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當歸龍薈丸對人類肝癌細胞 Hep G2 及 Hep 3B 生長抑制作用的探討

當歸龍薈丸對人類肝癌細胞 Hep G2 及 Hep 3B 生長抑制作用的探討.

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當歸龍薈丸對人類肝癌細胞 Hep G2 及 Hep 3B 生長抑制作用的探討

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  1. 當歸龍薈丸對人類肝癌細胞Hep G2 及Hep 3B 生長抑制作用的探討 • 癌症居國內十大死因首位,其中肝癌對男性而言,更是位居癌症死因的第一位。而肝癌是一種實質的腫瘤,其治療在可能的情況下以開刀為第一選擇,但只有約10% 的人適合開刀,而其他治療方式的預後也令人失望。而中國傳統處方當歸龍薈丸,是傳統中醫臨床用來治療肝炎的處方之一,其對肝癌之治療則有待探討。細胞凋亡(apoptosis)可以除去老化、受傷、不健康的細胞,與細胞壞死(necrosis)不同的是細胞凋亡並不會引起發炎反應,目前於抗癌藥物之研究都朝向引起細胞凋亡為研究方向。本實驗將人類肝癌細胞株Hep G2 及 Hep 3B,給予不同濃度的當歸龍薈丸,培養不同時間,經細胞生長測試、電泳觀察DNA裂解片段、蛋白質分析PARP片段裂解及DNA光學顯微鏡攝影觀察細胞變化等,分析是否有誘發細胞凋亡的情形。結果顯示當歸龍薈丸對這兩種肝癌細胞有生長抑制的作用。而電泳觀察DNA裂解片段,發現Hep G2在藥物高濃度(1500μg/ml)處理48小時,會有DNA裂解片段出現;而在Hep 3B 在藥物低濃度(200μg/ml)處理24小時,即有DNA裂解片段出現。蛋白質分析也有PARP片段裂解的情形。綜合上述實驗結果,顯示當歸龍薈丸能誘導肝癌細胞株產生細胞凋亡的作用,因此可推論這傳統處方除了對肝炎有效之外,對肝癌細胞之生長也有抑制作用。

  2. The Growth Inhibition Effect of DGLHW on Hep G2 and Hep 3B Cell Lines • Cancer is the top of ten causes of death in Taiwan, especially for male, hepatic cancer is the serious one of all cancers. Hepatoma is one kind of solid tumor. Surgical therapy is the first choice in some possible situations, but only about 10% patient do. The prognoses of other therapies are also disappointed.Dang-Gui-Long-Hwei-Wan (DGLHW), one kind of the Chinese traditional prescriptions, has been used for clinical hepatitis treatment. But their effects on hepatoma are still unknown. Apoptosis, the programmed cell death, can remove the old, injured or harmful cells. It is different from necrosis because apoptosis would not induce inflammatory. For this reason, scientists investigate anticancer medicine, which can induce cancer cell directly to the apoptosis pathway as their target.This study is to treat human hepatoma cell lines, Hep G2 and Hep 3B, with different concentrations of DGLHW during the various culture times. The cell growth were tested, DNA fragments by electrophoresis, PARP lysis fragments using protein analysis, and cell morphological changed were observed that if DGLHW can induce Hep G2 and Hep 3B cell lines going to apoptosis.These results implicated that DGLHW could inhibit hepatoma cells growth. While Hep G2 cell line treated with high concentration (1500μg/ml) of DGLHW for 48hrs, Hep 3B cell line with lower concentration (200μg/ml) for 24hrs, the DNA fragments and PARP fragments were found. The results indicated that DGLHW could induce hepatoma cell lines going to apoptosis. Therefore, DGLHW has potential to treat hepatitis and inhibit the hepatoma cell growth by apoptosis.

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