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Preview of Roots 51-60

Preview of Roots 51-60. 51. clus. 51. clus. close, shut. 51. clus. close, shut se clus ion: privacy [ Ltn . “ sē ”=apart + “ claudere ”=to shut]. 51. clus. close, shut ex clus ion: the act of shutting out [ Ltn . “ex”=out + “ claudere ”=to shut]. 51. clus. close, shut

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preview of Roots 51-60

  2. 51. clus

  3. 51. clus close, shut

  4. 51. clus close, shut • seclusion: privacy [Ltn. “sē”=apart + “claudere”=to shut]

  5. 51. clus close, shut • exclusion: the act of shutting out [Ltn. “ex”=out + “claudere”=to shut]

  6. 51. clus close, shut • conclusion: the close or last part of something [Ltn. “con”=with, together + “claudere”=to close]

  7. 51. clus close, shut • inclusion: the act of taking someone or something in as a member [Ltn. “in”=in + “claudere”=to close]

  8. 51. clus close, shut • recluse: one who withdraws to live in solitude and seclusion [Ltn. “re” (intensive) = "claudere”=to close]

  9. 52. cord

  10. 52. cord heart

  11. 52. cord heart • cordial: diffusing warmth and friendliness [Ltn: “cordiālis”= from “cord”= heart]

  12. 52. cord heart • concord: harmony or agreement of feelings [Ltn. “con” (“com”)=with + “cord”=heart]

  13. 52. cord heart • discord: lack of agreement [Ltn. “dis”=apart + “cord”=heart]

  14. 52. cord heart • accord: harmony or agreement [Ltn. “ac” (ad) = toward + “cordis”=heart]

  15. 53. corp

  16. 53. corp body

  17. 53. corp body • corpse: a dead body, especially the dead body of a human [Ltn. “corpus”=body]

  18. 53. corp body • Corps: a body of persons acting together under common direction [Ltn. “corpus”=body]

  19. 53. corp body • corporation: a group of people combined into or acting as one body. • [Ltn. “corporatus”=formed into one body]

  20. 53. corp body • corporal: of the body ; bodily [Ltn. “corpus”=body]

  21. 54. cosm

  22. 54. cosm universe, order

  23. 54. cosm universe, order • cosmic: of or pertaining to the universe [Grk. “kosmos”= universe]

  24. 54. cosm universe, order • cosmopolitan: common to the whole world [Grk. “kosmos”=universe + “polites”=citizen]

  25. 54. cosm universe, order • cosmonaut: an astronaut [Grk. “kosmos”= universe + “nautēs”=sailor]

  26. 54. cosm universe, order • cosmetic: serving to correct physical defects (or put them “in order”) [Grk. “kosmein”=to arrange]

  27. 54. cosm universe, order • microcosm: a small representative system [Ltn: “mīkros”= small + “kosmos” world, order]

  28. 55. cour

  29. 55. cour heart

  30. 55. cour heart • courage: the quality of mind that allows one to face danger [Ltn. “cour”= heart]

  31. 55. cour heart • courtesy: polite behavior; gracious manner [Ltn. “cour”= heart]

  32. 55. cour heart • discourage: to deprive of confidence, hope, or spirit [Ltn. “dis”=apart + “cour”=heart]

  33. 55. cour heart • encourage: to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence [Latin “en” (in)=to cause + “cour”=heart]

  34. 56. crac

  35. 56. crac rule

  36. 56. crac rule • democracy: government by the people [Grk. “dēmos”=people + “kratiā”=rule]

  37. 56. crac rule • aristocracy: a hereditary privileged ruling class or nobility [Grk. “aristos”=best + “kratiā”=rule]

  38. 56. crac rule • bureaucracy: an administrative system in which the need to follow complex procedures impedes effective action [Fr. “bureau”=office + Grk. “kratiā”=rule]

  39. 56. crac rule • plutocracy: government by the wealthy [Grk. “ploutos”=wealth + “kratiā”=rule]

  40. 57. crat

  41. 57. crat rule

  42. 57. crat rule • democrat: an advocate of government by the people [Greek “dēmos”=people + “kratiā”=rule]

  43. 57. crat rule • aristocrat: a member of the nobility [Greek “aristos”=best + “kratiā”=rule]

  44. 57. crat rule • bureaucrat: an official who insists on rigid adherence to rules, forms, and routines [Fr. “bureau”=office + Grk. “kratiā”=rule]

  45. 57. crat rule • autocrat: a ruler having absolute or unrestricted power [Grk. “auto”=self + “kratiā”=rule]

  46. 58. crease

  47. 58. crease grow

  48. 58. crease grow • increase: to multiply or reproduce [Ltn. “in”=within + “crēscere”=to grow]

  49. 58. crease grow • decrease: to grow or cause to grow gradually lesser or smaller [Ltn. “de”=reverse + “crēscere”=to grow]

  50. 59. cred

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