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The Primate Continuum: Behavior and Human Origin

Explore the fascinating world of primate behavior and its role in shaping human evolution. Discover the similarities between primate and human behaviors, such as language capabilities, cultural behavior, aggression between groups, altruism, and cooperation. Understand the importance of studying nonhuman primates to gain insights into our own species' development.

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The Primate Continuum: Behavior and Human Origin

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  1. Chapter 7 Models for Human Evolution • Behavior and Human Origin • Language Capabilities • Primate Cultural Behavior • Aggressive Interactions Between Groups • Affiliation, Altruism and Cooperation • The Primate Continuum

  2. Behavior and Human Origin • Primate behaviors developed as a function of natural selection. • Behaviors are similar in many primate species and may be adaptive in complex social settings.

  3. Language Capabilities • Language distinguishes humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. • There is abundant evidence that humans are not the only species capable of symbolic thought and complex communication.

  4. Primate Cultural Behavior • Cultural behavior is learned. • Nonhuman primates learn behaviors through observation, their mothers and others. • Chimpanzees are the only nonhuman primate that consistently and habitually makes and uses tools.

  5. Cultural Behaviors in Nonhuman Primates - 8 Criteria • Innovation - Pattern is invented or modified. • Dissemination - Pattern is acquired. • Standardization - Pattern is consistent and stylized. • Durability - Pattern is performed without presence of demonstrator.

  6. Cultural Behaviors in Nonhuman Primates - 8 Criteria • Diffusion - Pattern spreads from one group to another. • Tradition - Pattern persists from one generation to the next. • Nonsubsistence - Pattern transcends subsistence. • Naturalness - Pattern is shown in absence of direct human influence.

  7. Aggression Between Groups • Used to protect resource through defense of territories. • Territoriality is associated with species whose ranges are small enough to permit patrolling and protection. • Lethal unprovoked aggression between groups of the same species is known to occur only in humans and chimpanzees.

  8. Studies in Aggression • Jane Goodall and her colleagues witnessed unprovoked and brutal attacks of chimpanzees by other chimpanzees. • Territoriality and acquisition of females are the motives suggested for chimpanzee male aggression.

  9. Altruism • Altruism is common in many primate species. • Chimpanzees routinely come to the aid of family and friends. • Chimpanzee orphans are routinely adopted.

  10. Cooperation • Forming alliances, coalitions and grooming partnerships are all forms of cooperative behaviors. • Chimpanzees hunt cooperatively.

  11. The Primate Continuum • Human brains are larger than primate brains, but the neurological processes are functionally the same. • The fact that humans are part of an evolutionary continuum is the basis for animal research, yet we cage nonhuman primates with little regard for the needs they share with us.

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