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8 Tips on How to Improve Your Website Design

When it comes to designing a website, thereu2019s always room for improvement, over time. As a web development company in India, SEOTonic is here to help you understand how to improve your website design. Explore the blog today!

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8 Tips on How to Improve Your Website Design

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  1. Blog1: seotonic.com 8 Tips on How to Improve Your Website Design When it comes to designing a website, there’s always room for improvement, over time. This means that your brand’s website is transformed as your business grows. You develop new products and services, website design trends evolve, and suddenly, you find your website design needs an upgrade. As a web development company in India, we’re here to help you understand how to improve your website design. 8 tips to upgrade your website design Let’s help your website visitors understand what your brand is all about within five seconds of landing on your page. 1.Devise a plan and recreate a content for your brand persona You need to begin with devising a plan for your website after jotting down the improvements required. For instance, a product that is no longer sold is still displayed on your website. A few pages are not functional anymore, or you want to update your company timeline. You want to show more milestones achieved by the company. There could be a ton of changes that you just haven’t had the time to look at; well, better now than never!

  2. Blog1: seotonic.com Also, it’s time to revisit your customer profiles. We’re not talking about snooping around who your customers are but to understand their likes and dislikes by their buying and browsing journey on your website. Once you’ve done these two things, you will gain more clarity on what your audience is looking for. You’ll also know more about the kind of improvements your website requires. 2.Keyword mapping for your website This is actually the first and foremost thing to do, and we’re sure your web developmentcompany has already done this for you. However, if you are redoing your website after a long time, it’s time to revisit this process. Keyword mapping involves assigning keywords to specific pages on your website. This is based on detailed keyword research which may be a part of your web design & development company. Based on the mapping process, you can specify the usage of short and long tail keywords based on page SEO recommendations. This will help make your web pages relevant to your target audience. 3.Identify and fix web page errors As we mentioned before, your website has been working for a long time. There might be a few issues left unaddressed. When you fix these issues, you are giving your brand the opportunity to have new and improved conversations with the audience. So, do some A/B tests, so what works and what doesn’t. Check for 404 errors on any pages. Make sure every call-to-action works like ‘click here’ or ‘buy now’, ‘read more’, etc. 4.Recheck its mobile-friendliness Your website should function better than the best when viewed on a mobile screen. According to Google, 61% users are not likely to return to a mobile site once they’ve had trouble accessing them. Furthermore, 40% tend to visit the competitor’s site, thereafter. 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and are extremely likely to make purchasing decisions through their mobile phones. One of the reasons is that it’s convenient and fast. So, make sure to ask your web design & development company to ensure that your website is mobile optimized. 5.Create white space with strategic navigation White space is also called negative space. It’s basically where there is no content, image, video, nothing. It is just space maintained in that particular section, and its intention is to create a page break and enhance readability. White space enhances the design process and helps with appropriate positioning of the design elements. It can help your user locate sections that you want them to consider important. While you add white spaces, you can also decide how to create strategic navigation on your website. So, if your website currently has overstuffed navigation, confusing hypertext, and any lack of organization, it’s time for a redo. So, streamline content, plan, create and execute a navigation hierarchy, and make a responsive design. 6.Revisit and add calls-to-action

  3. Blog1: seotonic.com It’s necessary to point your website visitors in the right direction. As they may not understand which steps, they have to take next. They know what they want, but how they can get there is what your website has to show. So, to improve your website design, place the calls-to-action in strategic positions. Keep in mind your buyer’s journey that can help you create and use the right call-to-action. For instance, if your buyer is visiting the page that helps educate them more about a product, share a how-to guide rather than forcing a ‘call now’ button there. 7.Do away with stock images, add custom-made images Your web development company will make designs and create images based on your brand’s guidelines. So, if you had put up stock images earlier on your website, it’s time to remove them. Images play a huge role on your website, which is why it is important to be specific about the elements. For instance, you want to make sure of the font styles, colors, imagery, iconography, and logo usage. Avoid stuffing animations and immersive interactions. Keep them but not so much that it distracts the audience from what they actually want to do. You also need to make sure that there’s no inconsistency in the images placed. Make sure of proper spacing and alignment. Need wed design experts to do this for you? Connect with our web design services; we’ll make sure you get custom-made images and much more. 8.Allow users to scroll through your homepage According to a Nielsen Norman Group, 74% of viewing time was spent in the first two screenfuls, up to 2160px horizontally, on a website page. It’s safe to say that you can create a good below-the-fold experience for your users. So, include three to five sections that help direct new and existing users to the key areas of your homepage. Make sure to include content that provides your business value proposition, intro video, overview of services, product features, about your company, testimonials, and case studies or success stories. If you’re looking for a web development company in India, look no further. SEOTonic is here to make sure you have a new and improved website to attract more customers.

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