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Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)

Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS). New Course Assignment Collection Dual Credit and Remedial/Co-Requisite Courses August 14, 2019. New Course Assignment Collection . Course Assignments has two distinct collections Dual Credit Remedial/Co-requisite courses.

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Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)

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  1. Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS) New Course Assignment Collection Dual Credit and Remedial/Co-Requisite Courses August 14, 2019

  2. New Course Assignment Collection • Course Assignments has two distinct collections • Dual Credit • Remedial/Co-requisite courses

  3. New Course Assignment Collection Dual Credit Dual Credit Quality Act (110 ILCS 27/), P.A. 96-194, effective 1-1-10 Dual Credit means an instructional arrangement in which an academically qualified student currently enrolled in high school enrolls in a college-level course and, upon successful course completion, concurrently earns both college credit and high school credit.

  4. New Course Assignment Collection Remedial/Co-requisite Courses Remedial/Developmental Courses, or courses that prepare students for college-level courses. They are typically numbered below 100 and do not count towards the students degree requirements. Co-Requisite Remedial Courses are courses that give additional support to students that may not be prepared for college level work. The course is for entry level college work generally in Math, English or Reading. The course counts towards the students degree requirements.

  5. New Course Assignment Collection Remedial/Co-requisite Courses SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 41 Creates an Advisory Council to study remediation. Requires an analysis on remedial courses and their subsequent performance in gateway courses. Public Universities will be required to submit corresponding gateway courses for academic year 2019-2020 following the current remedial courses submitted for AY 2018-19.

  6. Schedule For Opening • August 14th UIC Training • August 19th IBHE Training • August 20th Webinar Training • August 26th Open Course Assignment Collection • December 15th Course Collection Closes

  7. 2018-19 Collection Timeline

  8. Other Info… • System allows one Primary Administrator (PA) per institution • PA will need to enter other users for their institution

  9. New Primary Administrator Registration

  10. New Primary Administrator Registration Organization & Role -Click the button next to ‘Institution’ -Fill in your title (i.e. Director of IR, Registrar) -Use the drop down menu to select your institution -Your role will be set to Primary Administrator

  11. New Primary Administrator Registration Personal Information-The following fields are required to create your profile -Enter first name, last name -Institution address, state, zip code -Phone number -Email address & password

  12. New Primary Administrator Registration Security Questions – Fill in all three Approval Form – PA needs to be completed and uploaded https://www.ibhe.org/iheis.html Be sure to click to agree to the Terms & Conditions Click ‘Submit’ button in the bottom right corner

  13. User Administration

  14. User Administration

  15. User Administration Click ‘Add Users’ to create a new user profile

  16. Adding New Users

  17. Adding New Users Adding New Users -Enter new user title

  18. Adding New Users

  19. Adding New Users -Enter new user’s first name, last name, email address, password -Click ‘Submit’

  20. User Administration Click ‘Change Inactive/Active’ button

  21. Editing Your Profile

  22. Editing Your Profile Change Password -Enter and confirm new password Change Personal Information -Edit address and phone number

  23. Editing Your Profile -Changing Security Questions -Use drop down menus to select three security questions -Enter unique responses to security questions -Be sure to agree to Terms& Conditions -Click ‘Submit’

  24. ProfileDeletion Click ‘Delete Profile’ tab

  25. Profile Deletion Click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to confirm

  26. Data Submission Process • There are three files that need to be submitted. • Instructor File • Course File • Student file Data Dictionary is on IHEIS webpage (Revamped 08/13) https://www.ibhe.org/iheis.html The order of data submission needs to be: • Teacher file or teacher already in the database • Course file • Student file

  27. Instructor File IBHEFICE – List on Enrollment Graduation Data Dictionary CoursePrefix- Matches Course Prefix on course file (MTH, ENG, COMM)

  28. Instructor File TeacherID – This is an instiution ID Either your local ID or a made up one for your institution. This is required, but very important for Dual Credit due to verification of qualifications.

