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Creating PowerPoint Presentations

Creating PowerPoint Presentations. For Presentations submitted to Professor Blank. Specific Formatting.

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Creating PowerPoint Presentations

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  1. Creating PowerPoint Presentations For Presentations submitted to Professor Blank

  2. Specific Formatting • Since my courses are on corporate computing, and many corporations have specific formats required for presentations, I require using PowerPoint with a specific format when lectures are submitted to share with the class. • If this is not possible for you, send me an email with your difficulty and I will consider an alternative.

  3. Slide Layout and Design • You must use this Slide Design, except for team presentations, when you can use your own. • You must use the appropriate Slide Layout for each slide. (menu: Format, Slide Design or Slide Layout) • Title, Single and Double bulleted lists, Graphic layouts are common. If a graphic is too large to fit with a title, use the plain layout. • Slides 1 and 6 are title slides, 9 graphics, 10 mixes graphics, 8 double bulleted list, rest are mostly bulleted lists.

  4. Plagiarism • If you use a resource in your project, cite it in a page of references. • Here is a Library of Congress guide to citing electronic sources: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/start/cite/index.html

  5. Formatting instructions • The following slides show examples of the only permitted formatting options and text colors and sizes for your presentations. Failure to follow the specified format will result in lost points. (You can substitute Times New Roman for Arial.) • Do not put student ID numbers on slides!

  6. Title in 44 Point Ariel Your name in 32 Point Ariel

  7. Heading in 40-44 Point Ariel • Body Text in 28-32 Point Ariel • Bulleted lists with this bullet format • No more than one indent level • Format Line Spacing 0.9 to 1 line • 0 to 0.2 Lines before paragraph • 0 lines after paragraph Code Examples in 24 point Courier New Bold

  8. This list is given in the minimum acceptable size font with the minimum acceptable spacing. (Example only--Do not mix sizes like this on one slide.) This is the maximum acceptable size font with maximum spacing. Double Bulleted List Example

  9. Graphics Example Example of graphics slide. These arethecolorsinthecolorpalette

  10. Using Screen Shots If you are cutting and pasting graphics from your screen into PowerPoint, set your screen size to no larger than 800 by 600 and your color choices to 256 colors. Files over 2 MB will get points deducted.

  11. Presentation and Templates • This is an example of a presentation. It has the file extension .ppt. • You can create a template from a presentation. It will have the file extension .pot. • Note that RED (except NJIT and my logos) and BLUE are not authorized colors. Use onlythesecolorsforyourfontchoices

  12. Code Examples • If you are using software code in your presentation, keep the example as simple as possible. Avoid any content that is not directly related to what you are trying to teach. • Remember that all code should use 24 point Courier New Bold • I will allow 20 point Courier New Boldor 18 point Courier New Bold where needed to fit code listings attractively on a page.

  13. Special Effects • Do not use custom bullets. Only large square bullets in the colors of the font palette are permitted. • Avoid special effects like page transitions. They distract from the content of the presentation. • Slides should be user paced, not presented with timed transitions. • Animations should be rare and have an important teaching purpose. • Don’t use fancy PowerPoint techniques just to show that you know how to use them. Concentrate on your topic! • Do not use sound in presentations.

  14. Warning • Files with strange bullets, text that is smaller than 28 point or neither Arial nor Times New Roman, code that is not in24 point Courier New Boldand identified by color, line spacing closer than 0.9 lines, the use of unauthorized colors, additional title slides, and inappropriate layouts are each adequate justification for the total rejection of a presentation. In general, I have found that students who can’t follow instructions also cannot write a decent presentation, so there are no second chances.

  15. Keep It Simple • A lecture is finished, not when you have added everything you can think of, but when you have eliminated everything that does not directly contribute to the topic you want to teach. • You are trying to help someone understand a topic. You are not trying to show off your own exotic knowledge!

  16. Check your file size! • After your presentation is finished, check the size of the PowerPoint file. If it is over 1 megabyte (2 megabytes for presentations over 30 slides), you probably have some high resolution images that need to be reduced to a smaller size. Larger files than 2 MB are often blocked by email services.

  17. References • The last slide in your presentation should be a list of references, and it should be called References, not Bibliography.

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