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By Juster Nkoroi Head of CAMPS Secretariat

PRESENTATION TO THE EXPERTS MEETING HELD FROM 9 TH -10 TH MAY, 2011 AT K.I.C.C NAIROBI, KENYA. By Juster Nkoroi Head of CAMPS Secretariat. 1. Scope of Presentation. Background of Conference of Ministers for Public/Civil Service Vision and Objectives of CAMPS Administration of CAMPS

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By Juster Nkoroi Head of CAMPS Secretariat

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  2. Scope of Presentation • Background of Conference of Ministers for Public/Civil Service • Vision and Objectives of CAMPS • Administration of CAMPS • Framework for Modernization and Transformation of Public Service • Development of Management Guides • Long Term Strategy Implementation Framework • The African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration • Recommendations 2

  3. Background • The Conference of African Ministers of Public/Civil Service was started in 1994 to support public administration in Africa through initiation of reforms, codes and standards. Since then several conferences have been held in different regions across the continent. • The Conference is held biennially during which ministers elect a bureau comprising representatives from the five regions of the African continent. The Bureau provides overall guidance and strategic leadership for the Minister’s Program

  4. Background…..Cont The current Bureau is as follows; 1. Chair - Kenya 2. 1st Vice Chair - Algeria 3. 2nd Vice Chair - Ghana 4. 3rd Vice Chair - (a country to be elected from Central Africa region ) 5. Rapporteur - Mozambique.

  5. The Vision and Objectives of CAMPS • The Vision of CAMPS is “to build capable developmental States in Africa over a long-term period of 10years”. • The theme for CAMPS therefore is “Capacity Development for the future Capability of African Public Service”. The theme is consonant to and reflects the future planning around capacity development for African Union (AU) member States. • The main focus of the ministers conference is development of capacity of African States to deliver efficient services to their citizenry

  6. Objectives of CAMPS The key objective of the Programme is to; • Assess and establish linkages between governance and public administration capabilities and the broader developmental agenda within the continent; and • To share knowledge and learning within the framework of exchange and capacity development on focused priority areas within the continental Program.

  7. Administration of CAMPS • Due to capacity constraints at the African Union Commission, administration of CAMPS has been left to the Chairperson of the Conference. The Chairperson is required to establish a secretariat to oversee implementation of planned activities and provide administration services to the Bureau and the Conference. • Since the Secretariat is established at the national level in the office of the chairperson, it does not therefore rotate with the incoming chair and requires to be established afresh every time the position of the chair changes. • In addition CAMPS has not had a constitutive act and rules of procedure to guide the conduct of business.

  8. Administration of CAMPS • This apparent lack of a defined system is the first challenge the office of the former chairperson and office of the current chair had to deal with since it was also affecting handing over process. • To deal with this problem, the Bureau developed two documents to guide administration of CAMPS.

  9. Administration of CAMPS • These documents are; • Roles and responsibilities for leadership and management of CAMPS which identified players in CAMPS and assigned to each player roles and responsibilities • Concept of service champions. Service championship is a delivery mechanism through which a cluster of countries commit themselves to work collectively on a given thematic area with the aim of spearheading implementation of program activities, including show-casing best practices, driving their approaches to benchmark levels, thus providing leadership to the continent.

  10. Administration of CAMPS • The role of a service champion is to take over leadership of a thematic area by facilitating and coordinating its implementation within the continent. • Service champions are therefore expected to; • Provide leadership for a specific thematic area • Develop plan of action for implementing of respective thematic areas • Devise strategies and mechanisms for implementation • Mobilize resources • Develop a programme for exchange and information sharing

  11. Administration of CAMPS • Documentation of programme activities across the continent • Identify and partner in a collaborative manner with co-champions in the implementation of respective thematic area; and • Other necessary incidental activities to support the Ministers Programme • In addition, service champions are expected to prepare and submit progress re[ports to the Chairperson, periodic reports to the Bureau and final reports to the Conference of Ministers

  12. Administration of CAMPS • In carrying out these responsibilities, the service champions are expected to; • Lead in the implementation of the programme in the respective area; and • Seek information and support from the chairperson and the ministerial Bureau to facilitate their work. • The idea of working with service champions has infused the much needed momentum into the programme implementation and broadened participation by member States • The service champions have since risen to Fifteen (15) from the initial five (5) with eleven (11) being very active in the programme

  13. Framework for Modernization and Transformation of Public Service • The African Ministers developed the Long Term Strategy on African Governance and Public Administration Programme to guide on implementation of activities. The Long Term Strategy is anchored on the African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration. It was noted by the 6th Conference of Ministers sitting in Sandton, South Africa in 2008 as the basis of the future work of Ministers once finalized. • The Long Term Strategy identifies six pillars which are key levers of a system that when transformed will go a long way to achieve the theme of the Ministers Programme. These are:

  14. Framework for modernization…cont • Service delivery and development; • Human resources; • Information and technology in public service; • Organisational and institutional development.; • Budget, finance and resource mobilization; and • Monitoring and evaluation.

