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Joey helps us learn Compound words

COMPOUND WORDS. Joey helps us learn Compound words. By: Mrs. Green, NBCT 2003 East Elementary. Practice. Grade: 1st Grade Compound Words Lesson Plan 1st Grade ELA Standards

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Joey helps us learn Compound words

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  1. COMPOUND WORDS Joey helps us learn Compound words By: Mrs. Green, NBCT 2003 East Elementary Practice

  2. Grade: 1st Grade Compound Words Lesson Plan 1st Grade ELA Standards I. Media and Materials: Computer, LCD projector, whiteboard (screen), Joey Helps Us Learn Compound Word’s PowerPoint presentation by Mrs. Green; Dr. Jean music CD, Is Everybody Happy?, Compound Word cards, recording sheet; pencil, II. Classroom Arrangement: Students sit in large group for the introduction and main part of the lesson then they will work individually to form their own compound words. Students then work in pairs or small groups with follow-up activities. III. Objective: TLW group two words together to form compound words. IV. Learning Style(s): visual and auditory V. Ohio ELA Content: Develop and use decoding strategies: breaking words into smaller words, and looking for word parts (e.g., compound words, word families, blends, and digraphs). Acquisition of Vocabulary; Structural Understanding: Standards: A1.3 Demonstrate an understanding of letter-sound correspondence by saying the sounds from a variety of letter patterns, such as consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns, and by matching sounds to the corresponding letters. A1.5. Use knowledge of common word families (e.g., -ite or -ate) to sound out unfamiliar words. A1.6. Blend two to four phonemes (sounds) into words; A1.9. Read text using fluid and automatic decoding skills, including knowledge of patterns, onsets and rimes. B1.6 Predict the meaning of compound words using knowledge of individual words (e.g., daydream, raindrop). VI. Set: Intro using music CD , "Compound Boogie" by Dr. Jean VII: Instruction: Examples of compound words are presented while the Compound Boogie is played (slides 3-20).. Students view the pictures and words that form compound words and read these words as they are presented on the screen along with the song. Then, students complete the PowerPoint activity using stand-alone computers in pairs (slides 21-94): On slides 96-101 students may click on the pictures to hot linked online web pages to continue compound word matching activities. VIII: Closure: Independently, students use a set of word cards to create compound words and record their words on a recording sheet that is turned in to the teacher as evidence of learning.. IX: Assessment: The teacher checks by observation and monitoring as students utilize the PowerPoint and online learning practice activities. Assessment includes verifying the words students write on their recording sheets are familiar compound words and can be re-read by the student submitting the work.

  3. Compound Boogie A compound word is two words put together to make a new word.

  4. + = • rain coat

  5. + = • dog house

  6. + = • foot ball

  7. + = • cup cake

  8. + = • sun shine

  9. + = • lunch box

  10. + = • play ground

  11. + = • side walk

  12. + = • bath tub

  13. + = • tree house

  14. + = • some thing

  15. + = • sail boat

  16. + = • bed room

  17. + = • snow man

  18. + = • cow girl

  19. + = • door bell

  20. The Compound Boogie is easy to do. You make one word out of two. The Compound Boogie is easy to do. And now you can make compounds too!

  21. Compound Words Click the arrow beside the word that is a compound word.

  22. careful popcorn

  23. WAY TO GO!!

  24. TRY AGAIN!

  25. doghouse slowly

  26. WAY TO GO!!

  27. TRY AGAIN!

  28. balloons birthday

  29. WAY TO GO!!

  30. TRY AGAIN!

  31. toothbrush lovely

  32. WAY TO GO!!

  33. TRY AGAIN!

  34. lightning sunlight

  35. WAY TO GO!!

  36. TRY AGAIN!

  37. present spaceship

  38. WAY TO GO!!

  39. TRY AGAIN!

  40. bluebirds ringing

  41. WAY TO GO!!

  42. TRY AGAIN!

  43. highchair pumpkin

  44. WAY TO GO!!

  45. TRY AGAIN!

  46. butterfly daisy

  47. WAY TO GO!!

  48. TRY AGAIN!

  49. rainbow basket

  50. WAY TO GO!!

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