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Mini map 2.0

Mini map 2.0. New constraints Each level is divided into sectors Each sector has its own mini map Entire minimap is displayed during exploration Map doesn’t move , player icon does. Mini map 2.0. Here’s the idea :.

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Mini map 2.0

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  1. Mini map 2.0 New constraints Eachlevelisdividedintosectors Eachsectorhas itsown mini map Entireminimapisdisplayedduring exploration Mapdoesn’t move, playericondoes

  2. Mini map 2.0 Here’s the idea:

  3. Mini mapisfullydisplayedand must bekept in a clearlydefined portion of the screenspaceduringexploration only. No mapduringfights. Mini map 2.0 - Display

  4. Mini map 2.0 - Display Minimap size canvary minimaps must bescalable to fit in the allocatedspace SinceLDs have control of how theydividetheirmaps, weshould have a better control Sense of scaleisconveyed by: Moving speed Player icon size (depending on how big the differenceisbetweenoursmallest and biggestminimaps)

  5. Mini map 2.0 - Sectors Level designers control how theydividetheirmapsintosectors Sector entries/exits are set up via triggerswhich must beaware of: state of access open or blocked (quest reliant) active objective  point towardsrelevant sector entry point  player’saccess point Sectorsshould have similarsizesas much as possible

  6. Iconlistissubject to modifications Open path to nextsector (door or else) Mini map 2.0 - Info Blockedpath to nextsector (door or else) Open path to next objective (door or else) Player entry point open(door or else) Player entry point closed(door or else) Player icon(360° orientation) Mission objective Access to higher or lowerground Safe place Mini mapvisual made for design purpose. We’ll have to check whatcomplexitylevelwecanachievegivenourtech Cyril willprovide an optimal triangle count limit for minimapvisual

  7. Mini map 2.0 - Info Player switchinggroundlevel in game: Switch alpha levelbetweengroundfloor and higher/lowerground

  8. Mini map 2.0 - Interaction If objectiveis not incurrentsector, the access points blink Only green arrowscanblink. Redarrowmeans a questeventneeds to betriggered to open the path, therefore, this objective can’tbebehindthatblockedpath Press 1 button highlightmission objective

  9. Mini map 2.0 - Interaction If mission objective not on current DLU, weadd an ingame clue based on ourtool tip tech.

  10. Mini map 2.0 - Interaction The clue rotatesrelatively to the player’s orientation to indicate the nearestaccesstowards mission objective

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