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Solo Ads Experts Interview

Interview with Solo Ads vendor Darren Goloigher.

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Solo Ads Experts Interview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Solo Ads Experts Darren Goligher Prashant Sharma Following are the questions that Prashant asked Darren Doligher about Solo Ads Business during their brief conversation. Powered by SoloAdsX.com

  2. Question 1: What kind of offers converts the best with solo ads? MMO niche-based offers work best with Solo Ads. Typically, low ticket offers are best to warm up your new leads and let them know what you’re about. Chasing a high-ticket sale immediately is unlikely, as you yourself would be very unlikely to purchase a high-ticket item yourself upon joining a new list.

  3. Question 2: What is better when it comes to getting conversions? Mixed Clicks, Pure Solos, Tier 1 only Solo Ads or something else? Subjective in terms of click types, however, solo clicks (from my experience) typically produce better sales than mixed or funnel clicks yet has lower optins. Funnel clicks have higher optin rates but are lower in sales. I think a mixed click purchase is always good to find that balance.

  4. Question 2: What is better when it comes to getting conversions? Mixed Clicks, Pure Solos, Tier 1 only Solo Ads or something else? Higher Tier percentages are always better and will definitely increase chances of sales. There are simply more paying options, credit cards, payment gateways available to Tier 1 countries, not to mention, your prospects likely have more money.

  5. Question 3: How are solo ads different from FB Ads? Which is better according to you? Solo ads are very beneficial as it can be as simple as buy traffic, test, optimize, make money. However, people underestimate the work it takes to make Solo Ads work in the long term. Facebook Ads have a steep learning curve and to get a decent ROI, you really need to know your audience, build custom and lookalike audiences and drill down to get the engagement necessary on your ad, however, Facebook is clearly very scalable.

  6. Question 4: What is the #1 solo ad buying hack that you can tell us? (Since most of the readers are going to be buyers of solo ads). Get to know your vendors. Some just want sales. I typically refuse a lot of initial orders because I can clearly see they will waste their money or they don’t have a fully-fledged plan in order to make solo ads work for them. 95% of my business is repeat business because I do my utmost to please.

  7. Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? (1) Expectations are too high – For some reason, people think they can spend $100 and make $200 by sending directly to a ClickBank offer. This is 100%, not the case. It can happen and does happen, but it will not consistently happen. Buyers need a plan, even if only for a few months to gauge what they are willing to spend, willing to lose and the point they need to cross for hitting breakeven. Hitting a breakeven point while growing your list is crucial and gives you the ability to go uphill from here forward.

  8. Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? (2) Inaccurate tracking – You need to track EVERYTHING. You need to know where your funnel is broken and not performing. A simple tweak can take you from a loss to profit. Never underestimate the power of tracking and the insights it can give you. (3) No Split Testing – split testing is an absolute must. Changing a word, a color, a button type, background wallpaper/picture/ color can literally double your conversions.

  9. Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? (2) Inaccurate tracking – You need to track EVERYTHING. You need to know where your funnel is broken and not performing. A simple tweak can take you from a loss to profit. Never underestimate the power of tracking and the insights it can give you. (3) No Split Testing – split testing is an absolute must. Changing a word, a color, a button type, background wallpaper/picture/ color can literally double your conversions.

  10. Question 5: What is the biggest mistake people make while buying solo ads? (4) Buying 100 Clicks – Expecting any usable data from this to make a conclusion on a campaign is a mistake. I typically try not to sell 100 clicks. Not because I want more money, but because of its pretty pointless ordering 100. Data is everything and 100 clicks will not provide that.

  11. Question 6: What are the opt-in and conversion rates can be expected from a solo ad run? This depends on the click type purchased. I sell funnel, solos and mixed clicks. Funnel clicks can generate anything from 50-70%, solos click from 20-45% and mixed clicks from 40-55%. Not definitive values, but rough estimates.

  12. Question 7: How should the follow-up sequence be? 1 email per day? Value Driven? Pure Push Marketing Emails? or something else? 1 email a day for up to 30 days is fine when it comes warming your new (own) prospects. Don’t hammer them with links and offers to hope for sales. Let them get to know you, trust you, willing to part money with you. Get to know your prospects, ask them to reply to any email, and be sure to reply back. A single person can easily part with up to $5k on a high ticket should you gain a little trust.

  13. Question 8: What are the top products/services that you just can’t run your business without? (1) My team – I cannot manage everything. I try to innovate, learn and adapt to changing times. My time helps me manage my business and keep it running efficiently. (2) Tracking Software – Without tracking, I do not have a business. (3) A Good Autoresponder (4) Landing page Builders (5) Laptop

  14. Question 9: What is your #1 tip for anyone using solo ads to promote their business? A little research can go a long way. Find some good vendors, experiment with multiple vendors, get to know your vendors. Vendors have a lot of experience and can ultimately be the difference between failure and success.

  15. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darren.goligher Website: https://resultsinspired.com/

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