  15. Framework for Modernization…cont Based on the six pillars in the Long Term Strategy, the Bureau identified ten thematic areas whose implementation is meant to have major impact in public administration: These are; • African Public Service Day • African Public Service Charter • All Africa Public Service Innovations Awards • Human Resource Planning and Policy Architecture

  16. Framework …cont 5. Leadership and Management Development 6. ICT as an enabler for service delivery 7. African Public Service Capacity Development Programme 8. Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development 9. Performance Management and Measurement Including Monitoring and Evaluation 10. Public Sector Anti-Corruption .

  17. The African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration • The African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration is an important transformational instrument for modernizing public services. It is geared towards improving public administration and governance by providing generic guiding values and principles. • The Charter was developed through a ‘bottom up’ approach-direct inputs and consultations with various Member States throughout African continent. • It introduces common measures and systems to ensure transparency and accountability in the public sector.

  18. The Charter…….cont’d The objective of the Charter is to: • Ensure quality and innovative service delivery that meets the requirements of all users • Encourage the efforts of member States in modernizing administration and strengthening capacity for the improvement of public service. • Encourage citizens and users of public services to actively and effectively participate in public administration processes • Promote the moral values inherent in the activities of Public Service Agents with a view to ensuring transparent service delivery

  19. The Charter……cont’d • Improve the working conditions of Public Agents and ensure the protection of their rights. • Encourage the harmonization of policies and procedures related to Public Service and Administration among member States with the aim of promoting regional and continental integration. • Promote equality between men and women as well as equality within Public Service and Administration structures • Strengthen cooperation among member States, RECs and the International Community for the improvement of public service administration.

  20. The Charter…….cont’d • Encourage the exchange of experiences and best practices in order to create data base information within the member States • The African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the Charter in January, 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • The Charter now awaits ratification and domestication by member States • It will be open for signature here in Nairobi on Saturday, 14th May, 2011

  21. Long Term Strategy Implementation Framework • As pointed out earlier, the 6th Conference of African Ministers of Public/Civil Service held in Sandton, South Africa in October, 2008 noted the Long Term Strategy of Governance and Public Administration as the basis of the future work of the Ministers Programme. The Strategy paper recommended that further work be undertaken in terms of: • Defining implementation strategies and work plans for each of the six pillars proposed in the strategy, namely: Service delivery and development; Human resources; ICTs and the public service; Organization and institutional development of CAMPS; Budget, Finance and Resources Mobilization; as well as Monitoring and Evaluatiom

  22. LTS…..cont’d • Recommending institutional framework required for implementation of the strategy taking into account its relationship, linkages, synergies and value-addition to the broader AU system as well as relating it to existing as well as ongoing regional processes; and • Developing implementation framework for the consolidated strategy including identifying indicators and timelines.

  23. LTS…..cont’d • Two consultants were recruited by CAMPS to finalize the Strategy with the support of UNDP. The consultants were expected to finalize the LTS by providing for; • Work plans and implementation strategies for the six pillars, • Resource mobilization strategies, • Institutional framework required for implementation of the strategy taking into account its relationships, linkages, synergies and value-addition to the broader AU system, • Implementation framework for the consolidated strategy including Identifying indicators and timelines.

  24. LTS …cont The implementation framework for the Long Term Strategy; • Identifies indicators, targets and timelines for each pillar; • Provides institutional framework for implementation of CAMPS programme NB: AUC will present the institutional framework to be established.

  25. Management Guides Three of the above areas developed management guides. These are Human Resource Planning and Policy Architecture; Leadership and Management Development; and Performance Management and Measurement Including Monitoring and Evaluation. The guides are meant to; • Provide practitioners at national levels with a standard code that is an international benchmark to leverage their respective systems and practices • Provide an easy to use tool that can be domesticated by member States • To assist member States benchmark their best practices with global best practices

  26. Management Guides…cont • The management guides are anchored on the Long Term Strategy on African Governance and Public Administration Programme which aims to actualize implementation of the African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration • Development of the guides began with two regional workshops (Swakopmund, Namibia and Abuja, Nigeria) where participants from member States and stakeholders shared experiences and built consensus on the content of the guides.

  27. Management guides……cont’d • The Bureau established a reference group comprising experts from the continent to provide technical support to the process of developing these documents. • The reference group was therefore meant to; • Serve as a sounding board to review drafts of the consultants reports • Make recommendations in terms of geographical/regional representtaion, tradition and integrity of the data captured in the report • Advice on the extent of appropriateness/applicability/relevance of the guides to the thematic areas

  28. Other documents The other documents to be reviewed in this meeting are; • The Rules of Procedure of the CAMPS • The Bureau and Ministerial Conference Agenda • The Programme for the Ministerial meeting • Draft Resolutions and Declaration

  29. Expectations from this meeting You are today; Expected to discuss and validate the documents for submission to the Bureau and the Conference. 29


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