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Neuroscience in the Biological Intelligence MRT Bill Greenough, Co-Chair

Neuroscience in the Biological Intelligence MRT Bill Greenough, Co-Chair. Intelligent Hearing Aid Project. Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Investigators: Albert Feng, Chen Liu, Bruce Wheeler, Douglas Jones, William O’Brien, Charissa Lansing, Robert Bilger.

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Neuroscience in the Biological Intelligence MRT Bill Greenough, Co-Chair

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  1. Neuroscience in the Biological Intelligence MRTBill Greenough, Co-Chair

  2. Intelligent Hearing Aid Project Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Investigators: Albert Feng, Chen Liu, Bruce Wheeler, Douglas Jones, William O’Brien, Charissa Lansing, Robert Bilger He killed the dragon with his sword His plan meant taking a big risk Stir your coffee with a spoon Goal: Develop high performance auditory processors which can effectively extract a desired speech signal in the presence of multiple competing sounds. Combined Speech Waveform Intelligent Hearing Aid Device He killed the dragon with his sword

  3. Algorithm #1: Localization and Cancellation • Separation by Frequency • Dual Delay Lines • Identify Source Locations • Cancel Noise by Steering Nulls Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 1999

  4. Algorithm #1: Localization and Cancellation Localization in the Brain Localization by Computer (measure of coincidence => azimuth) Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 1999

  5. Algorithm #2: Minimum Variance Cancellation • Separation by Frequency • Minimize Off-Axis Signal Strength Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 1999

  6. Current and Future Work • Real-Time Implementation on a DSP board 4 • Field tests in rooms with different acoustics • Human subject tests (normal and hearing impaired listeners) 4 • Dereverberation Thanks to Dr. Chen Liu (now @ Motorola), Dr. Marc Gouygou (now @ Univ. Lisle), and graduate students Mike Lockwood and Mark Elledge Beckman Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign November 1999

  7. Implications for the Beckman Institute of Recent Events in Campuswide Biology? (Update)On the Positive Side:* Biomedical Engineering Department?* Campuswide Biotechnology InitiativeOn the Down Side:* Subramaniam Departure (Bioinformatics)* Beebe Departure (Bio-MEMS)

  8. Other New Interdisciplinary Biology Programs In The Beckman Institute*Mouse Neurobehavioral Characterization Project* The Dendrite Project

  9. Mouse Behavioral Test Battery (Clayton, Black, Gillette, Greenough, Li)* Issue: Neurobehavioral characterization of genetically altered mice* Basic sensory-motor abilities* Activity level* Learning and memory* Emotionality-anxiety* Funding: UI Critical Research Initiatives* Possible program project application

  10. Elevated Plus Maze

  11. Elevated Plus Maze

  12. Light Dark Box

  13. Open Field Test Measures locomotor activity as well as providing a partial measure of anxiety related activities

  14. The Whole Dendrite Project Co-PIs: W. Greenough & J. Eberwine (U.Penn) Participants: J. Bower (Caltech), B. Connors (Brown), M. Dichter (Penn), G. Dreyfuss (Penn), E. Finch (Emory), M. Ellisman (UCSD), D. Hunt (U. VA), K. Khodakhah (U. Colorado), K. Kosic (Brigham & Women’s Hosp.), B. Mel (U. So. Calif.), J. Morrison (Mt. Sinai, NY), F. Schweizer (UCLA), M. Segal (Tel Aviv), O. Steward (UC Irvine), S. Subramaniam (UI->UCSD), J. Sweedler (Beckman)

  15. (The “Funnel” concept) The “Funnel” concept of dendritic function suggested that dendrites were passive cables that decrementally conducted the potentials arising from synaptic inputs to the site of impulse generation (traditionally the axon hillock).

  16. Dendrites as Quasi-Independent Compartments AAAAA AAAAA

  17. Dendrites as Multiple Metabolic Compartments DA Glu AMPA NMDA mGluR Ca2+ Hormones, Growth factors BDNF 3 NGF Ach Receptor tyrosine kinases 2nd messenger systems 5 GABA Protein kinases AAAAA 4 AAAAA 2 1 AAAAA AAAAA p MAP phospho-MAP

  18. How Should Beckman Participate in Future Campuswide Biology?* Basic Neuroscience * Cognitive Neuroscience* Bioengineering - Bio-MEMS* Bioinformatics* Other BI Biology Initiatives?

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