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Cranial Nerves Lecture 5

Cranial Nerves Lecture 5. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops. On Old Olympus Towering Tops , A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops. On Old Olympus Towering Tops , A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops. Olfactory (CN I) Optic (CN II) Oculomotor (CN III)

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Cranial Nerves Lecture 5

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  1. Cranial NervesLecture 5

  2. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

  3. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

  4. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops • Olfactory (CN I) • Optic (CN II) • Oculomotor (CN III) • Trochlear (CN IV) • Trigeminal (CN V)

  5. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops • Abducent/Abducens (CN VI) • Facial (CN VII) • Auditory/Acoustic (CN VIII) • Glossophraryngeal (CN IX)

  6. On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops • Vagus (CN X) • Spinal accessory (CN XI) • Hypoglossal (CN XII)

  7. Sensory, Motor, and Mixed • Sensory: afferent fibers that take information back to the brain • 5 senses: Smelling, seeing, tasting, hearing, touch • Proprioception: sense of where the body is in space • Motor: efferent fibers that bring information from the brain • Movement • Mixed: both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent)

  8. The Cranial Nerves Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBuPzn_8UTc&feature=related

  9. Cranial Nerves Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W., & Paradiso, M.A., 2007, Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pg. 232.

  10. Introduction to the Brainstem http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~uzwiak/AnatPhys/APFallLect19.html

  11. Trigeminal (CN V) • Sensory and motor • 3 branches: • Opthalmic (V1) • Maxillary (V2) • Mandibular (V3) Zemlin, pg 371

  12. Trigeminal (CN V)- Sensory • Opthalmic • Upper 3rd of the face • Maxillary • Middle 3rd of the face • Includes: nose, upper teeth/gums), upper pharynx, palate Blumenfeld, H., 2002, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases, Sinauer, Inc, pg. 508.

  13. Trigeminal (CN V)- Sensory • Mandibular • Lower 3rd of the face • Includes: lower teeth/gums, mastication muscles, skin of ear, anterior 2/3 of tongue Blumenfeld, H., 2002, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases, Sinauer, Inc, pg. 508.

  14. Trigeminal (CN V)- Motor • Mandibular • Muscles of mastication (chewing) • Tensor tympani Zemlin, pg 371

  15. Cranial Nerves Site http://virtuallabs.stanford.edu/demo/

  16. Cranial Nerves Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W., & Paradiso, M.A., 2007, Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pg. 232.

  17. Facial (CN VII) • Sensory and motor • Many branches Blumenfeld, H., 2002, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases, Sinauer, Inc, pg. 514.

  18. Facial (CN VII) • Taste: Chorda Tympani • Anterior 2/3 of tongue Blumenfeld, H., 2002, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases, Sinauer, Inc, pg. 514.

  19. Facial (CN VII) • Temporal • Zygomatic • Buccal • Mandibular • Cervical http://www.riversideonline.com/health_reference/Nervous-System/AN00084.cfm?RenderForPrint=1

  20. Buccal Facial (CN VII) Zygomatic Mandibular Temporal Cervical • Facial Expression • Forehead: Temporal • Blink: Zygomatic • Nose: Buccal • Lips: Buccal • Jaw: Mandibular & Cervical http://www.riversideonline.com/health_reference/Nervous-System/AN00084.cfm?RenderForPrint=1

  21. Facial (CN VII) • Stapedial muscle: nerve to stapedius muscle (A) http://medics4u.webs.com/neuroanatomyspecialsense.htm

  22. Cranial Nerves Site http://virtuallabs.stanford.edu/demo/

  23. Cranial Nerves Bear, M.F., Connors, B.W., & Paradiso, M.A., 2007, Neuroscience: Exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pg. 232.

  24. Auditory/Acoustic (CN VIII) Also called: • Auditory Vestibular • Vestibulocochlear http://extra.springer.com/2003/978-1-4020-71645/CD/JPEGS%20Chptr%2012%20Cranial%20NERVES/Chapter%2012%20Cranial%20Nerves

  25. Auditory/Acoustic (CN VIII) • Outer hair cells (sound) • Inner hair cells (sound) • Semicircular canals (balance) http://extra.springer.com/2003/978-1-4020-71645/CD/JPEGS%20Chptr%2012%20Cranial%20NERVES/Chapter%2012%20Cranial%20Nerves

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