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The ecological impact brought by Super Steel Chen Zhao, Zeming Luo,Peizhi XU, Siyu LIU

The ecological impact brought by Super Steel Chen Zhao, Zeming Luo,Peizhi XU, Siyu LIU Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Background. Method. Results. Results. Conclusion.

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The ecological impact brought by Super Steel Chen Zhao, Zeming Luo,Peizhi XU, Siyu LIU

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  1. The ecological impact brought by Super Steel Chen Zhao, Zeming Luo,Peizhi XU, Siyu LIU Shanghai Jiao Tong University Background Method Results Results Conclusion The production of steel has imposed heavy pressure on the environment, which causes million tons of poison emissions as well as staggering steel consumption. The New Generation of Steel Materials called Super Steel has been now developed. The high intensity compared to common steel of Super Steel enables people a much longer duration of service, which reduces the steel production in view of people’s steady demand on steel. Also, it’s easier to be recycled, and its total production cost is lower. The prospect of Super Steel is promising, and with the high intensity and longer service time, it is considered to substitute for traditional steel in the near future. We quantitatively analyses the environment load caused by Super Steel with the formula EL=Σ[(M-Rmt)+(Et+Ret)]+ΣDtdt L EL=environment load [1] We calculate performance-environment cost ratio K with the formula K=P/C*EL P=performance C= cost [1] The Super Steel is low in alloy elements content, and chemical composition is simple. Adding less rare metal means great contribution to the environment. the raw material and energy of producing a ton of FeV [2] The cost of Super Steel production is retrenched by the lower rolling temperature and less rare metal. But in view of the purification of elements as S,N,P, the cost is in all a little higher than that of common steel. That is C (super) >C (common) Due to the lower rolling temperature and the less rare metal added, the environment load caused by Super Steel is less than that of common steel. That is EL (Super)<EL (Common) In calculating the performance-environment cost ratio K ,we notice that the performance of Super Steel ,such as intensity, duration of service is as nearly twice as that of common steel. That means although the production cost is a little bit higher, in view of the high performance and lower environment load, the index K of super steel is still higher than that of common steel. That means K(Super)>K(Common) . Grain Refining is core technology in producing the Super Steel, which is researched as the best way to increase materials’ intensity and toughness. There are ways to control grain size. One is to achieve a great deal of undercooling through rapid cooling of austenite, There is a big difference in the rolling temperature. Common steel rather than Super steel requires much higher rolling temperature, which means a lot more electricity is cost, not to say more gas as CO2, NOx ,SO2 are discharged. The life cycle emission of Electric power production (kg/kw·h) [3] The production line of Super Steel resembles that of common steel, and they only have difference in the rolling temperature, cooling temperature, and quantity of trace elements added. That means we can refer to the statistics of environmental load caused by common steel, as well as taking into account of the change on the load and performance when calculating . We only compare the difference in the process line. Transportation Cost, and the environment load are not considered. Using the index EL,K, we’d like to get conclusions on Super Steel is indeed more environmentally friendly References • ZHOU Yao-he SUN Bao-de,LI Tian-xiao,XU zhen—ming. New Developing Branch of MateriaI Science——Ecomaterialogy. Journal Of Shanghai Jiaotong Uiversity.vol.35 No.3 Mar.2001 • Yong Zhou.cited from The study on life cycle assessment of direct alloying smelting,China Tungsten Industry.Vol.22,No.2 Apr.2007

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