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工 作 计 划 酒店 101 4 组

工 作 计 划 酒店 101 4 组. 工作计划 work plan. Topicl :Intelnational Automoblie Exhibition 主题 :国际汽车展览 A conwention planner of BMW 为宝马公司召开 People : 300 People 人数 : 300 人 Time : 20-26 of May 时间 : 5 月 20 — 26 日 Food : Chinese dinner. Western food for luch .

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工 作 计 划 酒店 101 4 组

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  1. 工 作 计 划 酒店101 4组

  2. 工作计划 work plan Topicl :Intelnational Automoblie Exhibition 主题 :国际汽车展览 A conwention planner of BMW 为宝马公司召开 People : 300 People 人数 : 300 人 Time : 20-26 of May 时间 : 5月20—26日 Food : Chinese dinner. Western food for luch . 中式晚餐 西式午餐 buffer for breskfast. 自助式早餐

  3. Room : 180 single room . 50 duble room. 180个单人间 50个双人间 20 suite room . 20 个套房 Meeting Rooms : Big conference hall and exhibition room. 大会议室和展厅 3 times tea breaks. 3次茶水 4 LCDs . 4microphone and 2 side proiector. 4个液晶显示器 4个麦克风 和2个幻灯 片设置。

  4. Cocktail paty : A Cocktail party on the second days evening. 鸡尾酒会 :一场鸡尾酒会 在第二天晚上举办。 Terms of payment : Bank card 支付方法 : 银行卡

  5. 酒 店 菜 单

  6. 中餐菜单chinese menu 每位200元 , 10人 200RMB per person , 10persons早餐breakfirst蒸饺 steamed dumplings水饺 boiled dumplins 蛋饼 egg cakes午餐lunch白饭 plain white rice鱼丸汤 fish ball soup 虾球 shrimp balls 碗糕 salty rice pudding 猪肘子 pork shoulden炸大虾 fried prawns京都骨 peking spareribs蒸金片鲶鱼 steam satish糖醋咕噜肉 sweet &sour pork

  7. 椒盐鲜鱿 pepper salt fresh squid 西芹腰果鸡球 vegetable cashew chicken 红烧石岐项鸽 roast pigeon 干煸四季豆 string bean western tyle 晚餐dinner 细苗白饭 steam rice 红鱼汤 fish and tomato soup 筒仔米糕 rice tube pudding 肉圆 taiwansese meatballs 北京烤鸭 beijing roast duck 蒸山水豆腐 steam tofu 蚝油冬菇 oyster sauce mushroom 四川炒鸡球 sichuan chicken 焖鸡 braised chicken 糖醋肉 sweet –and sour pork 中式牛柳 chinese style beef 支竹羊腩煲 dry tofu lamb clay pot

  8. 饮料drinks 新奇士汽水 sunkist 百事可乐 pepsi cda 西瓜汁 watermelon juice 橘子汁 crangeade 奶昔 milk shakes 扎啤 draught beer 白酒 spirit

  9. 中式菜单 chinese menu 每位200元 ,10人 200RMB per person , 10 person 早餐 breakfirst 稀饭 rice porridge 饭团 rice and vegetable roll 午餐 lunch 白饭 plain white rice 糯米饭 glutinous rice 蜜汁叉烧 B.B.Q. pork 柠檬牛肉 lemon beef 白云凤爪 chicken shar fin soup 碧绿炒扇贝 tender green scallop 韭王花枝片 gold chive sauce 鸡茸粟米汤 minced chicken and corn pottage

  10. 琥珀核桃 house special honey walnuts 红烧鸡丝翅 chicken sharks fin soup 清正游水石斑 team live rook cod 岐汁炒青菜 mussel black ben sauce 八珍发菜扒鸭 combination duck 晚餐 dinner 鸳鸯馒头 fun shanghai buns 上汤云吞 wonton soup 奶油蟹肉汤 crab meet soup with cream 脆皮春卷 spring rolls 柠檬酥盒 lemon patties 凉瓜汶排骨 bitty melon spareribs 干煸牛柳丝 string beef 酥炸生蚝 fried oysters 酸甜明炉烧鸭 roast duck 鲜菇扒菜胆 mushroom tenden green 上汤芥菜胆 mustard green tender 姜汁萝卜炒鸡片 ginger & pineapple chicken

  11. 姜葱油淋鸡 green onion chicken 歧汁石斑球 steam rock cod black beam sauce 火腩生蚝煲 roast pig oyster day pot • 饮料drinks 酸橙汁 lime juice 柠檬茶 lemon tea 铁观音 tie-guan-yin 可口可乐 coca -- cola 七喜 seven-up 百威 budweiser 青岛啤酒 tinatao beer

