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Variability in Plankton and Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) in different ocean basins

SS72: Studies of Zooplankton and other Particles using Optical Instruments. Variability in Plankton and Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) in different ocean basins Romagnan, J.B., Roullier, F., Guidi, L., Forest A., Vandromme, P., Picheral, M., Jackson, G., Checkley, D., Stemmann, L.

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Variability in Plankton and Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) in different ocean basins

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  1. SS72: Studies of Zooplankton and other Particles using Optical Instruments Variability in Plankton and Particle Size Distributions (PSDs) in different ocean basins Romagnan, J.B., Roullier, F., Guidi, L., Forest A., Vandromme, P., Picheral, M., Jackson, G., Checkley, D., Stemmann, L. UPMC Université Paris 06, UMR7093, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Université Laval (Canada) - CNRS (France), Department of Oceanography Texas A&M Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California,

  2. The same questions, new tools PLANKTON Victor Hensen (1835 - 1924) MARINE SNOW Suzuki and Kato, 1953 • What (species, size)? • How many ? • What are they doing ?

  3. Particle-zooplankton interactions in the ocean using new tools (images, optics) Jackson and Checkley, 2011 in Monterey Bay, zooplankton 1-60% of all objects Stemmann and Boss, 2012 in the Med Sea, zooplankton 15% of total objects in the Arctic, zooplankton 1-50% of total objects

  4. Global biogeography of mesopelagicmacrozooplankton using UVP4 200 profils of the UVP4 (6 years of sampling) 50-1000m, no size measurments • Sarcodines : an important component of macrozooplankton community (<40%). • Definition of 9 provinces that fits Longhurst biogeochemical regions Stemmann et al., 2008 Stemmann et al., 2008a and b

  5. Using the next generation of UVP (5) the goal of this work is : • to assess the vertical distribution of particles/zooplankton • to assess the relative importance of crustacean/sarcodine • impact of the nature of the trophic state, or of the geographical position on the observed patterns

  6. Sampling and Hardware (UVP6) (Please see the HydroptiC stand for details) 1060 profiles (0-2000m, 50m3) 4 years of sampling Mediterranean Sea: BOUM, TARA2009 Atlantic: LOHAFEX, TARA 2010, TARA2012 Arctic sea: MALINA Pacific Ocean: OPEREX,GATEKEEPER, TARA 2011 Indian Ocean: TARA 2010 S. Indian Ocean:KEOPS2 Picheral et al., 2010

  7. Vandromme et al., 2012 1 2 3 Computer assisted recognition and morphology Defining groups TRAINING SET Cross-validation Prediction by the model Accuracy (confusion matrix) Vertical profiles of vignettes >500µm PREDICTION in 5-10 groups Manual validation in 15 taxa

  8. How accurate are the abundance and size estimates of zooplankton ? Lab calibration in situ validation MALINA (Forest et al., 2012)

  9. Mean concentration of main zooplankton taxa during all cruises 0-200m Particles >80% Among living Sarcodines 45% Crustacean 30% Gelatinous carn. 10% Gelatinous filt. 5% Other 10%

  10. Zooplankton and particles abundances (0-200 m, ind m-3)

  11. Mean vertical profiles of main zooplankton taxa during all cruises

  12. Results 0-200 m 200-1000 m

  13. Conclusion - Perspectives Imaging sensors are now available for global monitoring Globally 80% of all objects >500µm are non living (marine snow+pellets) Among living 40% are sarcodines, 30% crustaceans, but sarcodines mainly populate tropical waters (that were mainly visited) Differentiate among groups Relate zooplankton and particle size distributions to investigate the trophic and vertical couplings Miniaturization of the UVP5 to equipped profiling floats

  14. Thank you By the way, do you know what they are ???

  15. How to detect, identify and measure particles and organisms size spectra? Non exhaustive review of instruments sizing particles used in marine systems

  16. Mean vertical profiles of main zooplankton taxa during all cruises

  17. Mean concentration of main zooplankton taxa during all cruises 0-200m Sarcodines 45% Crustacean 30% Gelatinous carn. 10% Gelatinous filt. 5% Other 10% 200-1000m Sarcodines xx% Crustacean xx% Gelatinous carn. xx% Gelatinous filt. x% Other xx%

  18. Zooplankton and particles mean abundances (0-200 m, ind m-3)

  19. Vertical profiles of main zooplankton taxa (PACIFIQUE)

  20. Vertical profiles of main zooplankton taxa (Indian and South Atlantic Ocean)

  21. Zooplankton and particles mean abundances (200-1000 m, ind m-3)

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