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  1. United Arab Emirates UniversityCollege of EngineeringGraduation Project Code: ELEC 585Intelligent Load Frequency Control for UAE Power SystemGraduation Project (II) CourseByEissa Yousef Al Ghais 200217213Saeed Ismaeel Al Harmodi 200204292 Bassam Husain Salim Al Harthi 199900176Project Advisor:Dr. Abdullah Ismail

  2. Introduction. Why Fuzzy Logic ? Fuzzy Logic Design Fundamentals. Fuzzy Logic Design Methodology. Application. Summary. Q & A Session. Acknowledgement. Agenda

  3. Introduction Fuzzification Rule evaluation Defuzzification Process Recap Fuzzy Fundamentals

  4. Identify Inputs and Outputs Specify Universe of Discourse Write Rules Check Output, fine tune system Fuzzy Design Methodology

  5. Identify Inputs and Outputs Specify Universe of Discourse Write Rules Check Output, fine tune system Fuzzy Design Methodology

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