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Unit 1 How to Fight an Infection

Unit 1 How to Fight an Infection. Bioinformatics. The collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biochemical and biological information using computers especially as applied i n molecular genetics and genomics Sue and the outbreak of Neiserria meningitidis

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Unit 1 How to Fight an Infection

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  1. Unit 1 How to Fight an Infection

  2. Bioinformatics • The collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biochemical and biological information using computers especially as applied in molecular genetics and genomics • Sue and the outbreak of Neiserriameningitidis • We collected information from individuals to try to track the infection

  3. BLAST • We identified the possible organisms infecting the college students with BLAST • http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi • Provides you with a match to your sequence of DNA. • The higher the percentage, the greater the match that it is that organism.

  4. ELISA • Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay • Quantitative and Qualitative results • http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/ELISA.html

  5. Attack of the Superbugs • 1.2.2 - This activity investigates the mechanisms by which DNA from one bacterial cell is transferred to another bacterial cell. • This process is called CONJUGATION.

  6. Attack of the Superbugs • To see if we can induce conjugation making an antibiotic resistant bacterium • We are using two strains of Escherichia coli • Strain 1 – has a gene on its DNA that codes for streptomycin resistance • Strain 2 – has a gene found on the plasmid DNA that codes for ampicillin resistance.

  7. Results • We had growth on three plates. • If conjugation had not occurred, we would not have seen growth on the plate with strep and amp in it. Plasmid was conjugated.

  8. Transduction and Transformation • Transduction is the process by which DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another by a virus

  9. Bacterial transformation is the process by which bacterial cells take up naked DNA molecules from the surrounding media. • Not sure how this occurs.

  10. Antibiotic Resistance • Lab showed how bacteria can establish antibiotic resistance. • Bad!

  11. Hearing Loss • Put a pic of the ear on your sheet with structures labeled • Sensionuerialvs conductive • Related to the use of Sue’s use of antibiotics due to Neiserriameningitidis

  12. Conductive hearing problems are those that disrupt the conduction of sound through the outer and middle ear.

  13. Conductive Hearing Loss • Affects hearing before the sound reaches the cochlea and the nerve receptors of the inner ear.

  14. Sensorineural deafness • Sensorineural deafness is decreased hearing or hearing loss that occurs from damage to the inner ear, the auditorynerve, or the brain.

  15. Sensorineural hearing loss is most often due to a loss of hair cells (sensory receptors in the inner ear).

  16. Treatment • Cochlear Implant • Hearing Aid

  17. Causes of Conduction Deafness • Otitis Media • Middle ear infection • Chronic suppurative otitis media – 1.Peferation of the tympanic membrane 2. Bacterial infection l

  18. Otosclerosis • Ossicles of the middle ear harden and become less able to vibrate.

  19. Otosclerosis • Approximately one-third of all persons with impaired hearing have this condition. • Hereditary • Damage to the ossicles, e.g. by serious infection or head injury. • Perforated (pierced) eardrum, which can be caused by an untreated ear infection (chronic suppurative otitis media), head injury or a blow to the ear, or from poking something in your ear.

  20. Interventions • Hearing aids -usually effective for conductive hearing loss. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/8685.htm

  21. Vaccines – 3 major, out of 6 • Types of Vaccines • Attenuated – live virus, slightly weakened, changed so that you get an immune response but not the disease • Killed – virus is dead but still elicites an immune response • Toxoid - vaccine is designed to trigger an immune response to a toxin produced by a bacterium or virus, not to the organism itself.

  22. Unit 2 How To Screen What Is in Your Genes

  23. Genetic Testing • Genetic testing is the use of molecular methods to determine if someone has a genetic disorder, will develop one, or is a carrier of a genetic illness and involves sampling a person’s DNA and examining the chromosomes or genes for abnormalities.

  24. 2.1.1. Genetic Counselor • 2.1.2 Screening our own genes - PTC gene • PCR • http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/pcr.html • Know the steps and the temps for each step • 2.1.3 Restriction Enzymes • What are they • Sticky vs blunt • SNPs

  25. 2.2 • Gene Therapy • Gene therapy is the practice of inserting functional genes into a person’s genome to replace faulty genes • Viral Vectors vs Non-viral • Viral – can be engineered, enters cells easily but can cause an immune response • Non-viral– plasmids, don’t enters cells as easily

  26. 2.3 • Reproductive Technology • in vitro fertilization (IVF) • preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

  27. Unit 3 How to Conquer Cancer

  28. 3.1 • Regulation in the cell cycle

  29. Proto-oncognes become oncogenes through a disruption in the cell cycle. • Normally, cells will detect a mutation or that a certain point in the cell cycle has been disrupted and cause the cell to undergo apoptosis • Oncogenes lead to cancerous cells

  30. DNA Microarray - What Are They? • Technology in which the activity (whether a gene is turned on or off) of thousands of genes can be measured.

  31. mRNA is attached to the wells • Conjucated with cDNA (complimentary) along with a flourescent tag. • Color that is emited is detected. • Detects for the level of expression of mRNA

  32. 3.2 Cancer Screens and 3.3 Treating Cancer • Why do we do screens? • How do we treat cancer? • Radiation • Chemotherapy • Biofeedback therapy

  33. 3.4 Building a Better Cancer Treatment • Personalized Medicine • SNPS, haplotypes • How do you determine which medication to give looking at SNPs?

  34. Clinical Trials • Random • Double Blind ** • Orphan • Single Blind

  35. Nanotechnology • What can nanotechnology do? • How can we use it in cancer?

  36. Unit 4 How To Prevail When Organs Fail • GFP Lab • Why hdyrophobic column • Why CaCl2 and heat shock • Why lysozyme • Why binding buffer

  37. ESRD and Organ Transplantation • Know the tests that are used to diagnose ESRD

  38. Kidney Vs Heart Transplant • Both are used for patients that are ill and in need of an organ. • Both must utilize tissue typing. • Both can have organ rejection.

  39. Heart Transplant • More extreme of a surgery • Kidney = laproscopic • Heart = opening entire chest cavity • Blood has to be rerouted during surgery to a bypass machine • Kidney = just clamp the vessels to the kidney that is to be removed • Longer recovery time • Needs to be performed ASAP vs wait time on a kidney – WHY?

  40. Transplantation of Other Tissues • Which of the following can we currently transplant? • Heart • Intestine • Kidney • Liver • Pancreas • Lung • Bone/Tendons • Cornea • Skin

  41. Which of the following organs is the only organ that can regenerate itself? • Heart • Intestine • Kidney • Liver • Pancreas • Lung

  42. The Liver! • A portion of a liver can be transplanted and can grow while the donor ‘s original liver can grow back to normal as well.

  43. Those Involved • Anesthesiologist • Provides medicine to put patient under during surgery • Transplant Surgeon • Specializes in the transplant of a certain organ • Preoperative Nurse • Works with the surgeon handing her tools and provides help when needed • Pharmacist • Provides ant-rejection medication to patient after surgery

  44. Xenotransplantation • Using animal parts for humans • Plenty of animals, plenty of parts • Problem – we can reject the organ (HLA) • Introduction of animal viruses into humans • Problem – clone the animals – can lead to inferior structures

  45. Tissue Engineering • Using patients cells to grow organs and tissues in the lab • Could grow a replacement organ?? • Bladder would be easier than intestines – due to the multiple functions of intestines • What are some negatives? http://science.howstuffworks.com/genetic-science/cloned-organ-transplant.htm

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