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Mengenal Minyak

Mengenal Minyak. Urip Santoso. Asam Lemak. Minyak jenuh ? Minyak Tak Jenuh ? Saturation : saturated , monounsaturated , and polyunsaturated Panjang rantai C pada asam Lemak - Short chain fatty acids ( SCFAs ) – 4-6 carbons

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Mengenal Minyak

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  1. MengenalMinyak UripSantoso

  2. AsamLemak • Minyakjenuh? MinyakTakJenuh? • Saturation: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated • Panjangrantai C pada asamLemak - Short chainfattyacids (SCFAs) – 4-6 carbons - Mediumchainfattyacids (MCFAs) – 8-12 carbons - Long chainfattyacids (LCFAs) – 14 or more carbons Asam LemakJenuhTidakMudahTeroksidasi Asam LemakTakJenuhMudahTeroksidasi

  3. Lemak & Minyak • Lemakdanminyakmerupakansumberenergi yang efektifdibandingkandengankarbohidratdan protein • Satu gram lemakatauminyakdapatmenghasilkan 9 kkalsedangkankarbohidratdan protein hanyamenghasilkan 4 kkal/gram. • Minyakmengandungasam-asamlemakesensialsepertiasamlinoleat, linolenat, danarakidonat.

  4. Oksidasidanketengikan Kerusakanlemak yang utamaadalahtimbulnyabaudan rasa tengik yang disebutprosesketengikan. Hal inidisebabkanolehprosesotooksidasiradikalasamlemaktidakjenuhdalamminyak. Otooksidasidimulaidenganpembentukanfaktor-faktor yang dapatmempercepatreaksiseperticahaya, panas, peroksidalemakatauhidroperoksida, logam-logamberat, danenzim-enzimlipoksidase.

  5. Pencegahanketengikan Prosesketengikansangatdipengaruhiolehadanyaprooksidandanantioksidan. Prooksidanakanmempercepatterjadinyaoksidasi, sedangkanantioksidanakanmenghambatnya. Penyimpananlemak yang baikadalahdalamtempattertutup yang gelapdandingin. Wadahlebihbaikterbuatdarialuminiumataustainless steel,lemakharusdihindarkandarilogambesiatautembaga. Adanyaantioksidandalamlemakakanmengurangikecepatanprosesoksidasi.

  6. MinyakZaitun • Majorcomponents: Fattyacids • Saturated (8-14%) • Monounsaturated (oleicacid 55-83%) • Poliunsaturated (4-20%) • Minorcomponents: • Squalene, Sterols, triterpenes • Vitamin E, Beta-carotene • Phenoliccompounds (tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, oleuropeine, lignanes).

  7. MinyakZaitun • Mono-unsaturated Fatty Acids decrease bad cholesterol (LDL)/ triglycerides, lower cardiac risk • MUFA prevents diabetes • Rich anti-oxidants fight cancer, increase life expectancy • Improves metabolic functions, prevents formation of gallstones • Olive oil’s natural fats nearest to mother’s milk: stimulates bone growth and prevent osteoporosis

  8. The major fatty acids in olive oil triacylglycerols are: • Oleic Acid (C18:1), a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. It makes up 55 to 83% of olive oil. • Linoleic Acid (C18:2), a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that makes up about 3.5 to 21% of olive oil. • Palmitic Acid (C16:0), a saturated fatty acid that makes up 7.5 to 20% of olive oil. • Stearic Acid (C18:0), a saturated fatty acid that makes up 0.5 to 5% of olive oil. • Linolenic Acid (C18:3)(specifically alpha-Linolenic Acid), a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid that makes up 0 to 1.5% of olive oil.

  9. Olive oil is a triglyceride: the major energy reserve for plants and animals. • Olive Oil contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.  Omega-3 fatty acids are important in preventing cardiovascular disease and are abundant in oily fish such as salmon. Omega-3 is recommended by the American Heart Association because it helps lower bad cholesterol and keeps arteries clear. • Components of olive oil have been compared to traditional antioxidants used by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries to prevent skin damage by overexposure to the sun.

  10. KomposisiGiziMinyakZaitun (100 g)

  11. KomposisiAsamLemak

  12. Komposisi Minor MinyakZaitun

  13. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to prevent / reduce the progression of arthritis. • Olive Oil has been demonstrated to inhibit or delay the rate of growth bacteria such as Salmonella, Cholera, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, and Influenza. • Italica is also participating in ongoing research into Vitamin E and Vitamin D’s role in preventing or minimizing the development of cancer, coronary heart disease, cataracts, and Alzheimer’s disease.

  14. PengaruhMinyakpada Kadar Kolesterol

  15. MinyakIkanbagiKesehatan • Brain Development • Inflammation • Mental Disorders • Cardiovascular Disease • Alcoholism • Cancer • Kidney Disease • Menopause • Crohn’s Disease • Type II Diabetes • Asthma • Dyslexia • Migraine Headaches • Lupus • Suicide • Respiratory Diseases • Multiple Sclerosis • Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder • Blindness

  16. Manfaat & EfekSamping • Risks/side effects • Fishy aftertaste and belching • Gastrointestinal disturbances • Nausea • Mercury content • Pregnant women and lactating women advised not to consume large amount of fish due to mercury content • Benefits • Similar effects to LDL-cholesterol lowering therapy, lifestyle change, and vigorous exercise. • No documented cases of abnormal bleeding resulting in fish oil supplements. • Well-tolerated. • No significant drug interactions.

