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Prolog for Linguists Symbolic Systems 139P/239P

Prolog for Linguists Symbolic Systems 139P/239P. John Dowding Week 7, November 12, 2001 jdowding@stanford.edu. Office Hours. We have reserved 4 workstations in the Unix Cluster in Meyer library, fables 1-4 No office hours this week or next week Contact me to make other arrangements.

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Prolog for Linguists Symbolic Systems 139P/239P

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  1. Prolog for Linguists Symbolic Systems 139P/239P John Dowding Week 7, November 12, 2001 jdowding@stanford.edu

  2. Office Hours • We have reserved 4 workstations in the Unix Cluster in Meyer library, fables 1-4 • No office hours this week or next week • Contact me to make other arrangements

  3. Course Schedule • Oct. 8 • Oct. 15 • Oct. 22 • Oct. 29 • Nov. 5 (double up) • Nov. 12 • Nov. 26 (double up) – Iterative Deepening and Logic • Dec. 3 No class on Nov. 19

  4. Dynamic predicates and assert • Add or remove clauses from a dynamic predicate at run time. • To specify that a predicate is dynamic, add :- dynamic predicate/Arity. to your program. • assert/1, asserta/1, assertz/1 adds a new clause for the predicate • retract/1 removes one or more clauses • retractall/1 removes all clauses for the predicate • abolish/1 removes all information about a predicate • Can’t modify compiled predicates at run time • Modifying a program while it is running is dangerous

  5. Aggregation: findall/3. • findall/3 is a meta-predicate that collects values from multiple solutions to a Goal: findall(Value, Goal, Values) findall(Child, parent(james, Child), Children) • Prolog has other aggregation predicates setof/3 and bagof/3, but we’ll ignore them for now.

  6. Built-in: current_op/3 • current_op/3 gives the precedence and associativity of all current operators. • current_op(Precedence, Associativity, Operator) • where Precedence in an integer 1-1200 • and Associativity is of • fx or fy for prefix operators • xf or yf for postfix operators • xfx, xfy, yfx, yfy for infix operators

  7. Associativity • These atoms: fx, fy, xf, yf, xfx, xfy, yfx, yfy draw a “picture” of the associativity of the operator: • The location of the f tells if the operator is prefix, infix, or postfix. • x means that the argument must be of lower precedence • y means that the argument must be of equal or lower precedence. • A y on the left means the operator is left associative • A y on the right means the operator is right associative • yfy is not in Sicstus Prolog, or Quintus Prolog

  8. Creating new operators • Built-in op/3 creates new operators • op(+Precedence, +Associativity, +Operator) :- op(700, xfx, equals). :- op(650, fx, $). :- op(650, xf, cents). $Dollars equals Cents cents :- Cents is 100 * Dollars.

  9. Declarations • The syntax :- Goal. indicates to execute Goalwhen consulting the file • We’ve seen a few of these so far: :- dynamic known_prime/1. :- op(700, xfx, equals).

  10. Consult • The operation for reading in a file of Prolog clauses and treating them as a program is traditional known as “consulting” the file. • We will write a simple consult/1 predicate, and build on it over time. • We will write similar

  11. Parsing, grammars, and language theory • The development of Prolog (by Colmeraur at Marseilles) was motivated in part by a desire to study logic and language. • Grammars are formal specifications of languages • Prolog takes these specifications and treats them as logical theories about language, and as computations Grammar  Proof  Computation • Pereira and Warren, Parsing as Deduction, 1984. • Ideas from Prolog/Logic Programming, particularly unification, are found in modern Linguistics.

  12. Difference lists as indicies • Traditional parsing uses indiciesto keep track of phrase boundaries the man likes the dog 0 1 2 3 4 5 • “the man” is an NP spanning 0-2 • “likes the dog” is a VP spanning 2-5 • We’ll use difference lists to indicate spans, • “the dog” is an NP spanning [the,dog]-[] • “the man” is an NP spanning [the,man,likes,the,dog]-[likes,the,dog]

  13. Difference list grammar rule translation s  np, vp. • Translates to: s(S0, SN) :- np(S0, S1), vp(S1, SN). • Instead of one variable, we have two, for the start and end points of the phrase, • And the phrases are linked so that the end of one phrase is the same as the start of the adjacent phrase.

  14. Ruling out ungrammatical phrases • We’ve got a little grammar, but it accepts a lot of ungrammatical sentences • First, let’s deal with number agreement between subject NP and the verb: • Conventional to indicate ungrammatical sentences with a * The man sleeps. *The man sleep.

