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CITY OF CAPE TOWN Energy and Climate Change Strategy

CITY OF CAPE TOWN Energy and Climate Change Strategy. Shirene Rosenberg Environmental Planning Department.

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CITY OF CAPE TOWN Energy and Climate Change Strategy

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  1. CITY OF CAPE TOWNEnergy and Climate Change Strategy Shirene Rosenberg Environmental Planning Department

  2. Energy key to economic growth and development as well as welfare promotion. • South Africa fossil fuel based energy supply, proven to result in global warming. • CCT first African city to prepare an Energy and Climate Change Strategy. • Part of IMEP and based on the state of energy use in the CCT. • Framework providing vision and direction, specifically in the energy sector. • Integration of SD approaches into core functions of the city. • Apart from mitigation measures the strategy will also explore measures aimed at preparing and reducing the anticipated impacts of climate change on communities, the natural and the built environments and the economy.

  3. Policy and Strategy Framework Vision1:Access to appropriate, affordable, safe and health energy services. Vision 2: Meeting energy needs in a SD manner Vision 3: Efficient use and management of energy. Vision 4: Equitable transport system, based on public transport and compact planning. Vision 5: Provision of Energy in support of economic competiveness and increased employment. The CCT aims to achieve this vision by means of specific targets and implementation of projects geared toward theses targets.

  4. Vision 2: Meeting Energy needs an SD manner • Target: 10% of all households to have SWH by 2010. • Target: 10% of City owned housing to have SWH by 2010 • Interventions: • Kuyasa low-income housing thermal upgrade. • ICLEI CCP/CEF • N2 Low-income Housing • City Bylaw

  5. Implementation Constraints • Financing renewable energy vs “artificially” low cost of energy • Capacity • Awareness. • Immaturity of the SWH Industry and lack of industry standards • Limited resources go to basic services delivery • Pressure for basic service delivery, thus long-term sustainability often deprioritised. • ‘Tight’ budgets mean resources go to meeting short-term needs, and sustainability suffers – so problems often persist. • Projects often stop at pilot phase due to resource constraints • Going beyond the pilot phase • Strategy in place • Projects clearly identified …but • Financial resources and technical inputs lacking – Partnerships needed (local & international)

  6. Thank you

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