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Capitalized. Charlie’s. Ctrl + F. Charlie Gordon. Charles. Charlie. Capitalized. Dr. Strauss’. Ctrl + F. Prof. Nemur. Nemur’s. Dr. Strauss & Prof. Nemur. Capitalized. Alice. Ctrl + F. Teacher. Assistant. Miss Kinnian & Burt Selden. Switch. Capitalized. m other. Ctrl + F.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capitalized Charlie’s Ctrl + F Charlie Gordon Charles Charlie

  2. Capitalized Dr. Strauss’ Ctrl + F Prof. Nemur Nemur’s Dr. Strauss & Prof. Nemur

  3. Capitalized Alice Ctrl + F Teacher Assistant Miss Kinnian & Burt Selden

  4. Switch

  5. Capitalized mother Ctrl + F father sister Rose & Matt & Norma

  6. Header: Last name, page number Information left side Format Name, My name, Course, Date, Draft Title Centered Details

  7. Donnegan’s Bakery co-workers Ctrl + F girlfriend No e Joe Carp, Frank Reilly, Fanny Birden & Fay Lillman

  8. Switch

  9. F capitalized A capitalized Plural Italics Novel or story Not book Flowers for Algernon

  10. Daniel Keyes With an e Keyes his story Keyes if repeated Author

  11. (within) (Keyes 67) Citations Punctuation after Space In-Text Citations

  12. Switch

  13. Indent identifies para min. 5 para Structure Last: Conclusion 1st: Intro In-Text Citations

  14. Orange: transitional sentence Red: Textual Evidence 2ndpara Blue: Explanation Green: Connection Color Coding

  15. He Him Ctrl+F His They Avoid Pronouns

  16. Switch

  17. There, Their, They’re There: location Their: Possessive They’re: People doing things minimal Avoid Pronouns

  18. Should not have contractions 1st one: Its Ctrl + F Fix other contractions If it’s then it is Contractions

  19. Dates & citations remain # 1966 not 1967 Under 100 Ages 35-years-old eighty-eight Numbers

  20. Switch

  21. Times New Roman Arial 12 pt font Nothing over 12 11 is okay Font and size

  22. Do NOT hit enter at the end of every line Use button to do this Spacing Double Space Nothing MORE! Double Space

  23. Verbal assaulted Teased Humilated bullied Belittled Instead of made fun of

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