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Aspect Oriented Programming in .NET with CodeBricks

Università di Pisa. Aspect Oriented Programming in .NET with CodeBricks. Antonio Cisternino Academic Days Milan, 2004. Supported by Microsoft Research grant. Introduction. Aspect Oriented Programming is a way of modularize crosscutting concerns in computer programs

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Aspect Oriented Programming in .NET with CodeBricks

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  1. Università di Pisa Aspect Oriented Programming in .NET with CodeBricks Antonio Cisternino Academic Days Milan, 2004 Supported by Microsoft Research grant

  2. Introduction • Aspect Oriented Programming is a way of modularize crosscutting concerns in computer programs • AOP tools are responsible for synthesizing the program by combining different aspects • CodeBricks provides support for meta-programming within CLR: how can we use the code generation facilities to support AOP?

  3. Agenda • AOP and Code Generation • CodeBricks: quick intro • [a]C#: annotated join points • ARE: a generic program rewriting system • Conclusions

  4. Aspect Oriented Programming • Traditional code organization privileges functional aspect of code: other aspects, like logging, security, concurrency, tend to crosscut the program. • Aspect Oriented Programming aims to develop tools modularizing crosscutting concerns. • AOP languages (like AspectJ) are based on the single notion of join points: positions in the source code where the code of a crosscutting aspect should join the program • AOP is a form of generative programming: programs are synthesized from aspects and code

  5. AspectJ: a shallow approach to AOP • AspectJ is one of the most popular systems for AOP • It extends the Java language with constructs to specify join points and how aspects are weaved into them • Pointcuts are defined by means of pattern matching • It is possible to insert code before and after a given pointcut • Inter-type declarations allow to interact with the static structure of a program (i.e. types)

  6. AspectJ: a shallow approach to AOP public aspect AutoLog{ pointcut publicMethods() : execution(public * org.apache.cactus..*(..)); pointcut logObjectCalls() : execution(* Logger.*(..)); pointcut loggableCalls() : publicMethods() && ! logObjectCalls(); before() : loggableCalls(){ Logger.entry(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().toString()); } after() : loggableCalls(){ Logger.exit(thisJoinPoint.getSignature().toString()); } }

  7. Aspectwerkz: runtime bytecode generation • AspectWerkz provides AOP facilities in the form of Java library rather than language • The library is capable of manipulating bytecode inside the class loader for injecting aspect code into classes • Aspects and join points are connected through XML files • The library supports matching on code attributes, the new feature of Java 1.5 (custom attributes)

  8. Agenda • AOP and Code Generation • CodeBricks: quick intro • [a]C#: annotated join points • ARE: a generic program rewriting system • Conclusions

  9. Code Manipulation based on methods Perceived transformation Programming language Type T Real transformation Intermediate (or machine) language Type T Source program Target program

  10. Partial application + inlining • CodeBricks library is built around the notion of partial application • Code generation is expressed as partial application assuming that code is generated relying on an inlining strategy • Code bricks are built around methods and represent high order values

  11. Examples delegate int F(int v); delegate int G(int i, int j, int k); public int add(int x, int y) { return x+y; } //… Code c = new Code(typeof(Add).GetMethod(“add”)); Code inc = c.Bind(1, new Free()); // add(1, _) Free x = new Free(); Code twice = c.Bind(x, x); // add(_0, _0) Code threeAdd = c.Bind(c.Bind(new Free(), new Free()), new Free()); // add(add(_, _), _) F f = (F)inc.MakeDelegate(typeof(F)); f(2); G g = (G)threeAdd.MakeDelegate(typeof(G)); g(1, 2, 3);

  12. High order splice delegate void Cmd(); void Log(string info, Cmd c) { Console.WriteLine(“Enter: {0}”, info); c(); Console.WriteLine(“Exit: {0}”, info); } void SomeWork() { ... } //... Code log = new Code(typeof(Exmp).GetMethod(“Log”)); Code tgt = new Code(typeof(Exmp).GetMethod(“SomeWork”)); Cmd norm = new Cmd(SomeWork); // Log(“info”, SomeWork) Cmd wlog = (Cmd)log.Bind(“SomeWork”, tgt).MakeDelegate(typeof(Cmd));

  13. AOP with CodeBricks • Previous example shows how CodeBricks can provide before and after code injections • But you always need to abstract the code you want to surround into a method • The compiler can generate patterns based on CodeBricks for aspect waving (this allows for dynamic weaving of aspects)

  14. Agenda • AOP and Code Generation • CodeBricks: quick intro • [a]C#: annotated join points • ARE: a generic program rewriting system • Conclusions

  15. Annotations for better join points? • AspectWerkz shows that code with annotations may help to define better join points • The annotation model of CLR and JVM is limited to methods • Join points are inside methods • We have extended C# to allow annotations inside method bodies

  16. [a]C# public void m() { Console.WriteLine("Parallelizable code sample"); [Parallel("Begin of a parallelizable block")] { Console.WriteLine("Code exec by the main thread"); [Process("First process")] { // Computation here } [Process] { // Computation here } } // Join of processes here Console.WriteLine("Here is sequential"); }

  17. [a]C# runtime operations • Operations available at runtime are: • Annotation tree inspection • Extrusion • Injection • Replacement

  18. [a]C# and AOP • Annotations may help to define pointcuts • With code-level annotations programmers may declare join points: • AOP systems may get benefit from annotations • The main source code becomes a little aware of the subsequent code transformation • [a]C# transformations are performed at runtime: but what does it means exactly runtime?

  19. Agenda • AOP and Code Generation • CodeBricks: quick intro • [a]C#: annotated join points • ARE: a generic program rewriting system • Conclusions

  20. Assembly Rewriting Engine • It is possible to encode information into binaries so that the programmer perceives that the information is provided into its own language • A general rewriting system would support several applications in a standard way complementing the reflection support already available in STEEs • Because the target program and the transformation system are expressed in the same language the program can be specialized by executing its own code • AOP systems can rely on this general infrastructure for generating their own code

  21. Schema AR AR AR Stage name Stage name Stage name

  22. The Algorithm • We assume that a program that wants to perform a computation at stage n provide some metadata to indicate where and what to do • Methods handled by the rewriting engine should have a known signature: Code m(Context c); • The basic operation is type safe code replacement of explicitly (annotations) or implicitly (method calls) annotated code foreach (Method m in Assembly) if (annotated(m, stagename)) replaceCalls(m, a); else if (annotatedbody(m, stagename)) replace(m,a);

  23. The logger example revised class LogAspect : Transformation { [MethodCall(SomeWork)] void Log(Context c) { Console.WriteLine(“Entering SomeWork”); c.MethodCall(); Console.WriteLine(“Exiting SomeWork”); } } //... void SomeWork() { ... } //... SomeWork();

  24. And pattern matching? • Transformations are expressed on the methods using custom attributes • The transformation should be type-safe • ARE will not provide general support for pattern matching (maybe some restricted form) • An AOP compiler can anticipate pattern matching and output an appropriate transformation class.

  25. Agenda • AOP and Code Generation • CodeBricks: quick intro • [a]C#: annotated join points • ARE: a generic program rewriting system • Conclusions

  26. Conclusions • CodeBricks aims to become a general CLR support for meta-programming at runtime • We have discussed how the typical transformations of AOP could be mapped on CodeBricks • Annotations can help AOP systems to define better join points • A multi-stage code transformation system is required to have “before runtime stages”

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