiple Choice the fundamental attribution error. the false consensus effect. negativity bias.

  26. confirmation bias.

  27. In an inductive argument, the premise demonstrates or proves the conclusion. True or False

  28. The tendency to not appreciate that others’ behavior is as much constrained by events and circumstances as our own would be if we were in their position is known as the Multiple Choice false consensus effect. fundamental attribution error.

  29. bandwagon effect. overconfidence effect.

  30. “Jose is taller than Bill, and Bill is taller than Margaret. Therefore, Jose is taller than Margaret.” This argument is best considered Multiple Choice inductive. deductive.

  31. If we know that an argument is weak, then we know that the conclusion Multiple Choice is false. is true. may or may not be true.

  32. Which of the following involves unconsciously assigning a probability to a type of event on the basis of how often one thinks of events of that type?

  33. Multiple Choice Factual claim In-group bias Availability heuristic Obscure issue **********************************************************

  34. PHL 320 Assignment Week 2 Apply Vague Statements (New Syllabus) For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PHL 320 Assignment Week 2 Apply: Vague Statements Complete the "Vague Statements" homework assignment in Connect®. Each of the questions in Connect® contains a statement in vague language. For each question, select the rewritten statement that contains the clearest language. Note: You have only 1 attempt available to complete assignments. Grades must be transferred manually to eCampus by your instructor. Don't worry; this might happen after your due date.

  35. Advertisement: “The Aquaclear water filter—it really will improve the taste and odor of your water.” Which of the following is rewritten in language that is clear rather than vague? Multiple Choice • The Aquaclear water filter will improve your life. • The Aqaclear water filter change the way you think about water filters. • The Aquaclear water filter will make you think you have never really had water before. •

  36. The Aquaclear water filter will improve the taste and odor of your water by removing dirt and minerals from the water. Property owner, showing his property to a potential buyer: “The lot extends back to about where that large oak tree stands.” Multiple Choice • The lot in back ends at the property line. • The lot extends almost to where that large oak tree stands. •

  37. The lot extends 50 feet from the back of the house, which is near the oak tree. • We tend to think of the oak tree as the property line, since it is near enough. “Renaissance music just doesn’t do it for me.” Multiple Choice •

  38. "Renaissance music simply lulls me to sleep.” • “I don’t think I prefer to listen to Renaissance music.” • "There is just something about Renaissance music I don’t like.” • “I can’t say why it is I don’t care for Renaissance music.” It seems clear that within the next ten years, they’ll have produced a machine that can really think.

  39. Multiple Choice • In the next 10 years, the company will have produced a machine that outperforms how a human thinks and makes day-to-day decisions. • Someday they’ll have produced a machine that can think like a human. • It seems clear that within the next 10 years, they should make some progress in developing thinking machines. • In the next 10 years, they should be able to produce a machine that can think in some fashion.

  40. The president has determined that tax reform will be his first priority during his second term in office. Multiple Choice • Some believe the president will make tax reform a priority in his second term. • The president will tackle tax reform as his first priority during his second term in office, which is in two years.

  41. The president has promised to make tax reform a priority. • The president thinks that tax reform will be a priority during his second term. “If I were you, I’d watch out for the boss.” Multiple Choice

  42. "Watch out for the boss; he’s grumpy today.” • “If I were you, I’d keep a close eye out for the boss.” • “You may want to avoid the boss today if you can.” • “There’s the boss; you may want to head the other way.”

  43. Doctor: “The arrhythmia you are experiencing indicates you should lay off jogging for a while.” Multiple Choice • "The arrhythmia you are experiencing is a serious issue that requires treatment." • "The arrhythmia you are experiencing indicates you should consider jogging less often." • "Your arrhythmia makes me think you should be careful when you jog." •

  44. "Because your heart beats too fast, you should stop jogging for the next 30 days. " “Well, let’s see. To get to the Woodward Mall, go down this street a couple of blocks and then turn right. Go through several stoplights, turn left, and go just a short way. You can’t miss it.” Multiple Choice • “You want the Woodward Mall? Just head west and you’ll see it in front of you. You can’t miss it.” •

  45. "The Woodward Mall? You may want to use your GPS, since getting there is a little tricky.” • "In order to get to Woodward Mall, drive south on Main Street for two blocks until you get to Dover Street. After you get to Dover Street, make a right on Foxwood Drive. You will drive on Foxwood Drive for three miles until you see Woodward Lane. Turn left on Woodward Lane, and you have arrived at Woodward Mall." • “Well, let’s see. To get to the Woodward Mall, you’re going to need to make three lefts and then a right. You can’t miss it.”

  46. Said at a party: “What did I think of the concert? Yeah, I was at the concert.” Multiple Choice • "What did I think of the concert? I guess I had a good time.” • “What did I think of the concert? I haven’t really thought about it.” • “What did I think of the concert? I thought it was pretty good. You should have been there.” • “What did I think of the concert? I haven’t really thought about it.”

  47. During his first news conference of the year, the president said today that his administration was going to crack down even harder on international terrorism. Multiple Choice • During his first news conference of the year, the president admitted that the war on international terrorism would be long and difficult. •

  48. During the president’s first news conference of the year, the administration outlined processes and procedures it will put in place to combat international terrorism. • During his first news conference of the year, the president backed away from earlier statements about how his administration was going to crack down even harder on international terrorism. • During his first news conference of the year, the president will address what he plans to do about international terrorism. ********************************************************** PHL 320 Assignment Week 2 Practice Knowledge Check (New Syllabus) For more classes visit

  49. www.snaptutorial.com PHL 320 Assignment Week 2 Practice Knowledge Check (New Syllabus) Complete the “Assignment Week 2 Knowledge Check (New Syllabus)” in Connect®. Note: You have unlimited attempts available to complete this practice assignment. The highest scored attempt will be recorded. These assignments have earlier due dates, so plan accordingly. Grades must be transferred manually to eCampus by your instructor. Don’t worry, this might happen after your due date. Classify the following: “A juice harp is a harmonica.”

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