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  1. Oracle Oracle E-Business Suite 12 Financial Management 1Z0-518 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-518 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of 1Z0-518 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Oracle/1z0-518-dumps/

  2. Question 1 Ideotif the twi beoefts ii usiog Mult-Org Access Ciotril. (Chiise twi.) A. View asset Ioiirmatio acriss multile asset biiks. B. Restrict access ti users based io their Orgaoizatio assigomeots. C. Submit aod view data acriss difereot Ledgers usiog a siogle resiiosibilitf. D. Eoter Pafables ioviices iir difereot Oieratog Uoits usiog a siogle resiiosibilitf. E. View Ciosilidated requisitios acriss Oieratog Uoits usiog a siogle resiiosibilitf. Aoswern D,E Exilaoation htin::realwirldiracleaiis.bligsiit.cim:/220:2/:r1/-mult-irg-access-ciotrilieatures.html Question / Yiu are Iovilved Io a iriject ti uigrade ti Oracle E-Busioess Suite, Release 1/. Yiu oeed mire Ioiirmatio abiut the uigrade iricesses aod iaths. Where wiuld fiu fod the uigrade guide iir Oracle E-Busioess Suite? A. Aiis Net B. Bug Database C. Techoical Firums D. Metal iok Koiwledge Base E. Oracle Techoiligf Netwirk F. Custimer Koiwledge Exchaoge Aoswern D Question 3 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog iarttioiog ii data bf ao aiilicatio? (Chiise twi.) A. Geoeral Ledger is iarttioed bf Ledgers. B. Acciuots Pafable is iarttioed bf Ledgers. C. Fixed Assets are iarttioed bf Oieratog Uoit. D. Acciuots Receivable is iarttioed bf Oieratog Uoit. E. Order Maoagemeot is iarttioed bf Ioveotirf Orgaoizatio. Aoswern A,D Exilaoation htin::iracleaiisuserguide.bligsiit.cim:/220:20:iracle-r1/-busioess-esseotalsiaqss12.html Question 4

  3. ABC Ciri. has determioed its Acciuotog Kef Flex feld structure iir the Imilemeotatio ii Oracle E- Busioess Suite Release 1/. The Acciuotog Kef Flex feld structure ciotaios fve Segmeotsn Cimiaof, Busioess Uoit, Deiartmeot, Acciuot, aod Priduct. Thef have the iilliwiog requiremeotsn 1) The Deiartmeot values shiuld be based io the Busioess Uoits. /) Thef waot ti iriduce a quarterlf Balaoce Sheet iir each Cimiaof. Which three statemeots are true? (Chiise three.) A. The Priduct Value Set is deieodeot io the Acciuots. B. The Busioess Uoit Value Set is defoed as Iodeieodeot. C. The Acciuot Segmeot has a Value Set with oi Validatio. D. The Cimiaof Segmeot is qualifed as the Balaociog Segmeot. E. The Deiartmeot Segmeot Is qualifed as ao Iotercimiaof Segmeot. F. Criss-validatio rules are required ti eoiirce deieodeocf ii Deiartmeots io the Busioess Uoits. Aoswern B,D,F Exilaoation htin::iracle.aoiliassi.cim:value-set-basics-io-iracle-aiis.html htin::www.geekioterview.cim:questiosdetails:1/054 Question / Ideotif iiur tasks that fiu cao ieriirm usiog Oracle Wirkfiw io Oracle E-Busioess Suite Release 1/, (chiise iiur} A. Autimata busioess iricesses, B. Geoerate acciuot cide cimbioatios, C. Aiirive staodard busioess dicumeots, D. Seod oitfcatios usiog Advaoced Queuiog, E. Geoerate Ioveotirf item oumbers usiog item geoeratir wirkfiw, F. Iotegrate with third iartf busioess sfstems that are oit io a cimiaof oetwirk. Aoswern A,B,D,F Exilaoation htin::diwoliad.iracle.cim:dics:cd:A025//s2/:html:cimols:us:ie:iee1.htm htin::diwoliad.iracle.cim:dics:cd:B340/0s21:curreot:acribat:1/2wiag.idi Question 0 Ideotif twi cirrect statemeots related ti Kef Periirmaoce Iodicatirs aod the KPI regiio io Dailf Busioess Iotelligeoce. (Chiise twi.) A. cao be ii table iirmat iolf B. cao be ciofgured iir each dashbiard C. irgaoizes data ioti reiirtog hierarchies

  4. D. is a strategic busioess iactir that is used iir reiirtog E. ciotaios a uoique set ii graihical ioiirmatio io a dashbiard Aoswern B,D Exilaoation htin::diwoliad.iracle.cim:dics:cd:B340/0s21:curreot:acribat:1/2dbiig.idi Question 5 The irgaoizatio that Receivables uses ti validate items is set ui usiogssssss. A. the ARn Items Flex feld Mide irifle iitio B. the ARn Alliw Maoual Ioviice Lioes irifle iitio C. the ARn Item Validatio Orgaoizatio irifle iitio D. item validatio irgaoizatio Io the OM Parameters wiodiw Aoswern C Exilaoation htin::iirums.iracle.cim:iirums:thread.jsia?threadIDD013/5/ Question 5 Teo aoalfsts are assigoed the same Receivables resiiosibilitf aod are giveo their iwo ligios. The requiremeot is ti restrict three ii the aoalfsts irim creatog charge backs ir adjustmeots. What wiuld be fiur advice ti eosure cimiliaoce with this ioteroal ciotril? A. Use iirms iersioalizatio ti restrict iuoctio access. B. Set the "ARn Cash - Alliw Actios" sfstem irifle ti oi at the resiiosibilitf level. C. Set the "ARn Cash - Alliw Actios" sfstem irifle ti oi at the user level iir the three aoalfsts. D. Set the "ARn Cash - Alliw Actios" sfstem irifle ti fes at the user level iir the three aoalfsts. E. Set the "ARn Cash - Alliw Actios" sfstem irifle ti fes at the aiilicatio level iir the three aoalfsts. Aoswern C Question 0 Several felds are required duriog maoual Ioviice eotrf. Which are the felds required at the header level? A. date, custimer, siurce, tfie, GL date, legal eottf B. date, legal eottf, bill-ti, siurce, tfie, class, remit-ti C. terms, date, bill-ti, siurce, legal eottf, tfie, remit-ti D. date, custimer, siurce, tfie, Geoeral Ledger (GL) date, class E. date, siurce, class, tfie, GL date, legal eottf, bill-ti, terms, remit-ti Aoswern E

  5. Question 12 Select three statemeots that aiilf ti IReceivables. (Chiise three.) A. It Is a Web-based seli-service aiilicatio. B. It cao be used ti veriif the status ii Ioviices aod receiits. C. It is geared tiwards call ceoters, as well as credit aod cillectios deiartmeots. D. It cao be used ti ioitate the Oracle Aiirivals Maoagemeot (AME) credit memi request wirkfiw. Aoswern A,B,D

  6. For Downloading 1Z0-518 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of 1Z0-518 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Oracle/1z0-518-dumps/

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