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SA8000 Certification (social accountability) : BENEFITS

Read the given blog and Know the benefit of SA8000 Certification. Link -http://bit.ly/2lW6dSe<br>

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SA8000 Certification (social accountability) : BENEFITS

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  1. 9/18/2019 SA8000 CERTIFICATION : BENEFITS – ISO Certifications Body ISO Certifications Body ☰ Menu SA8000 CERTIFICATION : BENEFITS ? ? ?  ISO certifications Minutes ISO Certification September 16, 2019September 16, 2019 2 (h?p://www.siscertifications.co.in/sa-8000/) SA8000 Certification SA8000 certification (h?p://www.siscertifications.co.in/sa-8000/) is an international certification standard that encourages organisations to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the workplace. It was made in 1989 by Social Accountability International (SAI), an affiliate of the Council on Economic Priorities, and is seen as the most all around acknowledged globally standard. It very well may be connected to any organization, of any size, around the world. SA8000 certification tends to issues including constrained and tyke work, word related wellbeing and security, opportunity of affiliation and aggregate bartering, segregation, disciplinary works on, working hours, remuneration, and the management systems. Just as se?ing working environment standards around the world, SA8000 certification (h?p://www.siscertifications.co.in/sa-8000/) additionally grasps existing worldwide understandings, including shows from the International Labor Organization, the Universal Declaration on Human https://isocertificationindia.home.blog/2019/09/16/sa8000-certification-benefits/ 1/3

  2. 9/18/2019 SA8000 CERTIFICATION : BENEFITS – ISO Certifications Body Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Adopting SA8000 certification means an association must consider the social effect of their activities notwithstanding the conditions under which their representatives, accomplices and providers work. It tends to be connected to any organization, of any size, around the world. Ensuring your association against SA8000 certification with a SIS Certifications audit will enable you to create and improve social responsibility over your activities. Working with our accomplished evaluators to execute the most universally acknowledged working environment standard shows social responsibility when offering for contracts and extending your association. BENEFITS OF SA8000 CERTIFICATION STANDARD Proves your commitment to social accountability and to treating your employees ethically and in compliance with global standards Improves the management and performance of your supply chain Allows you to ensure compliance with global standards and reduce the risk of negligence, public exposure and possible litigation Supports your corporate vision and build and reinforce the loyalty of your employees, customers and stakeholders Enables you to demonstrate proper social accountability when bidding for international contracts or expanding locally to accommodate new business Proves your duty to social responsibility and to treating your representatives morally and in consistence with worldwide gauges Improves the administration and execution of your store network Allows you to guarantee consistence with worldwide benchmarks and diminish the danger of carelessness, open presentation and conceivable case Supports your corporate vision and manufacture and fortify the steadfastness of your representatives, clients and partners Enables you to show legitimate social responsibility when offering for universal contracts or growing locally to oblige new business Joining forces with SIS CERT. to accomplish certification prompts be?er performing procedures, expanding skilful ability, predictable and consistent inventory chains and progressively reasonable client connections, conveying productive upper hand. Exhibit your association’s promise to social responsibility by collaborating with SIS Certifications pvt. Ltd. to accomplish SA8000 certification (h?p://www.siscertifications.co.in/sa-8000/) . Tagged: SA8000, SA8000 Certification, SA8000 Certification in Delhi, SA8000 Certification in India, SA8000 Standard Published by ISO certifications https://isocertificationindia.home.blog/2019/09/16/sa8000-certification-benefits/ 2/3

  3. 9/18/2019 SA8000 CERTIFICATION : BENEFITS – ISO Certifications Body View all posts by ISO certifications Blog at WordPress.com. https://isocertificationindia.home.blog/2019/09/16/sa8000-certification-benefits/ 3/3

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