  17. MinyakKelapa • Meningkatkankadarkolesteroldarah, tetapitidakberdampak negative terhadapkesehatanjantung, dikarenakan HDL lah yang naik, sementara LDL, VLDL dantrigliseridatakbanyakdipengaruhi. • Some research has shown that coconut oil can increase energy expenditure due the nature and structure of the saturated fats. The fatty acids in coconut oil are composed of medium and short chains, which the body can utilize very quickly for energy. Most long chained fatty acids that come from supposedly “healthy” oils like canola or sunflower seed oil are actually stored as fat much more readily to be used as a later energy source. • Lauric acid is found in large amounts in human breast milk, and aids in the development of the brain and immune system of babies. Women lactate at pregnancy for a reason, and lauric acid is present in large amounts for a reason — to nourish the body and brain. • asamlauratefektifmelawan 14 virus danbakteriseperti influenza, rubella, coronavirus, herpes, Staphylococcus aureus, dan Streptococcus agaltiae • bayimembutuhkanlaurattinggiuntukpertumbuhantubuhdanotak. Memang, asamlauratditemukanpada air susuibutetapijumlahnyahanya 3%.

  18. 1. Mematikanberbagai virus yang menyebabkan mononucleosis, influenza,hepatitis C, cacar air, herpes danpenyakit-penyakitlainnya.2. Mematikanberbagaibakteripenyebab pneumonia, sakittelinga,infeksitenggorokan, gigiberlubang, keracunanmakanan, infeksisalurankencing, meningitis, gonorrhea, lukagangrendanmasihsangatbanyaklainnya3. Mematikanjamurdanragi yang menyebabkancandida, jock itch,kadas, athletes foot, ruamkarenakeringatdanpopokdaninfeksilainnya.4. Melumpuhkandanmematikancacing pita, lice, giardiadanparasitlainnya.5. Menyediakansumbernutrisidanenergicepat.6. Meningkatkanenergidan stamina yang memperbaikifisikdanpenampilanatlit.7. Memperbaikipencernaandanpenyerapan vitamin-vitamin danasamamino yang larutdalamlemak.8. Memperbaikisekresi insulin danpendayagunaanglukosadarah.9. Meredakanstrespadapankreasdansistem-sistemenzimtubuh.10.Membantu meredakangejala-gejaladanmengurangiresikokesehatanyang dihubungkandengan diabetes.

  19. 11.Mengurangi gangguan yang dikaitkandengangejalakesulitanpencernaandan cystic fibrosis.12.Memperbaiki penyerapankalsiumdan magnesium sertamendukungperkembangantulangdangigi yang kuat.13.Membantu melindungidiriterhadapseranganpenyakit osteoporosis.14.Membantu meredakangejalasakitsalurankandungkemih.15.Meredakan gejala yang dihubungkandenganChron’s disease,ulcerative colitis danbisulperut.16.Mengurangi peradangankronis.17.Mendukung penyembuhandanperbaikanjaringantubuh.18.Mendukung danmembantufungsikekebalantubuh.19.Membantu melindungitubuhdarikankerpayudara, kanker colon dankankerlainnya.20.Baik buatjantung; tidakmeningkatkan cholesterol darahataukelengketan platelet.

  20. 21.Membantu mencegahsakitjantung, atherosclerosis dan stroke.22.Membantu mencegahtekanandarahtinggi.23.Membantu mencegahsakitperiodentaldankerusakangigi.24.Berfungsi sebagaiantioksidanpelindung.25.Membantu melindungitubuhdariradikalbebasberbahaya yangmeningkatkanpenuaandinidanpenyakitdegeneratif.26.Memperbaiki pendayagunaanasamlemakessensialdanmelindunginyadarioksidasi.27.Meredakan gejalakelelahankronis.28.Meredakan gejala benign prostatic hyperplasia (pembesaranprostat).29.Mengurangi tekananepileptis.30.Melindungi tubuhdaripenyakitginjaldaninfeksikandungkemih.

  21. 31.Membantu mencegahsakit liver.32.Kandungan kalorilebihrendahdarilemak lain sehinggaefekpenggunaanmaksimaluntukpengobatanjauhlebihbaik.34.Mendukung fungsi thyroid.35.Meningkatkan aktifitasmetaboliksehinggamemberikanefekpenurunanberatbadan yang 36.alamiah danstabil (mencegahkegemukan).37.Mencegah infeksi topical biladioleskan (melaluikulit).38.Mengurangi gejala psoriasis, eksimdan dermatitis.39.Mendukung keseimbangankimiawikulitsecaraalami.

  22. KomposisiGiziKelapa (%)

  23. KomposisiAsamLemakMinyakKelapa

  24. SifatAntimikrobiaMinyakKelapa caprylicacid (C8)–7,8% capricacid (C10)–6,7% lauricacid (C12)–47,5%

  25. PengaruhLaurat, OleatdanpalmitatpadaPria (mmol/L)

  26. KomposisiAsamLemakBeberapaMinyak

  27. KomposisiAsamLemakBeberapaMinyak

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