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Olive oil export promotion project

Palestinian Farmers Union. Olive oil export promotion project. Restitution workshop Ramallah, February 1 st , 2012 . Olive Oil Export Promotion Project: Overview. Olive Oil Export Promotion Project: Overview. PFU. Supply Chain. Support organizations.

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Olive oil export promotion project

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  1. Palestinian Farmers Union Olive oil export promotion project Restitution workshop Ramallah, February 1st, 2012

  2. Olive Oil Export Promotion Project: Overview

  3. Olive Oil Export Promotion Project: Overview PFU Supply Chain Support organizations Farmers / Cooperatives: 1000 farmers / 30 coop. PFIA Presses: 15 presses Bottlers / Exporters: 8-10 companies PalTrade Certification: Jury members PSI International Markets

  4. Olive oil export promotion project Restitution workshop – February 1st, 2012 Component 1 - PFU Support to olive farmers and olive oil production

  5. Objective 1: Empowerment and capacity building or farmers’ organizations

  6. Objective 1: Empowerment and capacity building or farmers’ organizations Progress Coalitions of cooperatives Cooperatives Individual farmers Time

  7. Objective 2: Upgrade olive and olive oil production: QUALITY (1)Funded by European Commission and Oxfam GB

  8. Follow-up of best practices for olive oil quality Olive presses Storage conditions Olive harvest

  9. Objective 2: Upgrade olive and olive oil production: QUALITY

  10. Objective 2: Upgrade olive and olive oil production: PRODUCTIVITY (1)Funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

  11. Participatory trainings in demonstration orchards Short theoretical introduction Demonstration by international trainer Group discussion Field exercices

  12. Introduction to control of “Peacock eye disease”

  13. SEBASTIA (Nablus): November 2009 SEBASTIA (Nablus): February 2009 IMMATIN (Qalqilya): February 2009 IMMATIN (Qalqilya): November 2009

  14. Objective 2: Upgrade olive and olive oil production: PRODUCTIVITY • Sensibility of Palestinian rainfed orchard to climatic conditions (for instance impact of draught during spring and summer 2009/2010) • Importance of productive pruning and plant protection might not be enough & necessity to explore other ways: • Resistant olive varieties (to water shortage and to draught) • Supplementary irrigation (with zoning of irrigable areas)

  15. Objective 3: Set-up Market Information and Services Unit

  16. Objective 3: Set-up Market Information and Services Unit Confusion about MISU concept: SERVICE CENTER Training of olive farmers on downstream + Platform gathering information from the production and the market + Facilitation of business meetings in between cooperatives and local trading companies OR BUSINESS CENTER Business exploration + Negotiations on behalf of the producers.

  17. Objective 3: Set-up Market Information and Services Unit • Necessity to develop capacities of farmers supporting organizations in business development • MISU came too early in the process of capacity building of farmers’ organizations • Farmers not ready, not interested to take actions, not willing to take responsibilities • More efficient at this stage of development to have a trading partner

  18. Conclusion: Recommendations and perspectives


  20. Olive oil export promotion project Restitution workshop – February 1st, 2012 Component 2 - PFIA Quality certification and food safety of olive presses

  21. Objective 1: HACCP certification for the olive presses 21

  22. Rehabilitation of olive press according to food safety and hygiene requirements

  23. Objective 1: HACCP certification for the olive presses

  24. Objective 2: Training on quality control

  25. Objective 2: Training on quality control Olive press owners should pay more attention to continuous training of their staff Trainings should be more tailored to the level of education of press owners and workers Need for training in practical and theoretical maintenance and GMP

  26. Conclusion: Recommendations and perspectives

  27. Olive oil export promotion project Restitution workshop – February 1st, 2012 Component 3 - PSI Quality control and national regulations

  28. Objective 1: Development of national tasting laboratory and panel test

  29. Objective 1: Development of national tasting laboratory and panel test Olive oil tasting sessions and PSI new tasting laboratory

  30. Objective 1: Development of national tasting laboratory and panel test

  31. Objective 2: Implementation of Olive Oil Quality Chart 31

  32. Objective 2: Implementation of Olive Oil Quality Chart

  33. Objective 3: Study of Geographical Indication potential 33

  34. Conclusion: Recommendations and perspectives

  35. Olive oil export promotion project Restitution workshop – February 1st, 2012 Component 4 - PALTRADE Promotion and marketing

  36. Objective 1: Market information

  37. Objective 1: Market information PALTRADE PALTRADE + COMPANIES

  38. Objective 2: Support to promotion and marketing

  39. Objective 2: Support to promotion and marketing Women cooperative at olive oil festival Salfeet, 2011 Palestinian stand at Hallal exhibition Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009

  40. Success stories Technochemical Company Entering new markets: • Value of Techno chemical sales/ Exports to the Malaysian market in the year 2011 was more than 120,000 USD (85% Olive Oil) • In 2012, Techno chemical expects that sales will reach 200,000 USD (+50%) based on the current orders which already started. “AFD project activities helped our company not only to enter the Malaysian market but also to grow fast in that market” Dr. Osama Odeh, owner

  41. Success stories New Farm Company • Introduction of new products: “Support from AFD project enabled New farm company to introduce two new products to the local market (olive Paste and Ataype). Surprisingly, the highest sales -apart from the olive oil- were the those two new products, this was accomplished through the tasting events, media coverage, promotion materials and small gifts, all around the West Bank cities.” • Results of tasting events(increase of sales in local market):

  42. Objective 2: Support to promotion and marketing

  43. Objective 3: Technical Assistance Practical cooperation in between stakeholders (and in between donors) is possible, efficient and productive

  44. Conclusion: Recommendations and perspectives

  45. Conclusion: Recommendations and perspectives

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