  15. Features • But, this leads to duplicating a lot of rules • What if we want to eliminate other ungrammatical sentences: • Number agreement between determiner and noun • Transitive and Intransitive verbs A man sleeps. *A men sleep. The men like the cat. *The men like. The men sleep. *The men sleep the cat.

  16. Features • We can add features on rules to express these constraints concisely. s(Number)  np(Number), vp(Number). np(Number)  det(Number), n(Number). vp(Number)  v(Number, intranitive). vp(Number)  v(Number, transitive), np(_). det(singular)  [a]. det(_)  [the]. n(singular)  [man]. n(plural)  [men]. v(singular, transitive)  [likes]. v(singular, intransitive)  [sleeps].

  17. Improved Consult consult_term((NT --> Rule)):- !, grammar_rule_body(Rule, Body, Start, End), make_nonterminal(NT, Start, End, Goal), assertz((Goal :- Body)). make_nonterminal(NT, Start, End, Goal):- NT =.. List, append(List, [Start,End], FullList), Goal =.. FullList.

  18. Improved Consult (cont) grammar_rule_body((Rule1, Rule2),(Body1, Body2), Start, End):- !, grammar_rule_body(Rule1, Body1, Start, Next), grammar_rule_body(Rule2, Body2, Next, End). grammar_rule_body(List, true, Start, End):- is_list(List), !, append(List, End, Start). grammar_rule_body(NT, Goal, Start, End):- make_nonterminal(NT, Start, End, Goal).

  19. Using Features to return results: Parse trees • In addition to just judging grammatical and ungrammatical sentences, we can also use the grammar to build up results to pass back. • One example: building a parse tree. • This doesn’t require any changes to consult

  20. Parse tree as a Prolog term S VP NP N V NP DET man the likes N DET cats the s(np(det(the),n(man)),vp(v(likes),np(det(the),n(cats)))

  21. s(s(NP, VP)) --> np(Number, NP), vp(Number, VP). np(Number, np(DET, N)) --> det(Number, DET), n(Number, N). vp(Number, vp(V)) --> v(Number, intransitive, V). vp(Number, vp(V, NP)) --> v(Number, transitive, V), np(_, NP). det(_, det(the)) --> [the]. det(singular, det(a)) --> [a] n(singular, n(man)) --> [man]. n(plural, n(men)) --> [men]. n(singular, n(woman)) --> [woman]. n(plural, n(women)) --> [women]. n(singular, n(cat)) --> [cat]. n(plural, n(cats)) --> [cats]. n(singular, n(dog)) --> [dog]. n(plural, n(dogs)) --> [dogs]. v(singular, transitive, v(likes)) --> [likes]. v(plural, transitive, v(like)) --> [like]. v(singular, intransitive, v(sleeps)) --> [sleeps]. v(plural, intransitive, v(sleep)) --> [sleep]. Grammar1

  22. parse_sentences :- repeat, write('Type in a sentence to parse:'), nl, read_line(Line), tokenize(Line, Tokens), s(Result, Tokens, []), write('Parse tree: '), nl, write(Result), nl, at_end_of_stream(user_input). read_line([Char|RestLine]):- get_code(Char), Char \== 0'\n, !, read_line(RestLine). read_line([]). Utility to type in and parse sentences

  23. One more extension • Our consult_file/1 is almost all the way to handling full Definite Clause Grammars. (DCGs) • It’s common practice to separate out the grammar from the lexicon. This can make the grammar more concise. • Read Ch. 9 of Clocksin and Mellish for more about DCGs

  24. s(s(NP, VP)) --> np(Number, NP), vp(Number, VP). np(Number, np(DET, N)) --> det(Number, DET), n(Number, N). vp(Number, vp(V)) --> v(Number, intransitive, V). vp(Number, vp(V, NP)) --> v(Number, transitive, V), np(_, NP). det(Number, det(Det)) --> [Det], {det(Det, Number)}. n(Number, n(Noun)) --> [Noun], {n(Noun,Number)}. v(Number, Transitivity, v(Verb)) --> [Verb], {v(Verb, Number, Transitivity)}. Grammar 2

  25. det(the, _). det(a, singular). v(likes, singular, transitive). v(like, plural, transitive). v(sleeps, singular, intransitive). v(sleep, plural, intransitive). n(man, singular). n(men, plural). n(woman, singular). n(women, plural). n(cat, singular). n(cats, plural). n(dog, singular). n(dogs, plural). Lexicon

  26. Consult modified to allow {Goal} • {Goal} allows a regular Prolog Goal to be called, without treating it as a nonterminal grammar_rule_body({Body}, call(Body), Start, Start):- !.

