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Plant Reproduction

Plant Reproduction. I. S. S. O. I. T. M. S. I. S. O. I. E. M. P. O. L. L. I. N. A. T. I. O. N. S. I. S. O. M. I. T. S. I. S. O. I. E. M. N. E. O. L. I. B. T. A. U. Z. O. I. D. L. I. T. R. E. F. S. I. S. O. T. I. M. Microspore ( n )

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Plant Reproduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plant Reproduction

  2. I S S O I T M S I S O I E M P O L L I N A T I O N S I S O M I T S I S O I E M N E O L I B T A U Z O I D L I T R E F S I S O T I M Microspore (n) forms pollen grain Pollen grain (male gametophyte) Anther Top of stamen Ovule Ovary Egg Female gametophyte (n: retained in ovary) Bottom of carpel Megaspore (n: retained in ovary) Megasporangium Mature sporophyte flower (2n) Endosperm (3n) forms nutritive tissue in seed Nutritive tissue (3n) Embryo (2n) Zygote (2n) Developing sporophyte Seed (disperses via wind or animals)

  3. stigma style ovary The carpel ovule megasporocyte micropyle

  4. Creation of the megaspore

  5. megaspore Creation of the megaspore

  6. Creation of the female gametophyte

  7. Polar nuclei Egg nucleus Creation of the female gametophyte

  8. Polar nuclei Egg cell Mature female gametophyte = embryo sac

  9. Review: meiosis Megasporocyte (2N) Megaspore (N) Mitosis and rearrangement Female gametophyte (N) Megaspore (N) Female gametophyte contains the egg cell

  10. anther filament Stamen

  11. Pollen sac microsporocyte Cross section of an anther

  12. microspore microsporocyte Creation of microspores

  13. Review: meiosis microspore microsporocyte Creation of microspores Next step: creation of male gametophyte

  14. exine

  15. Generative cell Tube cell nucleus Pollen grain

  16. pollination

  17. Generative nucleus Tube nucleus Pollen germination

  18. sperm Tube nucleus

  19. sperm Tube nucleus Mature Male gametophyte

  20. Review: meiosis microsporocyte (2N) microspore (N) Mitosis and rearrangement Male gametophyte (N) microspore (N) Male gametophyte contains the sperm

  21. sperm Tube nucleus Polar nuclei Egg cell

  22. sperm Tube nucleus Polar nuclei Egg cell

  23. Primary endosperm nucleus 3N 2N Zygote Polar nuclei Egg cell Double Fertilization

  24. Seed coat endosperm embryo fruit

  25. Bean seed (typical eudicot) Corn seed (typical monocot) Seed coat Endosperm Cotyledons Embryonic stem and root

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