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KYOTO PROTOCOL AND CDM ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM. Dr. Tran Duc Hai Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Contents. Overview Activities to implement UNFCCC and CDM in Viet Nam The CDM project portfolio in energy sector

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  1. KYOTO PROTOCOL AND CDM ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM Dr. Tran Duc Hai Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

  2. Contents • Overview • Activities to implement UNFCCC and CDM in Viet Nam • The CDM project portfolio in energy sector • Next steps for CDM implementation

  3. Overview • Viet Nam: • Ratified UNFCCC: 16/11/1994 • Ratified Kyoto Protocol: 25/9/2003 • Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, formerly Hydro-Meteorological Service, was assigned by the Government of Viet Nam as a National Focal Point to implement UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol in Viet Nam • The Protocol goes into force when: • Ratified by 55 Parties • Ratified by Annex I Parties accounted in total for at least 55% of the total CO2 emission for 1990 of these Parties • Up to 10/7/2003, 111 countries ratified the Kyoto Protocol, in which 29 Annex I Parties with 44,2% of their total emissions in 1990

  4. Overview (continue) • Three cooperation mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol: • Emission Trading (ET) • Joint Implementation (JI) • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) • Purpose of CDM: • Assist non Annex I Parties (developing countries) in achieving sustainable development. • Assist Annex I Parties to meet their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitment under Article 3 of the Protocol

  5. Activities to implement UNFCCC and CDM in Viet Nam • Viet Nam carried out many studies and activities to response to climate change: • CC: TRAIN (Phase 1)” supported by UNDP/UNITAR/GEF • “Asia Least Cost GHG Abatement Strategy” (ALGAS) Project supported by UNDP/GEF/ADB • “Economics of GHG Limitation” (Phase 1) Project supported by UNEP • “Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communication to UNFCCC” Project supported by UNEP/GEF • “Vietnam National Strategy Study on Clean Development Mechanism” (NSS) Project supported by the Australia Government“ through WB

  6. Activities to implement UNFCCC and CDM in Viet Nam (Cont.) • Establish a Climate Change National Country and Technology Expert Team to manage and implement climate change projects • Complete National Greenhouse gas Inventory for 1990, 1993, 1994 and 1998 • Complete the First Nation Communication to submit to UNFCCC during COP 9. • Develop database to serve preparation of the Second Nation Communication • Carry out the project: “Capacity Development for CDM” financed by the Government of Netherlands through UNEP

  7. Activities to implement UNFCCC and CDM in Viet Nam (continue) • Evaluate potential CDM in Viet Nam • Based on greenhouse gas emission projection in Viet Nam • Develop and assess greenhouse gas emission mitigation options in 3 main sectors: • Energy: 15 options (reduce CO2) • Agriculture: 3 options (reduce CH4) • Forestry and land use change: 3 options (increase carbon sink) • Identify capacity development needs for institutional arrangement and CDM implementation in the country. • Develop CDM project portfolio in energy sector

  8. CDM project portfolio in energy sector

  9. CDM project portfolio in energy sector (Cont)

  10. CDM project portfolio in energy sector (Cont)

  11. CDM project portfolio in energy sector (Cont)

  12. Government National circumstances Policy Framework Environmental management plan Scenarios for national development Socioeconomic plan Natural resources management plan National action plan for climate change (National board for CDM) Greenhouse gas emission eventories Reduction scenarios on GHG GHG emission calculated model Adaptation options on climate change Sustainable development criteria for CDM projects Vietnam Government Decrees on Manag×ng and Implementing ODA projects International procedures and regulations Interests and priorities of Annex I countries Vietnam procedures and regulations on CDM projects Suggest and select priority CDM projects Basis on building framework for CDM Projects in Vietnam (Tentative)

  13. Next steps for CDM implementation • Identify necessary capacity development needs to promote CDM activities in the country • Establish and develop capacity for CDM National Authority • Set up and strengthen institution to achieve maximum benefit from CDM activities • Formulate, develop and carry out potential CDM projects to achieve sustainable socio-economic development in Viet Nam

  14. Thank you very much for your attention

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