  27. Example: Syntactic Gaps • Questions and relative clauses are often missing a phrase that would normally be required: Who likes cats? The man who likes cats sleeps. The man who cats like sleeps. • Syntactic elements like wh-words (who, what, where, when, how) and relative pronouns (who, that) introduce gaps.

  28. Example: Syntactic Gaps (cont) • The gapped elements are linked to the source The man who likes cats sleeps The man who cats like sleeps *The man who like cats sleeps.

  29. Handling gaps • We will use difference lists to pass information through the parser to handle gaps • Gap introduction rules • Gap discharging rules • Gap threading rules • We’ll just worry about the relative clause case…

  30. Gap Introduction Rules np(GapsIn, GapsOut, Number, np(DET, N, RC)) --> det(Number, DET), n(Number, N), relative_clause(GapsIn, GapsOut, Number, RC). relative_clause(GapsIn, GapsOut, Number, rc(Rel, S)) --> rel_pronoun(Rel), s([np_gap(Number)|GapsIn], GapsOut, S).

  31. Gap Discharging np([np_gap(Number)|RestGaps], RestGaps, Number, Gap) --> [].

  32. Gap Threading • Any category that the gap might pass through will have to allow for gaps: s(GapsIn, GapsOut, s(NP, VP)) --> np(GapsIn, GapsNext, Number, NP), vp(GapsNext, GapsOut, Number, VP).

  33. Example: Quasi-Logical Forms (QLFs) • To really make use of a grammar, we will need more semantically useful representations. • We can augment our DCGs to produce various kinds of semantic/logical representations • Quasi-Logical Forms because it doesn’t deal with quantifier scoping. • This is meant as an example only…

  34. Examples: The man likes the cats qterm(the, X, man(X)), qterm(the,Y,cat(Y)), likes(X, Y) The man that likes the cats sleeps qterm(the,X,man(X), qterm(the,Y,cat(X)), likes(X,Y), sleeps(X) The man that the cats like sleeps qterm(the,X, man(X)), qterm(the,Y, cat(Y)), likes(Y,X), sleeps(X)

  35. QLF bits qterm(Quantifier, Variable, Predicate) 1-place predicates for nouns: cat(X) man(X) 1- and 2- place predicates for verbs likes(X,Y) sleeps(X)

  36. Noun Phrases • Two new argument positions for the QLF and the semantic variable: np(Gaps, Gaps, Number, QLF, Var) --> det(Number, QLF, Pred, Var), n(Number, Pred, Var). det(Number, QLF, Pred, Var) --> [Det], {det(Det, Number, QLF, Pred, Var)}. n(Number, Pred, Var) --> [Noun], {n(Noun,Number, Pred, Var)}.

  37. Noun Phrase Lexical Items det(the, _, qterm(the, X, Pred), Pred, X). det(a, singular, qterm(a, X, Pred), Pred, X). n(man, singular, man(X), X). n(men, plural, man(X), X).

  38. Verb Phrase Rules • The semantic variable from the subject is passed into the verb phrase: vp(Gaps, Gaps, Number, SubjVar, Pred) --> [Verb], {v(Verb, Number, intransitive, SubjVar^Pred)}. vp(GapsIn, GapsOut, Number, SubjVar, (ObjQLF,Pred)) --> [Verb], {v(Verb, Number, transitive, SubjVar^ObjVar^Pred)}, np(GapsIn, GapsOut, _, ObjQLF, ObjVar).

  39. Verb Phrase Lexical Items • Using ^ as an infix operator like lambda v(sleeps, singular, intransitive, X^sleeps(X)). v(sleep, plural, intransitive, X^sleeps(X)). v(likes, singular, transitive, X^Y^likes(X,Y)). v(like, plural, transitive, X^Y^likes(X,Y)).

  40. Possible Class Projects • Should demonstrate competence in Prolog programming • Expect problems with solutions in 5-20 pages of code range. • Talk/email with me about your project

  41. What to cover in remaining weeks • We’ve got 4 more “sessions”, I have these plans: • Another session on DCGs • A session on iterative deepening • Some time on logical foundations/theorem proving • Any thoughts on other things you’ld like to cover? • More review? • Help with class projects?

  42. Assignment: • Definite Clause Grammars • I expect it will take 2-4 hours effort • Due on Nov. 19th (no class that day!)

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