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Merit Badge University Southeast Missouri State University February 20, 2009. CHEMISTRY. Requirement 1: Safety. A quick look at the safety equipment and safety procedures when dealing with chemistry. Safety: General. Equipment. Procedures. Properties Reactions Storage Proper Containers

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  1. Merit Badge University Southeast Missouri State University February 20, 2009


  2. Requirement 1: Safety A quick look at the safety equipment and safety procedures when dealing with chemistry.
  3. Safety: General Equipment Procedures Properties Reactions Storage Proper Containers Handling Know your chemical! Goggles and Lab Coat Used to protect eyes Used to protect body Utensils Tongs, glass rod Fume Hood Storage for highly concentrated chemicals
  4. Safety: What to do if the safety precaution fail Wash the area Shower Eye Wash Station Remove contaminated clothes Clothes may further the damage to your skin Clean up spills Once you’ve taken care of yourself, clean up any chemicals on tables and floor
  5. Safety: MSDS Latex Paint Insecticide Airsol Company: government Insecticide http://hazard.com/msds/f2/byh/byhdd.html Toxicity Disposal Safe-handling Glidden Interior Spray Paint http://hazard.com/msds/f2/clk/clkyr.html Toxicity Disposal Safe-handling
  6. Requirement 5: Divisions of Chemistry A look at four main divisions of chemistry.
  7. Analytical Mission To understand properties of all matter In a Nutshell Use logic to answer questions about chemicals and their properties. Famous Chemist Robert Boyle Boyle’s Law
  8. Environmental Mission To study the chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in natural places In a Nutshell Use scientific tests to find out what chemicals are natural in an environment and which are not. Famous Chemist Rachel Carson Wrote a book that inspired the ‘Go Green’ campaign
  9. Organic Mission In a Nutshell Famous Chemist
  10. Physical Mission In a Nutshell Famous Chemist
  11. Break Time!!! Take a fifteen minute break.
  12. Requirement 3: Cartesian Diver Today you will be constructing your own Cartesian diver!!
  13. Requirement 3: Cartesian Diver http://www.youtube.com/user/KeffandMac#p/u/13/r9DnkXUhcGc Discussion What makes it work? Affects of a scuba diver? Affects on a backpacker?
  14. Lunch Time Lunch will be from 11:30- 12:00. Please report back to this room by 12:15. Lewallen Grace Beneath the stars above Logan, By the river as it winds, Looking over old Potashnik, And sheltered by the towering pines, We thank you Lord for these blessings- This food, this fellowship and this day. And ask your continued grace and mercy As we carry on the Scouting way.
  15. Requirement 6: Science and the Environment A quick look at government agencies and the effect of chemicals on the environment .
  16. Requirement 6: Agencies
  17. Requirement 6: Pollution
  18. Requirement 6: Effects on environment
  19. Break Time!! You may now take a fifteen minute break
  20. Requirement 2 and 4: Chemistry Changes and Reactions A look at physical changes, chemical reactions, and how to separate certain mixtures.
  21. Iron and Copper Sulfate Demo Predict what would happen if you placed an iron nail in copper sulfate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQdNPSwHUt4&feature=related CuSO4+ Fe FeSO4 + Cu
  22. Requirement 4: Oil and Water Demo Why don’t they mix? What will help them mix?
  23. Requirement 2: Separations Sand from water Table Salt from Water
  24. Requirement 4: Toothpaste and Household Cleaner Similarities Differences
  25. Snack Time Snacks are provided. Please dispose of your trash when you are finished. Remember that a scout is clean and courteous.
  26. Requirement 7: Field Trip We will be taking a short field trip to a chemistry lab to meet with a chemist. They will discuss what schooling it takes to be a chemist and the different things that you can do as a chemist.
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