  29. Instructor File Teachers First and Last Name are required.

  30. Instructor File Teachers First and Last Name are required. InstructorQualifications – Just as the prior process DC needs to list their qualification to teach the course listed in the Prefix (E.G. Math) InstQualComments – If answered 3-Other in previous question Explain Qualifications

  31. Instructor File HighSchoolInstructor – For DC, does the teacher also teach at the HS outside of this dual credit course.

  32. Course File AcademicYear – Year the AY begins. 2018=AY2018-2019 TermofEnrollment – Same as in Enrollment

  33. Course File CoursePrefix – The course area, usually the first three letters (E.g., MTH, ENG, COMM CourseNum – The course numbers that come after the Prefix (E.g., 090, 100, 100001) CourseSection – The number that differentiates the same course being taught multiple times in one semester (E.g., 001, 002, 015) CourseName – The short name of the course (E.g. Calculus 1, Remedial Math, Pre-Algebra, Remedial English)

  34. Course File CourseCreditHours - P=Pass/Fail or1-15 range Remedial_Coreq – Is this Remedial or a Co-requisite course. Y/N PlacementMethod – How did you place that student in the Remedial or Co-requisite course.

  35. Course File DualCredit – What Type of Dual Credit Course? DC only CourseGrade – How is the student graded? A=Letter grade or P=P/F

  36. Course File ISBE_HS_RCDTS – For the DC courses what is the RCDTS code of the HS? ISBE maintains a list of schools and their state RCDTS codes online. HSName – Name of HS. IBHE_Region – Region this course is being offered in. (Your institution operates in an IBHE region and this program is approved in that region) https://www.ibhe.org/assets/files/cregionmap.pdf https://ibhe.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=023ab6673fc84fe8a212bbabbe4f6370

  37. Course File CourseType – Delivery method of course. TeacherID – Same used in Teacher file. ArticulatedInst – DC required to show this course is articulated with three accredited institutions. Use IBHEFICE in Enroll/Grad Data Dictionary.

  38. Course File CourseType – Delivery method of course. TeacherID – Same used in Teacher file. ArticulatedInst – DC required to show this course is articulated with three accredited institutions. Use IBHEFICE in Enroll/Grad Data Dictionary.

  39. Student File A minimum of one student id is required out of the 4 variables (PreviousID, UniqueID, ISBEID, InstitutionalAssignedID). Same as Enrollment and Graduation.

  40. Student File A minimum of one student id is required out of the 4 variables (PreviousID, UniqueID, ISBEID, InstitutionalAssignedID). Same as Enrollment and Graduation.

  41. Student File AcademicYear – Year the AY begins. 2018=AY2018-2019 TermofEnrollment – Same as in Enrollment

  42. Student File CoursePrefix, CourseNum, CourseSection are used to link to the course file. CourseGrade – Final grade given at end of semester.

  43. Instructor List All Instructors you successfully upload will be retained in the system. To see that list click on the instructor button.

  44. Instructor List • The list of instructors can be sorted by clicking on the column header. • You can edit the teacher by clicking on edit instructor. • For Dual Credit it is best to keep instructors qualifications unchanged unless their qualifications have improved for a specific area (Course Prefix) • Upload a new record if the same teacher will be teaching in another area (E.g. MTH teacher now teaching ENG) • You cannot delete teachers.

  45. Order of Uploading Files • Upload Instructor file with new instructors. • In future years you will only need to upload new teachers and/or update teachers qualification. • CoursePrefix in Instructor file will be used for qualifications of instructor for DC course. • Upload Courses for that Academic Year • Courses must have teachers that are in the instructor table. • Upload Students • Courses must have students. • Student must be in a course that had been previously uploaded. • Student file must match exactly the AcademicYear, TermofEnrollment, CoursePrefix, CourseNum, CourseSection in the Course file.

  46. Order of Uploading Files • Instructor will only be available to upload first. • Upload instructor file. Check for validation. Mark Complete. • Upload Course. Check for Validation. Mark complete. • Student file will then be available. Upload. Check for validation. Mark complete.

  47. Thank You IHEIS Team David Smalley Corey Hankins Dr. Eric Lichtenberger

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