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Factorization Machine

Factorization Machine. I’m Jerry. Factorization Machine. Factorization Methods. Factorization Machine. Support Vector Machine. Factorization Model. User Features. Ratings. Item Feature. Support Vector Machine (SVM). D = {(x i , y i ) | x i ∈R P , y i ∈{-1, 1}} i = 1~n

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Factorization Machine

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FactorizationMachine I’mJerry

  2. FactorizationMachine FactorizationMethods

  3. FactorizationMachine SupportVectorMachine

  4. FactorizationModel UserFeatures Ratings ItemFeature

  5. SupportVectorMachine(SVM) D={(xi,yi)|xi∈RP,yi∈{-1,1}}i=1~n Line: y(x) = w‧x+b=0 Forallyi=1,y(xi) = w‧xi+b≧1 Forallyi=-1,y(xi) = w‧xi+b≦-1 Minimize|w|

  6. SupportVectorMachine(SVM)

  7. RecommenderGroup YUNOUSESVM?

  8. “Y U NO USE SVM?” Real Value V.S. Classification Sparsity

  9. y(x) = w‧x+b= wu + wi+b

  10. ActuallyWeDoUseSVM OnEnsemble

  11. Ensemblemodels User Item Model2 Model1 Model3

  12. Ensemblemodels User Item Model2 Model1 Model3 x y

  13. Ensemblemodels User Item Model2 Model1 Model3 + + + =

  14. Predictionsontrainset Trainsetanswer

  15. Predictionsontrainset Trainsetanswer ModelWeights SVM

  16. Predictionsontrainset Trainsetanswer ModelWeights SVM ModelWeights Predictionsontestset

  17. Predictionsontrainset Trainsetanswer ModelWeights SVM ModelWeights Predictionsontestset FinalPrediction

  18. SVMCalculates“weight”offeatures

  19. FactorizationMachine • OriginalSVM: • y(x)=w‧x+b=b+Σwixi • FactorizationMachine: • y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  20. FactorizationMachine i=0 j=i+1 Interactionbetweenvariables • OriginalSVM: • y(x)=w‧x+b=b+Σwixi • FactorizationMachine: • y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  21. (vi‧vj)? W

  22. (vi‧vj)? W

  23. (vi‧vj)? W ?

  24. (vi‧vj)? W CFMatrix

  25. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = k

  26. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  27. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  28. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  29. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = =vA‧vTI i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  30. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = =vA‧vTI i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  31. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = =vA‧vTI i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  32. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = Factorization i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  33. (vi‧vj)? W V VT = Machine Factorization i=0 j=i+1 y(x)=b+Σwixi+ΣΣ(vi‧vj)xixj

  34. FactorizationMachine

  35. W

  36. FMV.S.SVM SVMfailswithsparsity FMlearnwithsgd,SVMlearnwithdual

  37. FMV.S.SVM PolynomialkernelSVM ComparetoFM: Wi,jareallindependenttoeachother.

  38. FMV.S.MF • MF: • y( x ) = b+ wu+ wi+ vu‧vi • SVD++: • y( x ) = b + wu + wi + vu‧vi+(1/√|Nu|)Σvi‧vl • ClaimsthatFMismoregeneral

  39. Thanks!

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