  12. 中式餐单 Chinese menu 每位200元 ,10 人 200RMB per person , 10 persons 早餐breakfirst 水晶饺 pyramid dumplings 烧饼 clay oven rolls 午餐lunch 糯米饭 glutinous rice 肉羹汤 pork thick soup 爱玉 vegetarian gelation 双胞胎 Horse hooves 清蒸鸡 steamed chicken 腊肉 preserved meat 红烧扣肉 braised pork 椰菜炒牛肉 broccoli beef 清蒸龙利 flounder 什笙上素 bamboo vegetable

  13. 北京片皮鸭 peking duck 蒜茸蒸虾 steam prawn garlic sauce 岐汁炒三鲜 mixed seafood black bean sauce • 晚餐 dinner 白饭 plain white rice 花枝羹 squid thick soup 芋头糕 Taro cake 香肠 sausage 红烧肉 red- cooked pork 白灼中虾 boilshrimp 咖喱鸡 curry chicken 炒素丁 vegetable rol 红烧豆腐 fried tofu 黑椒牛骨仔 black pepper short rib 竹笋烩生翅 bamboo shark fin soup 菜远石斑球 tender green rock cod 萝卜牛腩煲 deef stew/turnip day pot

  14. 饮料 drinks 雪碧 sprite 杏仁露 almond syrup 水果汁 fruit juice 绿茶 green tea 花茶 scented tea 淡啤酒 light beer 太阳 s o l

  15. 西式菜单 烤面包/土司 rye bread 沙丁鱼 fried fish 蓝乳酪式 cheese 土豆泥 mashed potato 蔬菜汤 vegetable soup 玉米青豆汤 corn and pea soup 牛尾汤 Oxtail soup 忌廉西兰花汤 Cream of broccoli soup 烤三文鱼拌青柠汁 Feuilletes de saumon 暖羊奶芝士 Goat chese salad with orange juice 意式肉丸意粉配色拉 Spaghetti with meatalls with hamsalad

  16. 脆皮蓝梅草莓馅饼及什果宾治 Blueberry cobbler with Frwit Punch 意大利芝士饼及鲜果 Tiramisn with seasonal fruit 南瓜派配树莓汁 Pumpkin pie with respberry sance 黑森林蛋糕 Black forest cake 甜甜圈配香草冰淇淋 Poughnut A LA Mode 西红柿汤 Tomato soup 法园洋葱汤 French ohion soup 周打蚬汤 Clam chowder soup 什菜汤 Minestrone soup

  17. 西式菜单 德式锔鸡及曼越橘酱 German-style chicken with cranberry jam 烤牛排陪杏仁汁 roast beef with almond sance 酸黄瓜配色拉酱 cucumber with sald dressing 烟三文鱼 Graavilohi (smoked Salted salmon) 酸橙派配柠檬茶 Key lime pie with leed tea 香蕉船 Bananasplit 巧克力奶茶冻 Chocolate mousse 鸡派 Chicken pot pie 金枪鱼三明治 tura sandwich 火腿色拉 ham salad 西多士 French toast 热狗及酿牛油梨 hotdog with stuffed avocado

  18. 西红柿汤 Tomato soup 法园洋葱汤 French ohion soup 周打蚬汤 Clam chowder soup 什菜汤 Minestrone soup

  19. 西式菜单 比萨饼 pizza 热狗 Hot dog 酿牛油配鸡尾虾 Stuffed awocado with shrimp 炸薯条陪素菜沙拉 French fries with vegetable salad 忌廉菠菜汤 Cream of spinach soup 蔬菜什豆汤 vegetarian split pea soup 法国洋葱汤 French onion soup 马铃薯汤 potato soup 法国酱小牛肉咖喱 Chutneg veal curry French style 椰菜卷配沙丁鱼 kaalikaaryleet (cabbage kolls)sardine 德式烤肉 schweinebraten (German pork roast) 德国肠 German sansage

  20. 美洲小核桃批 pecan pie 蛋白椰子饼 coconnt macaroons 吉式步甸 cnstard pndding 蛋奶酥 souffle

  21. 鸡尾酒会菜单 每位100元 80人起 100RMB per person ,minimum 80 persons 面包和小吃 Bread and cnake 鲜虾番茄开拿批 Toasted canape with shrimp and tomato 泰式炸蔬菜春卷 Spring roll with mixed vegetable in Thai style 墨西哥鸡肉奶酪饼 Quesadilla with chicken ,chese and jalapeno 头盘和冷食 Appetizer and cold cut 冷切鸡肉肠 cold cut beer causage 金枪鱼酿鸡蛋 Stuffed eggs with tuna 法式锔蜗牛 French balced snails 日式什锦寿司 Japanese assorted sushi

  22. 甜品 Dessert 黄桃派 Yellow peach pie 拿破仑蛋糕 Napdeon slice 时令水果拼盘 Seusinal Fruit Plate 饮料 Drinks 可乐 Coke 雪碧 Sprite 橙汁 Orane juice

  23. 谢 谢 观 看 再 见!

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