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Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y Prospectiva Argentina Node Planning Committee Meeting

Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y Prospectiva Argentina Node Planning Committee Meeting. Miguel Angel Gutierrez PhD. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SECRETARY. August 9 th 2006 (José Cordeiro y Miguel A. Gutiérrez) Presentation of Millennium Project Objectives & characteristics.

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Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y Prospectiva Argentina Node Planning Committee Meeting

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  1. Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y ProspectivaArgentina Node Planning Committee Meeting Miguel Angel Gutierrez PhD

  2. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SECRETARY • August 9th 2006 (José Cordeiro y Miguel A. Gutiérrez) • Presentation of Millennium Project Objectives & characteristics. • Recommendations from the experience of the Millennium Project for activities of SECyT in a Technological Prospective for Argentina • Principal contributions of the Millennium Project in science and technology • Energy Prospective in the World & Latin America

  3. “GLOBAL SCENARIOS ENERGY 2020” 10 August of 2006 Organized by the Centro de Estudios Prospectivos of Faculty of Political & Social Sciences (UNCuyo); the Centro Latinoamericano de Globalización y Prospectiva, and the Instituto de Energía of University National of Cuyo

  4. Jerry Glenn Agenda Argentina 2006 • November 6 th & 8th: Two presentations for WFUNA • November 7th; Trip to Mendoza • Dinner with the Major of Guaymallén, OSEP director and officials and CEP authorities • Meeting with Minister of Social Development Lic. Sergio Pinto and Millennium Objectives Group • CEP UNCuyo Pannel • Jerry Glenn: The Prospective, Fundamental tool for the organization development and success in the XXI Century • M.A. Gutierrez Future Studies in Latin America • Active meeting with CEP authorities and members. • November 8th: Lunch at Colegio de Escribanos with Members of Institute of Prospective  and Argentine NodeNovember 9th: Meeting with National Director of Planning and Secretary of Science and Technology • Conference at Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. • November 10th: addressed the opening of the 2006 UN Model of Argentina for high school students

  5. Agreements • MENDOZA: Signed 4 cooperative agreements that were covered on radio an TV with the Governor, with: • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Department of Social Development) • Obra Social de Empleados Públicos, (Medicare Agency for Public Employees), • Municipalidad de Guaymallén (Guaymallen County) • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (National University of Cuyo) • BUENOS AIRES:Universidad del Museo Social Argentino (University of Argentinean Social Museum) • CHILE: Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

  6. Chile Delegation of Millennium Project meet with President of Senate Jerome Glenn, with Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Presidente of Senate, Miguel Angel Gutierrez,, Centro de Globalización y Prospectiva, Argentina; José Cordeiro, Sociedad Venezolana del Futuro; Luis Ragno, Centro de Estudios Prospectivos - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina; Héctor Casanueva, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes – Chile

  7. Metropolitan University of Education Sciences Two meetings in the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences organized jointly by UMCE & Universidad Miguel de Cervantes on May 15th to present the “State of the Futures” , one with rectors and authorities of several universities of Chile, another with teachers of high schools and elementary schools 

  8. Seminar:Prospectiva y Pensamiento Estratégico para la Gestión del Futuro Santiago de Chile, May 17th, 2007. Hotel Fundador With Jerry Glenn, MP, José Cordeiro, SMF-Venezuela, Miguel Gutierrez, CELGYP, Argentina, José Rodríguez, Int. Rel., Law School, Chile University, Alberto van Klaveren, Undersecretary of International Relations, Chile, Gonzalo Arenas, Undersecretary - Ministry of Planning, and government officials.

  9. Meetings held whit Chilean Organizations •Meeting with the Directory, Professors & the Academic Council of Universidad Miguel De Cervantes •Lunch with the Confederation of Production & Commerce •Lunch with businessmen from the Chambers of Commerce of Santiago •Meeting with the President of Senate, and former President of Chile Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle •Breakfast with authorities and journalists of Radio Cooperativa •Meeting whit Director of newspaper El Mercurio of Valparaiso •Meeting with the Center of Regional Studies of Valparaiso Integrated by 8 Universities, the Regions, the County , and Private Sector Organizations. Meeting with Undersecretary of Planning

  10. Others Work done and in progress • Done: • Translation from English to Spanish of chapter 2006 State of the Future, Scenarios Energy 2020 by Jimena Casal intern of CELGYP • Energetic renewable resources Paperby Jimena Casal and Mariela Damoni • Article on Education of the Future by Mariela Damoni • In Progres: • Futures Research Methodologies Translation Program with Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. • Printed Futures Research Methodologies Series with Universidad del Museo Social Argentino, Centro de Estudios Prospectivos, Mendoza, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

  11. Main Collaborative Project Universities from Chile and Argentina were interested in creating futures courses and the Argentina Node will help with a three-way agreement for this with futures organizations in Finland, Chile and Argentina. Other nodes are welcome to joint in the project

  12. COURSES AND SEMINARS STRATEGIC PROSPECTIVE, at Master Degree Program on National Strategic Intelligence - National University of La Plata: September / November of 2006 – by Miguel Angel Gutierrez andVerónica Peredo

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