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Gruppo veterinari Benessere animale: la macellazione rituale

Obiettivo: il cittadino di religione islamica deve macellare nel luogo giusto (il macello) Ovvero: evitare la macellazione clandestina degli animali. Gruppo veterinari Benessere animale: la macellazione rituale. Worksheet #1: Setting Change Objectives.

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Gruppo veterinari Benessere animale: la macellazione rituale

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  1. Obiettivo: il cittadino di religione islamica deve macellare nel luogo giusto (il macello) Ovvero: evitare la macellazione clandestina degli animali Gruppo veterinariBenessere animale:la macellazione rituale

  2. Worksheet #1: Setting Change Objectives • What is the issue you want to address? (Describe/quantify the nature and scope) In occasione della festività islamica del sacrificio (annuale) avviene la macellazione clandestina degli ovini non controllata sanitariamente in ambiente non igienico e con spandimento di rifiuti nell’ambiente • What are the key factors that explain the issue? • How do you know (document it)? E’ necessario promuovere comportamenti corretti in ordine a 1. benessere animale 2. prevenzione MTA 3. prevenzione inquinamento ambientale • Which factors does your specific organization want to influence? • How do you expect change to occur? • Review best practices Il cittadino di religione islamica si approvvigioni di carni in macelleria o ricorra alla macellazione presso un macello autorizzato di animali acquistati in allevamenti registrati 2

  3. Worksheet #1: Setting Change Objectives (cont’d) Translate success over the next two to three years into a scenario outlining a list of key audiences (internal or external, including partners), along with the concrete behaviours, actions, or decisions that they each would adopt. 3

  4. Worksheet #2: Audience Analysis & Segmentation (Adapted from Lagarde, 2004) 4

  5. Segue Worksheet #2: Audience Analysis & Segmentation (Adapted from Lagarde, 2004) 5

  6. Worksheet #3a:Context Analysis - Internal 6

  7. Worksheet #3b:Context Analysis - External 7

  8. Worksheet #4:Priority & Measurable Objectives • By ‘target date’, the audience/segment will know, think or do… • Informazione alle famiglie (n.famiglie informate/n.famiglie esistenti) • Incontri con comunità religiosa (n. imam-leader informati/n.imam-leader presenti sul territorio) • Aumento del numero degli animali regolarmente macellati (+ 10 rispetto all’anno precedente) 8

  9. Worksheet #5a:Positioning • We want (target audience) to see (desired behaviour) as (descriptive phrase) and as more important and beneficial than (competition) CELEBRATE SAFELY Celebra la tua Festa e pretendi salute per la tua famiglia • We want (target audience) to see (our organization) as (descriptive phrase) A Imola si può 9

  10. Worksheet #5b:Your Product, Price, Place Strategies • New or improved offering (behaviour, product, service) – to make it more attractive? Garanzia della sicurezza alimentare (visita del veterinario) • Ways of making it less costly (monetary and non-monetary, including incentives, discounts, pricing, recognition) or time-consuming? Garanzia del trasporto al macello dell’animale • Ways to reduce barriers and improve access (making it easier, including location, hours, mobile/going where the audience is, distribution channels, intermediaries)? Aumento della recettività dei macelli della zona • Advocacy implications: Provincia e Comuni 10

  11. Worksheet #5c:Selecting a Combination of Channels 11

  12. Worksheet #5d:Message Development CELEBRATE SAFELY • Write a message aimed at one of your key audiences that answers the following questions: • What? • So What? • Now What (call to action)? • Who are you (source and/or testimonial/ leader)? • Specify the approach (appeal, norm, fear, …) • Justify the approach referring back to the audience analysis and other components of your strategy 12

  13. Worksheet #5e: Partnerships • For implementing aspects of your Product, Price, Place and Promotion Strategies • For access to audiences • For credibility and influence • For resources 13

  14. 20-minute Presentation of Your Plan • Issue, Solution, Change Objectives • Audience Analysis / Segmentation • Context Analysis (Key considerations) • Setting Measurable Objectives • Strategy and Tactics • Positioning/Branding • Product, Price, Place • Promotion • Channels • Messages • Partnerships • Monitoring and Evaluation • Implementation (schedule and budget) Show the links with the audience and context analyses Your logic model, if time permits 14

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